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published in(发表于) 2016/6/4 6:40:05 Edit(编辑)
British media: slowdown in China’s migrant workers, settled in big cities dream round

British media: slowdown in China’s migrant workers, settled in big cities dream round(英媒:中国农民工流动放缓,定居大城市梦难圆)



British media: slowing flow of migrant settlers large Chinese city of dreams | | migrant workers _ the household registration system news

Reference news, June 4-British media said, after 20 years of fighting in Wenzhou, Ji Shouquan (sound) and his brother Ji Shoufang (sound) is preparing to return. They say they have no hope of buying property in Wenzhou, and earn a decent income is more difficult.

Reuters reported on May 30, the Chinese Government hopes to work in the cities of millions of migrant workers to support urban population growth and consumption. Authorities also hope it will help more sustainable long-term economic growth, in order to reduce its dependency on large industrial and export.

Reported that the migrant is slowing, they are less willing to go out to look for work, a trend that could undermine China's urbanization and economic restructuring efforts.

Ji Shouquan is a KTV audio Division, earning $ 5000. He said, making money really hard over the last six or seven friends working in the KTV, only two are still in, most of them in their hometowns. ”

His brother Ji Shoufang are taxi drivers. Ji Shoufang said they would also settle in their hometowns.

The brothers carefully, saving money in my hometown Fuyang, Anhui Province bought a House. Prices in Fuyang about Wenzhou one-fifth.

Ji Shoufang said migrant workers in Wenzhou like they buy a House impractical, unless you're doing business.

Official figures show 2015 nearly 169 million migrant workers in China, but rising 0.4% from 2014, as the lowest increase since the global financial crisis. Leaving his home province of decrease in the number of migrant workers in search of work 1.5%, the first decline in six years.

Reports said that the Chinese Government hopes that by 2020 the resident population's urbanization rate reached 60%, and 2015 the ratio of 56.1%.

Analysts said China's large homes for sale-area show that, for migrant workers in the cities based on China's urbanization was losing steam.

Reports said many urban housing construction was three or four lines in order to meet the needs of urbanization brings. But the lack of career prospects and social security services means that migrant workers continue to try their luck in big cities in China, either in their hometowns.

"Urbanization must be cities, towns, rather than simply making the city," said Wang, a senior economist of the China Center for international economic exchanges.

But some industry observers say, migrant workers in other city purchase and settlement is unable to enjoy the services of major obstacles, such as children's education and medical services.

According to China's Hukou system, migrant workers do not enjoy access to public services in his home town. This has left many people reluctant to leave.

DTZ's Taiwan Director General Manager Billy Yen said, if China's rate of urbanization growth as planned, houses will not supply; a big bottleneck is the account of issues of urbanization in China.

Analysts said if there is no access to medical care and basic social security accounts, such as in education, new workers to the city spending will be lower.

Reported that although the Government encourages the city to provide more account indicators, but the local government in order to avoid local resource consumption and account growth restrictions.

Economists estimate that the urbanization of China to achieve its goal, but said the city had provided migrant workers with accounts to keep up. China hopes that by 2020 the registered population urbanization rate reached 45%, and in 2013 the rate is 36%.

Source: references

Responsible editor: Qiao Leihua SN098

Article keywords:
Household registration system of peasant-workers

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China News Network
英媒:中国农民工流动放缓 定居大城市梦难圆|户籍制度|农民工_新闻资讯

  参考消息网6月4日报道 英媒称,在温州打拼了20年后,季守全(音)和他的兄弟季守方(音)正准备回乡。他们表示自己无望在温州买房,而且获得体面的收入也越来越难。



















责任编辑:乔雷华 SN098

户籍制度 农民工


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