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published in(发表于) 2016/6/3 9:21:43 Edit(编辑)
Shaanxi Vice Mayor of death House of caves, the only appliances are washing machines

Shaanxi Vice Mayor of death House of caves, the only appliances are washing machines(陕西猝死副市长老宅系窑洞,唯一家电是洗衣机)



Sudden death in Shaanxi Vice Mayor of the old sudden death in caves only appliances are washing machines | | Deputy Mayor _ news

Author | Songhai

Deputy Mayor of the city, the Deputy Bureau level cadres, how much his mansion to Howe? After a lot of people went to see were all shocked to cry.

On May 28, Kang Li Jianmin, Deputy Mayor in the road passed away sudden illness, and social concerns. Lots of people care about his death, in his hometown of zhidan country discovered the mansion. Today, an article entitled ' we met Li Jianmin's "luxury" articles of Max network.

  Mansion of Li Jianmin had more "Ho"?

There are four caves in the yard, he and brother two. Paste porcelain houses six immigrant two years ago when, half the State subsidies, their cut in half.
Still rough cement wall in a room
The only appliances are washing machines
Now the door
Brilliant real estate manager Jiao Xiaofeng, television announcer at the national level, bin Shi Aiqun, who burst into tears after seeing House.
Jiao Xiaofeng said with a cry: "people said Secretary LI not greedy because not bad money. This is what you! Call it rich? ”

National ethical model Lu Xiaoping said: "I was always helping the poor, see Secretary of this House, has worked with Secretary of many years, live in such a House, don't know Secretary, did not know the House also did not get rid of poverty. ”

Liu Zhidan Memorial said, Li Jianmin was opening the NPC session when her mother died, went straight home after the meeting, bin wine winery owner to a car, pull back Li Jianmin, you dare to pull me back from you.

  "Min Secretary well all the way"

Chang an Street (app ID:Capitalnews) found that after the death of the Deputy Mayor, is not only in good health, he had been ruling the zhidan, yanchuan, Wu Qi, bin and other places, went to mourn him numerous spontaneous site was turned into a sea of tears and poignant.

According to the China business news reported, after the news of the death spread, Bin Li Jianmin, local mass cell phone friends quick three words by Li Jianmin crowding the screen, again on the screen is the word sadness, regret, nostalgia, thanks. Thousands of people rushed to the town from all directions-new century square, gather herself following a memorial to Li Jianmin. Crowd on Tower body hangs "Secretary of Wang go well" holding account, express their mourning candles lit on the ground.

Laid a wreath at the scene that at least hundreds, are people to buy their own, come off at the sanitation workers, female students, there are more than 80-year old veteran. Took her two daughters to come to a selling rabbit boss, he can still remember Li Jianmin for his small restaurant after giving him money.

In July 2006, Li Jianmin in wuqi County to serve in the bin until leaving in February 2015, then worked for 10 years. Local people said: "Li Jianmin is good, look at what he does know, new century Plaza and jinghe River is a real example. "The two urban environmental improvement project, is the achievement of Bin Li Jianmin working.

  National counties in Shaanxi the top ten counties

Before 2006, the bin also has a "State counties" hat. Here, Li Jianmin shows clarity of thought and advance the vision and led in only 4 years, bin became the top ten counties in Shaanxi Province.

At that time, binxian County Office building has nearly 30 years of age, building doors and Windows broken, furniture old, peeling, the toilet water. "Poor working conditions, a little face at all! "Many civil servants have complained to the Office building, looking forward to making the decision to take money to Li Jianmin renovated again.

"Should be pronounced the education money spent! "Li Jianmin newcomers set the tone. In his view, for a poor County, development of education and culture is the basis of most work.

Under this development and education rise, bin, in the Shaanxi province took the lead in resolving the "universal" debt, implemented from kindergarten until high school 15-year free education policy.

Related to poverty and rampant Jing he, bin. Bin Jing from across town, year-round on both sides without embankments, flooding every year. After Li Jianmin personally led the investigation, have decided to spend 320 million Yuan to start flood control projects.

Poor counties to spend so much money on the embankment, immediately drew the overwhelming question. Controversy has not stopped, a big storm bin gave people the answer.

On July 23, 2010 torrential rains raided in binxian County, has more than 1 m of water level, see the County will be destroyed. At 10 o'clock in the evening, standing chest-deep flood dispatching Li Jianmin excavators, forklift trucks, rapid dredge of 3 to the jinghe River tributaries. A couple hours later, urban flood all the venting, stays in the new construction of embankments in the test.

Since then, voices against di away.

  My temperament is not good, it hurts you forgive

Not only respected, bin, Zhang Qu Xiang, Li Jianmin's hometown of zhidan country, people say he's good, most evaluations are "good person! "His officer did not forget. Under Li Jianmin started in, the former backwater village pulling on the wire, through the water. Local people said: "we have happened, seven of eight, just give him know, does not fall under the ground truth. ”

Worked in another place in yanchuan, old Li Jianmin colleague evaluation "extremely smart, so many ideas".

"Smart ideas" from a solid grass-roots research. Every place, Li Jianmin are rolled up trouser legs, one by one the Township survey, visits the villages one by one. 705 villages in yanchuan County, Li Jianmin to 703. After investigation, Li Jianmin acutely aware of jujube industry's enormous potential. He then waged agricultural comrades organized farmers to form "company + base + farmers" pattern. Yanchuan County statistics, Li Jianmin's period of service, dates from 78,000 acres of planted area extended to the 210,000 acres, has become an important pillar of the local economy.

For ordinary people, Li Jianmin was always smiling, but for those who do not have a good cadre, he recognized not only the parade. A bin cadres have worked with him say, Li Jianmin working never empty, do not speak the "routine". Check his work always to the fields to see, and after hearing reports. Memorial Service, his old father sobbed in public, "my temperament is not good, you forgive an injury. ”

Source: surging news channels in weinan and xianyang, Shaanxi daily, SINA Shaanxi daily, reportage of the walks in the spring of culture magazine, modern Shaanxi

Responsible editor: Wang Hao

Article keywords:
Deputy Mayor of sudden death

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