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published in(发表于) 2016/6/3 9:41:10 Edit(编辑)
Complex behind the brand: Celebrity shareholders made double, depending on whether the valuation? ,

Complex behind the brand: Celebrity shareholders made double, depending on whether the valuation? ,(乐视复牌背后:明星股东赚翻了,乐视究竟估值几何?,)



Complex behind the brand: Celebrity shareholders made double, depending on whether the valuation? -Depending on the resumption, as the network-IT information

After 5 months of suspension, as the network was finally opened on June 3, 2016 resumed.

Resumption of the previous day, said in a statement the company 4.8 billion yuan private placement approved by the China Securities Regulatory Commission.

Worth noting is that this is music, as the network increases the refinancing for the first time since landing August 2010 gem. Letv relies primarily on debt financing, single funding channels to a certain extent cause the music depending on the funding bottleneck, and the private placement was approved means that depending on the future will be "equity + debt" to leverage more funds and resources.

Meanwhile, in the 5-month period of suspension, depending on the action frequently, from music video network to the injection, depending on the film to television, mobile phones, VR, sports, cloud computing and Super cars, into the real estate business, music video depicts an "application platforms + content + Terminal +" four-ring buckled ecological, how in the world the valuation?

Funds "thirst" mitigation

Depending on the shining point of increase, is depending on the optimization and upgrading of the network and financing model.

Earlier, Chairman Jia Yue Ting said more than once that, subject to the short Board is funding. On video and Internet industries as a whole, almost the minimum equity capital of a company.

Especially in volatile stock markets and uncertainty of rumors, Jia Yue Ting, has carried out several large-scale reduction and stock right pledge.

In recent years, known as "Le car financing documents" were exposed, the files show Jia Yue Ting a lot of guarantees and pledge. Among them, as automobile financing coupon 12%, Jia Yue Ting provide unlimited joint and several guarantee.

But on the one hand, music in expanding their enterprise boundaries. From music video network to view pictures, and then to the TV, cloud computing, mobile, VR, sports and Super cars, music video depicts an "application platforms + content + Terminal +" four-ring buckled ecological, diversified funding pressures behind the layout is not small.

General announcements, as the network intended to not more than 5 persons for a specific object, issue more than 155 million shares to raise funds no more than 4.8 billion yuan, will be used for video content library construction project, application technology research and development projects and brand marketing system construction project.

Among them, the refinancing of construction project funds mainly for video content sources, in the amount of 4 billion yuan, which cost 2.3 billion yuan in the first year, second year spent 1.8 billion yuan also application platform technology research and development projects and brand marketing system-building project is 400 million Yuan.

2015 report shows that as net major revenue sources for the terminal business, advertising, members and business and technical services. Once the 4.8 billion fundraising, music videos in the accumulation of copyrighted content, and self-control will be greatly enhanced, to companies in the online video industry continues to maintain its competitive edge and improve vision in intelligent Terminal and cloud application platforms, as well as technical areas such as competitiveness.

Another investment analysts that the 4.8 billion increase approved smoothly, will completely eliminate music depending on the fast-growing financial pressure, ecological globalization an important guarantee of landing.

Letv ecological valuation?

As of December 4, 2015 were suspended as the network could fetch up to 109.1 billion yuan. At that time, as the network as the music's important public company Board, including Super TV music videos, music video, music video Mall cloud, flowers, music video, film and television, and many other core business.

Compared with the earlier, Le film, TV plus a change that is injected. As the network announcement in the evening of May 6 this year, announced as the film is about to inject music video network, and publish the relevant plans, Le film valuations of 9.84 billion yuan. "Executing our feet" moment, it has got a reorganization letter of inquiry from the Shenzhen Stock Exchange.

According to the music network said in a statement the proposed music video pictures shareholders 41.37 per share sold 165 million shares and pay cash 2.979 billion yuan, Le film 100% purchased equity price of 9.8 billion yuan. Also, to be not more than 5 qualifying certain investors to raise matching capital of 5 billion yuan through issuing shares.

Is of concern, as the network of this acquisition, under the "half a movie." In this transaction, Le film a total of 43 shareholders, in addition to "TV plus" core members, also related to Zhang Yimou, Sun Honglei, Sun Li, Huang Xiaoming, Li Xiaolu, Guo 19 celebrities, such as shareholders. In other words, once the plan ultimately approved by the SFC, the stars will earn millions or even billions of Yuan.

Le film, Zhang Yimou as shareholders will receive 141 million Yuan to the total price. Guo's share price has soared to 58.555 million Yuan. In addition, Sun Honglei for this transaction price amounted to 28.1 million Yuan, 28.1 million Yuan Li Sun Studio, William Feng 14.05 million Yuan, Huang Xiaoming of 7.03 million Yuan, Li Xiaolu 7.03 million Yuan.

Other than the music video pictures into, during the five months of suspension, as what?

According to incomplete statistics, including release of 4999 64 inch 4K TV, named Beijing Guoan and strategic cooperation, depending on the ecological floor India, and Aston Martin to set up electric car joint venture, set up in Shenzhen, intelligent Terminal headquarters, and the TCL will establish strategic cooperation, published O2O ecological strategy, acquisition of real estate business.

Up to now, the music has spawned music as the sports, music, music video pictures, letv mobile four-horned beast. Among them, TV plus in March reached 1 billion yuan a round, depending on the sport in April completed the b round financing, introduction of air, power, build trust in institutions, raised a total capital of 8 billion yuan, the company valued at 21.5 billion yuan. Another message says, TV plus super cars or completed the first round of financing, financing worth more than 5 billion yuan.

In February this year said Jia Yue Ting at mass scale meeting, depending on the ecological valuation has more than 300 billion.

乐视复牌背后:明星股东赚翻了,乐视究竟估值几何? - 乐视复牌,乐视网 - IT资讯

























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