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published in(发表于) 2016/6/3 9:43:01 Edit(编辑)
Which CEO Fortune 500 CEO admire most? Bezos,

Which CEO Fortune 500 CEO admire most? Bezos,(财富500强CEO最敬佩哪位CEO?贝索斯,)



Which CEO Fortune 500 CEO admire most? Bezos-CEO, Amazon, Bezos-IT information

IT information news on June 3, as leaders of the global corporate giants, usually when we talk about those famous CEO, are ranked according to their achievements or wealth, such as "global Fortune 500 CEO list." Now also has a point, that is, in the eyes of the great CEO, which CEO most worthy of their admiration for it? That is, who is the greatest most admired CEO the CEO? At present, in the "Internet Queen" Mary Meeker (Mary Meeker) recently released a report, addressed this issue.

The report surveys the global "Fortune 500" CEO and ask them "in addition to their own, who is the CEO you admire most? "As a result, close to 1/4 of respondents chose the Amazon CEO Bezos. In the minds of most domestic users, the results may have unexpected, after all, in a recent survey, Amazon's market value has just overtaken by Facebook, ranked fifth in the world, at the same time, relative to the familiar Apple CEO Cook, Microsoft CEO sadiya·Nadela, Alphabet CEO Larry page, and FacebookCEO such as Zuckerberg, Bezos is clearly more "low key". In fact, in this report, the above in addition to Bezos, CEO, received far more votes behind Amazon's Chief Executive.

It's Mary Meeker (Mary Meeker) wasn't the first to do a similar report, earlier, Fortune had done reports, won the largest number of votes is Apple CEO Tim Cook (Tim Cook) and JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon.

财富500强CEO最敬佩哪位CEO?贝索斯 - CEO,亚马逊,贝索斯 - IT资讯

IT资讯讯 6月3日消息,作为全球企业巨头的领袖,通常我们谈论那些大名鼎鼎的CEO们的时候,都是按他们的功绩或财富进行排名,例如“全球财富500强CEO排行榜”。现在还有一个角度,就是在这些伟大的CEO们眼中,哪位CEO最值得他们敬佩呢?也就是,谁是这些伟大的CEO们最敬佩的CEO?目前,在“互联网女皇”玛丽·米克尔(Mary Meeker)近日发布的一则报告中,谈到了这个问题。

这份报告调查了全球“财富500强”CEO们,问他们“除了自己,谁是你最敬佩的CEO?”结果,接近1/4的受调查者都选择了亚马孙CEO贝索斯。在大部分国内网民心中,这个结果恐怕有些意外,毕竟在最近的一次调查中,亚马逊的市值刚被Facebook赶超,位列全球第五,同时,相对于我们耳熟能详的苹果CEO库克、微软CEO萨蒂亚·纳德拉、Alphabet CEO拉里·佩奇、FacebookCEO扎克伯格等,贝索斯显然要更加“低调”一些。而事实上,在这次的报告中,上述除贝索斯之外的CEO们,获得的票数要远远落后于亚马逊的这位掌门人。

其实这玛丽·米克尔(Mary Meeker)并不是第一个做类似报告的,在此前,《财富》杂志也曾做过相关报告,当时获得票数最多的是苹果CEO蒂姆·库克(Tim Cook)和摩根大通CEO杰米·戴蒙。

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