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published in(发表于) 2016/6/3 9:42:49 Edit(编辑)
Uber win three times times finance: drop seat,

Uber win three times times finance: drop seat,(Uber轻松拿下三倍融资:滴滴坐不住了,)



Uber win three times times finance: sit up to the last drop-drop, UBER-IT information

After getting Apple's $ 1 billion investment drops, it rivals Uber win 3 times times the investment. In the Chinese market, still a comparative advantage to the last drop, market speculation, "new money" will be used to discount the Chinese market by Uber. However, for bigger drops, has always been its greatest weakness in global markets. Competition between modes similar to Amazon and Alibaba.

With the platform to break out of the arms race, is hanging on in their head the supervision of swords, car May not come until the new deal, but rumours and draft difference, especially since May more frequent security issues have the potential to tighten the new deal, which all the major platforms to squirm. How to encourage shared premise address the industry problems? New deal will net about car reserved much space? These outstanding issues may find the answer in June.

Drops and Uber raise huge funds, the level of competition has risen to global markets. Drops to meet billions of market value, must be added to the international market of premium, the story speaks to the full. Competition between modes and are very similar to Amazon and Alibaba. If other applications or with the two giants fight platform, living space will become narrower.

Capital inflows continued to travel platform delivery.

On June 2, following drops announced after Apple's $ 1 billion investment, Senior Vice President of China Liu Zhen also confirmed to the 21st century business Herald reporter, Saudi Arabia's sovereign wealth Fund (PIF) to invest $ 3.5 billion in Uber, in history to the largest single investment made by private companies. Uber g round of funding as of now total as much as $ 6 billion, the investment will be used to support the Uber including China's global business growth.

Uber said in an e-mailed statement, PIF investment make it valued at more than 66 billion dollars and included in the most recent round of funding in cash.

In China market, Uber and drops are in hand-to-hand combat competition. On the premise of both parties with a strong capital, a new round of competition will also close down, tries to each other in the mouth to capture more of the market.

However, Liu Qing, President of drop meaningfully said a few days ago, leaders do not need to purchase shares in the market, only the smaller, lower-efficiency enterprises were forced to do so. "China is the unique market, technology will be the key to winning, subsidies no longer is the focus, no artificial 30% of subsidies would Mount for 30 minutes. ”

Discount China market

As a United States domestic companies, Uber has been stationed in over 69 countries and regions, more than 400 cities worldwide. Focus its expansion in recent years overseas, particularly in Asia.

Uber in China and India subsidiary were injected $ 1 billion trying to win market share from local rivals. This time introducing investment from Saudi Arabia, also aimed at increasing the local market share, currently in 9 countries and 15 City operations in the Middle East, including Saudi Arabia.

It is learnt that, because women are not allowed to drive in Saudi Arabia, so taking a taxi service is particularly popular with women in Saudi Arabia. PIF managing director Lu Mayan also said in a statement released, "we see that the company is how to improve the liquidity of the city around the world, and now we look forward to your participation in this process. ”

Uber global members of the Policy Advisory Commission, Bandar said Saudi princess, this is a symbolic investment shows countries in which direction to go, to put money into a visionary business. She added: "for Uber in our regional markets, many people still have considerable doubts about attitude, the PIF invest Uber just shows the situation has changed. ”

This is the step to raise the largest amount of investment over the previous round of the 2.8 billion-dollar investments, refresh the United States the largest financing companies. The future, the funds may invest in emerging markets in Asia because its business in China is still at a loss.

Uber CEO telaweisi·kalannike (Travis Kalanick) openly revealed that Uber in the United States are profitable, while operating losses of more than $ 1 billion in China. "Our performance in the world's top 30 cities generate more than $ 1 billion a year profit, which will contribute to the continued investment in our projects. ”

In order to quickly occupied the market in a short time, Uber had to join to a subsidy war. In March 2015, Uber people announced price by 30%, offers all of the passengers and drivers ' income borne by the Uber. In November 2015, of China's own data show that only 2% early market share they have been visited 21 cities, the overall market share of more than 35%.

Oligopoly pattern shows

Reporters combed the Uber and drops both companies roughly route of financing, financing capabilities of both sides is unmatched in the industry.

Since 2009, Uber 16 rounds of financing raising a total of more than tens of billions of dollars of funding, a total of 53 investors involved in the investment. Including Google, Baidu, giants such as Toyota. Drop in nine rounds of financing were given Apple's $ 1 billion, a $ 200 million company, Ant King clothing 200 million dollars of investment. This round of drops was to raise funds to the $ 3.5 billion, estimates will reach $ 26.5 billion.

Both sides from the previous subsidies extended to the field of technology and services. Covered cities numbers, lead to the last drop, in 400 cities in the country with more than 300 million users, Uber covers 60 cities in China, is expected to reach 100 this year.

In addition, a platform is easy to travel with car financing amount is more than $ 790 million, but far from enough to compete with the two giants. According to official data released on April 20, to the platform for our order volume has more than 600,000 users exceeded 40 million.

Drops of Chairman and CEO Wei Cheng said earlier in an interview with 21st century business Herald reporter, drops the application platform, express business is the biggest orders. Special trains and express trains daily orders has exceeded 10 million.

Thus, whether through localized, and ways of sharing data or through cooperation, Uber and competition has been heating up phase to the last drop, industry began to show effect of oligarchy.

Million euro-net CEO Huang Yuanpu told the 21st century business Herald reporters think, drops and Uber raise huge funds, the level of competition has risen to global markets. "Drop if you want to reach billions of market value, must be added to the international market of premium, the story speaks to the full. Only China is far from enough, competition between modes and are very similar to Amazon and Alibaba. ”

In his view, if other applications or with the two giants fight platform, living space will become narrower. Unless China car-like in order to utilize the existing vehicle fleet resources, B2C development commercial and high end of the market to a certain degree of competitiveness.

Two years after the IPO

In Recode the Assembly declared, the size of the new round of funding to $ 3.5 billion of the more than Uber, but Liu Qing said, future focus is not a subsidy to the last drop.

Liu stressed that the Internet user penetration rate is only 1%, there is huge potential for growth in the future. In 400 cities in the run to the last drop, there are already 200 made a profit. Compared with past years, drops the subsidy has been significantly reduced.

"Drops of almost 100% market share in taxi service, taxi service's market share is more than 80%. "Liu Qing said, when when you're in an absolutely leading position in the market, subsidies for training users is not the most important thing.

However, reporters learned that user subsidy drops did not stop completely, but take the form of difference and service upgrade. For example, when the user's single unanswered, drops will be subsidized, in remote areas, compulsory dispatch drivers by giving subsidies.

Actions are sending a signal to the outside world, the Internet travel subsidies for long past the era of expansion enclosure. Liu Zhen also agree she had told 21st century business Herald reporters, a healthy and normal market conditions, the driver's income should be achieved through efficiency increases and doubling capacity, rather than through high subsidies.

After the wild growth of recent years in, Uber and are forced to return to the nature of the business to the last drop in corporate profits. Recently, drops a financing material showed, the company plans to market in 2018. Liu Zhen said, Uber will seek a listing on the domestic Chinese companies, it will be at least two years.

In response, Huang Yuanpu analysis shows that the two companies will continue to compete in the Chinese market order indicators, and continuous improvement of internal profits, in case of not yet profitable to optimize financial statements. Therefore, the travel industry can no longer simply rely on subsidies to retain users, but efficiency breakthroughs in technology and management.

Uber轻松拿下三倍融资:滴滴坐不住了 - 滴滴,UBER - IT资讯















Uber CEO特拉维斯·卡兰尼克(Travis Kalanick)公开透露,Uber在美国是盈利的,而在中国的运营损失却超过了10亿美元。“我们全球业绩排名前30的城市每年产生10亿美元以上利润,而这些利润都有助于我们对中国项目的持续投资。”



















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