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published in(发表于) 2016/6/3 9:42:22 Edit(编辑)
Queen of Internet is full of criticism, why everyone is still in hot pursuit? ,

Queen of Internet is full of criticism, why everyone is still in hot pursuit? ,(互联网女皇满是非议,为何大家都还在追捧?,)



Queen of Internet is full of criticism, why everyone is still in hot pursuit? Internet-investment-IT information

1986 joined Salomon Brothers training courses, Mary Meeker first tried the taste of life.

Meeker middle school looking to Wall Street, when she took part in a stock-picking contest, watching a stock tumbling.

Later, she became an analyst and was crowned "Queen of the Internet". Her popularity in the financial world, no less than a star.

In 1995, Morgan Stanley purchase of a small company Netscape (Netscape) shares in the IPO, the company now is symbol for the ground zero of the Internet age in Silicon Valley (ruins-McCartney): blow the ceiling, Phoenix, but there is no profitability. But then Mick claims to the outside world: it is a great idea. But it was found that Mick and Netscape founder's unusually close relationship, which will have an enormous benefit for Mick. First, prompting Mick to be winners in this exciting new industry on the other, as an investment in buying a stake in the company, she instantly became the Internet's authority.

Four months later, Meeks released a 300-page report, called "Internet". For this report, was Intel's CEO in Hawaii after reading, feel should hug Netscape.

This is an inspirational story, but this one may be a desire to chase greater than ideal. Not only are her own, is Wall Street.

Today, is able to accurately predict Web trends of the Internet publication of the Queen, Internet businesses have run-the-truth "Internet Queen to our industry." This is no accident, but rather the norm, such as sharing many company bosses in this year, the report said that "Internet Queen says that (I) a (s) areas will rise, will become the new operator! ”。

In fact, by 1999, Mary Meeker said first analyst position is laid on the Internet. At the time, almost every Internet industry entrepreneurs, both grew up watching Meeker's Internet report, and thus into the full potential of the industry.

In addition to Netscape's market transactions, John Obi Mikel also first proposed the "page views" online stock analysis index. John Obi Mikel also suggested that e-mail will become the killer application of the Internet services, she predicted more efficient browsing information how will be the next breakthrough, foreshadowed the stage Yahoo and Google's future success.

Rapid growth in the Internet industry of the late 90 's, Meeker's influence was not limited to industry executives and investors, she has become a United States citizen most well-known Internet analyst. Her to recommend the United States online, Dell, Amazon, eBay and other companies, are quickly generated more than 10 times the return on investment.

But with the advent of the dotcom bubble in 2000, Mary Meeker's career has changed. She once recommended stocks, dramatically shrinking.

In May 2001, Fortune magazine published an article, deep 81,999 years when the Internet bubble "Mick". In this "Mary Meeker did wrong" article, Fortune title said she ended up as one of the most talented traders, but the fact that she was supposed to be an independent analyst. Reports that she is nothing but the Internet industry's cheerleaders, responsible for shouting and speculation. Identity of this misplaced make Morgan Stanley, but also destroy the reputation of analysts and the investment industry.

Accused by public opinion, is Mary Meeker, "good word specifically for technology companies, support certain technology-related stocks" behavior. Reported that in 1991, when Mick into Morgan Stanley, she is famous for its beautifully, but "feeling alone", her imaginary potential, mostly bad trends. Today called the "Queen of the Internet", also there are bedecked with black history:

? Mary Meeker had strongly recommended, and in 2000 the bubble, shares of peak of 67.5 dollars the previous year, falling to 1.8 trillion the following year, the last for $ 380 million to buy.

? In 2000, Mick dominated the United States's biggest Internet service provider United States online, spend $ 164 billion to buy the media company Time Warner's merger and acquisition transactions. But as the Internet bubble burst in late 2002 United States online time Warner announced losses of nearly 100 billion dollars, into foam loss was highest in company.

? Fortune reported that "some analysts had implicitly guaranteed, in the next operation in the market, they are currently under investigation include the research report will be used to" help "the IPO companies. "So, when the travel booking Web site plunged 96%, Mick and recommended the stock remains firmly bullish, which brings many questions to her work ethic.

Fortune with respect, first report, Mary Meeker, is tantamount to a stock selection guide.

Here, we have to ask: why would she do that? Her criticism, she is not one who will be able to make.

On Wall Street, analysts at investment banks rely on its driving direction. However, Wall Street regulations, in order to maintain the objectivity of the recommendation, it cannot conspire with analysts, for example, if analysts recommend shares of his company, what will happen to the market?

Originally, the Investment Bank's revenue comes from the investor's brokerage fees (investment advice) money, but low so they started to think more of the economic costs to make money, such as studies to help some companies, which earn more money on their investment.

The instigator of the new wealth, is Morgan Stanley. Originally, the analyst is not paid directly to underwriting business, but the investment material continues to be a well-known fact: investment banking staff has great influence on analysts ' bonuses. In 2000, Mary Meeker wrote:

"I most value is the best network to help Morgan Stanley win IPO business. ”

It is understood that the fees charged by investment banks are newly listed companies raised 7%. What is this concept? This means: total IPO of the company for each additional $ 100 million, investment banks will be able to receive US $ 7 million in fees. This was seen, analysts have become industry of parasites.

Damage of interests questions from the investment community.

On August 1, 2001, Mick earlier strongly recommend Amazon and eBay to the indictment in Manhattan Federal Court, two companies accused of Mick and Morgan Stanley provided by eBay and Amazon's conclusions biased.

On August 10, 2001, a representative of United States law firms AOL Time Warner shareholders also Mick made the allegations.

In 2001, Mick been dogged by Wall Street investors two joint actions, she is believed to deliberately send the wrong message, misled investors into buying networking stocks, which brought huge losses to investors. Therefore, the Fortune magazine in a picture published on the cover of Mary Meeker, and with a title of "whether we can trust Wall Street again."

Because of this, New York Attorney General began to assault investigation in the name of protecting individual investors. In this investigation, prosecutors obtained the evidence by some analysts, such as Roger Haight's mailbox, prosecutors found him some of their companies are "shit"; geluboman message displays, he admitted that recommended AT&T equities was due to help put his children into a star nurseries in New York.

But here at Morgan Stanley, and prosecutors have not found similar evidence, Mick's message was also very cautious. Reports that Morgan Stanley "accidentally" destroyed most of the email.

To most analysts, investment banks ' imprisonment huge indemnity to end. Queen, Mick became a bubble survivor. Because of this, everyone "believes Mick only one person"-strong team of analysts at Morgan Stanley.

Would like to say is that since the comeback, Mary Meeker is still sought after by the industry, "reports the Queen", is this why?

互联网女皇满是非议,为何大家都还在追捧? - 互联网,投资 - IT资讯














• 玛丽·米克曾大力推荐,而在2000年的泡沫中,Drugstore.com的股价从前一年67.5美元的高峰,跌至次年的1.8美元,最后被以3.8亿美元收购。

• 而在2000年,米克主导了美国最大的网络服务提供商美国在线,斥资1640亿美元收购媒体公司时代华纳的并购交易。但随着网络泡沫破灭,2002年末美国在线时代华纳宣布亏损近1000亿美元,成为泡沫中亏损最高的公司。

• 《财富》报道称,“某些分析师曾经含蓄地保证,在接下来的市场运作中,他们将利用目前正在调研撰写的研究报告来“帮助”这些IPO公司。”所以,当年旅行订票网站Priceline.com即使已经暴跌了96%,米克依然坚定地看涨并推荐该股,这给她的职业道德带来许多质疑。
















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