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published in(发表于) 2016/6/3 9:22:07 Edit(编辑)
Tianjin pharmaceutical group, has been opened, you used the mineral water bottled moutai

Tianjin pharmaceutical group, has been opened, you used the mineral water bottled moutai(天津医药集团董事长被双开,曾用矿泉水瓶装茅台)



Tianjin pharmaceutical group, has been to open mineral water bottled moutai | | double | recreational public money _ news

Zhang Jianjin, Chairman of Tianjin pharmaceutical group, Ltd (Wang Yaofeng photo)

Recently, the Central Commission for discipline inspection on 6 violations of the Central eight moral issues for public exposure, and 6 is:

Original Zhang Lifu, Deputy Director of the Standing Committee of Hainan province an illegal recreational activities, receiving gifts gifts, and so on. Period from 2013 to 2014, Lifu Zhang has 6 violations receive public banquets, total cost of 57,450: Mid-Autumn Festival in 2013, 2014 "51" before and after the section, 2 in Haikou for Army Day public dinner of Heads of farms, total cost of 18,000 yuan in 2013, "51" Festival, in 2014, after the national day, 2 are accepted in Haikou city Hainan natural rubber industry group added Chai branch heads of public banquets, Total spending 35,000 yuan; second half of 2014, 2 receiving public dinner of Heads of farms in Yangjiang in Haikou city, the total spent 4450 Yuan. From 2013 to 2014, violations received reclamation system cadres and bosses of private enterprises, 9 gifts gifts, equivalent to a total of 276,000. While a violation of discipline, work discipline and other issues. Approved by the Central Commission for discipline inspection Standing Committee to study and report to the CPC Central Committee, Lifu Zhang expelled from disciplinary action, in accordance with legal procedure remove the v session of the national people's Congress of Hainan Province from Office, ending its sixth Party Congress delegates in Hainan Province, according to Deputy Department determining retirement benefits; dered related costs; on account of accepting gift money to be collected.

Tianjin pharmaceutical group limited formerly Party Secretary, Chairman Zhang Jianjin violations receive dinner and so on. 2013 yilai, Zhang Jianjin times in Tianjin "dog not acting" VIP floor, upscale places, Super standard reception units, and accept Tianjin Bank, units arrangements of Super standard corporate hosted; times accept and city medicine group has business relationship of private enterprise boss arrangements of hosted, for avoid check, also requirements will maotai, and wuliangye, high-end wine products loaded into mineral water bottle with into hotel drinking. Among them, in October 2013, October 2014, 2 time in private enterprise owners in Tianjin Crown Pearl hotels, Italy held a restaurant in Milan for the "birthday party" in August 2015, accept private business owner songchuanri in Tianjin cuisine dinner. While there are serious violations of political discipline, discipline, work discipline and bribery issues. Zhang Jianjin has been expelled from the party, dismissed from disciplinary action, alleged crimes and clues have been transferred to judicial organs according to law.

Sports Bureau in Baoding City, Hebei province Party Committee Secretary Guo Jian batches many times for their lavish wedding problems. On May 12, 2015, Guo Jian, Baoding City Commission for discipline inspection on May 16 for their son's wedding, don't accept gifts, feted the scope is restricted to the parties, friends and classmates, control in less than 15 tables. Prior to this, the night of April 19, Guo Jian, Baoding City, in the global village hotel set table 5 table, banquets, Baoding City Business Council the Honourable; the night of May 6, in the xushui area, hotel table 6 table, entertained former xushui County propaganda Department and Hefei Bureau colleagues. On May 16, and wedding banquet table 18. 3 times dinner amounted to 29 tables, receive management and service, staff gifts total of 8100 Yuan. Guo Jian, Baoding City Commission for discipline inspection given a serious warning within the party.

Suichang County, Lishui city, Zhejiang Province, former member of the illegal recreational activities, police chief Wei Liwei and other people problems. The night of December 30, 2015, when in suichang County, Member of the Bureau of Wei Liwei to visit the County's traffic Police Brigade internal dining room dinner while in Qingyuan County, Lishui city, Member of the Bureau of Ji Li, such as 9, suichang Public Security Bureau over more than 10 peican, consumption of food, beverages, cigarettes amounted to 11,000 yuan, more than reception standards. The evening of January 14, 2016, agreed by the Wei Liwei, suichang suichang Public Security Bureau staff members and more than more than 10 people in "source farm" dinner for a redeployment from the cadre off, consuming food, beverages amounts to 1500 Yuan, paid for with public funds. Lishui municipal Committee decided, Wei Liwei a serious warning inside the party and removal, Ji Li warned disciplinary action within the party and removal process, other relevant responsible persons subject to appropriate disciplinary action and organization, ordering the officer the return-related costs.

Party Committee Secretary Wang Shaofeng, Fengxian district, Shanghai fengpu community people taking public funds in exploration activities, such as tourism. October 21, 2014 to 25th, Wang Shaofeng and served Pu Community research member Zhong Hongkui led served Pu community cadres total 11 people to Fujian province condolences active served Pu nationality soldiers, during to Xiamen gulangyu, and Fuzhou Pingtan fairy well and half Ocean shifan, attractions play, and to purchase native name for per person issued cash 1000 Yuan; Zhong Hongkui also Yu May 14, 2014 to 18th, in to Sichuan province, Mianyang City, condolences active served Pu nationality soldiers Shi, to huanglong, and Jiuzhaigou, attractions play. Discipline inspection Wang Shaofeng, Fengxian district, warning inside the party, Zhong Hongkui a serious warning inside the party, ordering the restitution of a disciplinary offence by officers.

Fengtai branch of Beijing Public Security Bureau's economic crime investigation Brigade formerly Political Commissar Hou Weimin private car public problems. June 2014 to January 2015, then economic crime investigation Brigade Commissar of Fengtai branch Hou Weimin branch corporate vehicle refuelling cards issued to battalion retained privately and through means such as misappropriation, paste the official vehicle number plates, for himself and his wife, his son's name 3 cars come on 11, an aggregate amount of 3411. Hou Weimin of Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau of Fengtai branch administrative demerit, dered proceeds of a disciplinary offence.

Central discipline about head pointed out that, above 6 up problem, some will violations hosted arrangements in internal canteen or farm Le hotel, some will high-end drinks loaded into mineral water bottle with into hotel drinking, some will married banquet split is divided into times handle, some take corporate of machine travel, some will bus licence stick in cars Shang refueling, description "four wind" in high pressure zhixia stealth variation, some members cadres still know how Fluke, not convergence, and not know check. Investigation on the above-mentioned issues, and fully reflects our strict from the grip of the party discipline, Chi who is always correcting "four winds" firm determination, vast numbers of party members and cadres should learn a lesson and warning.

Central discipline about head stressed, style construction forever in road, levels discipline monitored organ to insisted and perfect three years to formed of effective practices, continues to punches pressure, in insisted in the deepening, and in deepening in the insisted, do standard not drop, and requirements not pine, and measures not reduction, and atmosphere not light; matter at "four wind" of new trends new performance, in-depth carried out research analysis, on stealth variation of, caught early caught small, and frequently is blame, more back practice JI more strict; on in practice JI review in the found of "four wind" problem clues, deep dug fine check, and And never let go. Dragon Boat Festival approaching, focused on investigating an illegal recreational activities, public money to send zongzi sent section presents prominent issues, such as to ensure that holiday air fresh, resolutely prevent "four winds" resurgence of rebound.

  Zhang Jianjin resumes

Zhang Jianjin, male, born in October 1956, Senior Economist, and postgraduate qualifications.

From September 1974 to August 1981, worked at the lisheng pharmaceutical plant in Tianjin, served as commissary and Party Secretary of the factory Revolutionary Committee, Deputy Director;

From August 1981 to October 1992, Tianjin Municipal drug administration Secretary of Youth League Committee, the Director of operations;

From October 1992 to November 1994, sales manager of the company of the pharmaceutical industry in Tianjin City, Secretary of the General party branch;

From November 1994 to May 1996, Deputy Director of the Tianjin Municipal drug administration and drug group;

From May 1996 to March 1997, Vice President of Tianjin Pharmaceutical Corporation;

From March 1997 to May 2000, Ren, Vice General Manager of Tianjin pharmaceutical group;

From May 2000 to July 2007, Tianjin Municipal Party Secretary, Secretary of the food and drug administration;

From September 2006 to July 2011, Tianjin pharmaceutical group, Chairman, General Manager and Deputy Secretary;

In July 2011, the Tianjin pharmaceutical group, Chairman, General Manager and Party Secretary;

In January 2007, the Tianjin zhongxin pharmaceutical group Corporation Limited directors.

October 2015, replacing Zhang Jianjin, Chairman of Tianjin pharmaceutical group posts.

Responsible editor: Zheng Hanxing

Article keywords:
Public double open recreational

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天津医药集团董事长被双开 曾矿泉水瓶装茅台|公款|双开|公款吃喝_新闻资讯

天津市医药集团有限公司董事长张建津(王耀峰 摄)
























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