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published in(发表于) 2016/6/3 9:21:59 Edit(编辑)
Sun’s average wage in 20 provinces in China, Beijing topped the 3 provinces is higher than the national average

Sun’s average wage in 20 provinces in China, Beijing topped the 3 provinces is higher than the national average(中国20省份晒平均工资,北京居首,3省份高于全国水平)



Sun's average wage in 20 provinces in China, Beijing topped the 3 provinces above the national level | non-private, annual wage | | provinces _ news

Original title: Sun 20 provinces "average wage", Beijing "leads"

Beijing News newsletter (reporter Sha Lu) 2015 released with the Beijing Municipal Bureau of urban private and non-private sector average annual wage employment, and currently there are 20 provinces accepted published the province's "average wage", which, the non-private sector workers annual wage in Beijing 111390 "lead" the country.

National Bureau of statistics earlier released data show that 2015 urban non-private sector workers annual wage for 62029, private sector workers annual wage for 39589 Yuan.

  3 provinces pay only "win" national

"State line" compared to most of the provinces were below the national average. In 20 provinces, urban non-private sector employees average annual wage only Beijing, Guangdong, Zhejiang, 3 provinces, outperforming national; private sector average annual wage in Beijing, Zhejiang, Guangdong and Chongqing 4 more than the national average.

However, from a vertical perspective, Hebei, Hunan, Guangdong and other provinces non-private sector workers annual wage growth in excess of 10%.

In 2015, the urban non-private sector employment in Hebei province officers earn 50921 Yuan, from 2014 5807, 12.9%. Town, Hunan province, non-private sector workers annual wage 52357 Yuan, up 11.1%. Towns of Guangdong Province, non-private sector workers annual wage 65788 Yuan, from 2014 6307, 10.6% per cent nominal growth.

  Private and non-private gap

Beijing News reporter found that provincial private sector workers annual wage and non-private sector workers annual wage gap significantly.

Currently published in 20 provinces, non-private sector of all the provinces in a higher average annual salary than the private units. Among them, in addition to Beijing, Qinghai province, the distance between the two largest non-private sector employees average wage than private sector workers annual wage 28842.

In addition to the absolute difference, growth there was a gap between them. In 2015, the non-private sector employment in Zhejiang Province year average 66668 Yuan, compared with 2014 61572, increasing 5096, 8.3%; private sector workers annual wage for 41272, compared with 2014 38689 Yuan, an increase of 2583, an increase of 6.7%, an increase of 1.6% difference.

  Throughout the financial industry wages generally high

Which industry the highest paid attention, reporters found that both private and non-private unit, in most provinces, the financial sector is ranked in the top three.

In non-private sector, for example, is located in the eastern region of Guangdong Province, finance annual wage of the highest, was 2.1 times times the provincial average. Located in the Western region of Ningxia, annual wage of the highest of the three industries, namely electricity, heat, gas and water production and supply industry 92107, 81019 finance, mining 79347. In addition, located in the middle part of Jiangxi province, the financial sector average annual income topping.

From the perspective of national data, the financial sector and IT is also made up of industry. In 2015, the non-private sector average annual wage of the highest average wages in the financial sector is 1.85 times times the national average.

Responsible editor: Wang Hao

Article keywords:
Annual wage than private sector province-personnel

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The Beijing News


  新京报快讯(记者 沙璐) 随着北京市统计局公布2015年城镇私营及非私营单位就业人员年平均工资情况,目前全国已有20个省份录取发布了本省的“平均工资”情况,其中,北京市的非私营单位就业人员年平均工资111390元“领跑”全国。















年平均工资 非私营单位 省份 人员


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