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published in(发表于) 2016/6/2 7:59:33 Edit(编辑)
2016 China Internet Conference held June 21: Google Microsoft BAT a lot,

2016 China Internet Conference held June 21: Google Microsoft BAT a lot,(2016中国互联网大会6月21日召开:谷歌微软BAT一个都不少,)



2016 China Internet Conference held June 21: Google Microsoft BAT a lot-China Internet Conference-IT information

Sponsored by the Internet Society of China, 2016 (15th), China Internet Conference will be held June 21-23rd at the Beijing International Convention Center. This session of the General Assembly entitled "prosperity network power network economic construction."

While retaining the traditional mobile Internet, Internet banking, big data, cloud computing, Internet of things, intellectual property, protection of Internet users ' rights, network security, APP application innovation, Internet law education topics such as ecology, Internet Forum, this year added a shared economic, industrial, mobile video, the Internet information consumption, WIFI technology, many hot areas such as cross-border e-commerce Forum.

Korea Kilnam Cho, the father of the Internet, Germany founding father, Werner Zorn and the Singapore National Supercomputing Center Director Tan Tin Wee, and United States Internet Radia Perlman and several other well-known experts Hall of Fame winners and the Internet "qiaonasen·bositaer Award" winner and Wu hequan, Hu qiheng, NI Guangnan, academician of the peak on the road, Wang Wenjing, and Mr Yu, and Wei Cheng, and Li Ya, and Lang Yongchun, and Zhang quanling cafes and hundreds of prominent business executives will gather in the General Assembly.

Compared to the previous session of the General Assembly, this session of the General Assembly for an overall upgrade, many highlights to look forward to.

Highlights: cattle led to the Internet, a lot of

Industry and information technology Ministry, Office of national Internet information and other leaders will attend the General Assembly, the three carriers interactive high-level round table in the General Assembly.

Academician Wu hequan, President of the Internet Society of China, the China Internet Association Honorary Member academician Hu qiheng, Qian Hualin, a researcher at computer network information center Chinese Academy of Sciences, academician NI Guangnan, Deputy Wu, academician of CAs, Director of the China Internet Association, United States well-known Internet expert Radia Perlman, Korea Kilnam Chon, the father of the Internet, Germany Werner Zorn, the father of the Internet, Singapore National Supercomputing Center Director Tan Tin Wee and several other Hall of Fame winners and the Internet "qiaonasen·bositaer Award" winners will expand Master dialog. Tencent, Baidu and Alibaba, qihoo 360, East of Beijing, UFIDA, New Oriental, Google, Microsoft, SAP, Qualcomm, Intel, Cisco, TV plus, Uber, Airbnb, drip drop, millet, steel mesh, easy car network, bus companies such as online hundreds of international and domestic business executives will gather in the General Assembly.

Point two: Smart future, even the air can Internet +

Coincides with the VR first year, Assembly will invited Le depending on virtual reality head Lee loan, and Switzerland World VR Forum joint founder and Creative Director Salar Shahna to talk VR latest development trend; guest Intel strategy cooperation and innovation Director, and robot industry head Zhang zhibin, billion airlines no machine joint founder Xiong Yifang, small Peng car founder and President Xia Heng, with discussion future robot, and no machine, and intelligent car of future development trend.

Internet + civil aviation is a kind of experience? During the Conference, will be officially presented to the Community civil aviation civil aviation investment share ideas; the first open platform airlines will officially debut. Air VS the Internet platform, the General Assembly invited the representative of UAV cutting-edge technologies in the field of the world's top (ZEROTECH) PIONEER in cool indoor UAV flight performances. "Build" simulated engine room, simulated flight planning and cabin environment, experience shopping, social networking and other Internet services.

Highlight three: "business street" small cow show

"New industry, new energy, new experience" is the 2016 keywords of China Internet Conference and exhibition. Participants can feel impact of Internet technology on future intelligent life convenient and the most cutting-edge new Internet experience. Internet Conference exhibition space expanded this year by 20%, and for the first time set up a "Street" for the innovation team offers free booth. In addition, the area also has set up a "cross-border e-commerce theme exhibition" brought international popularity. Section added "today" link for grassroots entrepreneurs, micro-, small and medium enterprises to provide information publishing platform.

Highlight four: sharp collision, new formats can have on the future

Hot clasp Assembly industry, such as: AI, VR, micro-car, video. General Assembly focusing double venture ecosystem, SOFTBANK Asian partner of the King for the Saif Fund and the little lady show founder Victor Hon to brilliant investor dialogue. "Rush hour" link will also throw parties concerned "old and new formats and rules", around a shared economy, cross-border e-commerce, Internet banking and other hot topics, engage in an interactive dialogue with representatives of the parties. In addition, blockbuster authoritative reports will be posted on the General Assembly, which, CNNIC will join iResearch published the report on China's Internet development, Internet Society of China, the Ministry of industry and information technology, the information center will be jointly released in 2016 "Chinese Internet companies top 100" list.

Highlights of five: the new technology of the Internet, the more help the quality of life

Attention of this Assembly the global technology innovation, focused on creating technical forum on the Internet. General Assembly will focus on "cloud manufacturing, data recognition and intelligent control" topic invites leading experts such as member legislative discussion. Meanwhile, invited Korea Kilnam Chon, the father of the Internet to talk about Internet development and challenges, Germany Werner Zorn, the father of the Internet detailed Internet + convenient transportation, Intel scientists depth describes the Department of medical and life science Internet + future pension, Peking University, Tsinghua University, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, University Professor talks about the Internet + pioneering innovation, Internet, Internet + Whitney + SME development finance and other topics. In addition, also from companies such as Cisco high-level industrial Internet.

2016中国互联网大会6月21日召开:谷歌微软BAT一个都不少 - 中国互联网大会 - IT资讯



韩国互联网之父Kilnam Cho、德国互联网之父Werner Zorn、新加坡国家超级计算中心主任Tan Tin Wee、美国互联网知名专家Radia Perlman等多名国际互联网名人堂入选者及“乔纳森·波斯塔尔奖”获得者与邬贺铨、胡启恒、倪光南等院士巅峰论道,王文京、俞敏洪、程维、李亚、郎永淳、张泉灵等大咖与数百位知名企业高层将齐聚大会。




中国互联网协会理事长邬贺铨院士、中国互联网协会荣誉会员胡启恒院士、中国科学院计算机网络信息中心研究员钱华林、倪光南院士、中国互联网协会副理事长吴建平院士、美国互联网知名专家Radia Perlman、韩国互联网之父Kilnam Chon、德国互联网之父Werner Zorn、新加坡国家超级计算中心主任Tan Tin Wee等多名国际互联网名人堂入选者及“乔纳森·波斯塔尔奖”获得者将展开巨匠对话。腾讯百度、阿里巴巴、奇虎360、京东、用友软件、新东方、谷歌微软、SAP、高通、英特尔、思科、乐视、Uber、Airbnb、滴滴出行、小米、找钢网、易车网、巴士在线等公司的数百位国内外企业高层将齐聚大会。


恰逢VR元年,大会将邀请乐视虚拟现实负责人李贷、瑞士World VR Forum联合创始人兼创意总监Salar Shahna来畅谈VR最新发展趋势;特邀英特尔战略合作与创新总监、机器人产业负责人张志斌,亿航无人机联合创始人熊逸放,小鹏汽车创始人兼总裁夏珩等一起探讨未来机器人、无人机、智能汽车的未来发展趋势。







本届大会高度关注全球技术创新,着力打造互联网技术论坛。大会将围绕“云制造、大数据认知、智能控制”等话题邀请顶级专家院士坐而论道。同时,将邀请韩国互联网之父Kilnam Chon来畅谈互联网发展未来与挑战,德国互联网之父Werner Zorn详解互联网+便捷交通,英特尔医疗与生命科学部科学家深度阐述互联网+未来养老,北京大学、清华大学、北京航空航天大学等高校研究院教授纵论互联网+创业创新、互联网+中小企业发展、互联网+普惠金融等话题。另外,还有来自思科等企业高层对话工业互联网。

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