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published in(发表于) 2016/6/1 8:12:13 Edit(编辑)
United States sister playing 20 years all over the world: dating by strange friends,

United States sister playing 20 years all over the world: dating by strange friends,(这美国妹子20岁玩遍世界:靠约会陌生网友,)



United States sister playing 20 years all over the world: dating strange users-users-IT information

On May 31, 2016 (time unknown), in the past year, a young woman traveling around the world, and around £ 20,000 was spent before and after by strange men she met on dating sites pay. 20 year old Chelsea Snow is a makeup artist, from United States, Florida, now living in London, she has participated in more than 30 times their free dating. Registered members in less than a month, she enjoyed a free holiday for the first time, then gradually went to Costa Rica, Paris, and New Zealand, and Norway, 7 countries.

While others spend large sums of money on her, but said Chelsea Snow for the further development of relations with them does not feel the pressure.?She plans to continue to Miss free Travel website travel until you find your Mr. Right so far.

While others spend large sums of money on her, but said Chelsea Snow for the further development of relations with them does not feel the pressure.

▲ Travel photos

She plans to continue to Miss free Travel website travel until you find your Mr. Right so far.

这美国妹子20岁玩遍世界:靠约会陌生网友 - 网友 - IT资讯

2016年5月31日报道(具体拍摄时间不详),过去一年里,一名年轻女子在世界各地旅行,而前后花的大约2万英镑都是由她在交友网站上认识的陌生男子买单的。20岁的Chelsea Snow是一名化妆师,来自美国佛州,现在住在英国伦敦,她已经参加了30多次免费的旅行约会了。在注册会员不到一个月,她就享受了第一次免费度假,后来又陆续去了哥斯达黎加、巴黎、新西兰、挪威等7个国家。

尽管别人在她身上花了大笔的钱,但Chelsea Snow表示对于跟他们关系的进一步发展并不觉得有压力。她打算继续通过Miss Travel网站享受免费旅行,直到找到自己的Mr. Right为止。

尽管别人在她身上花了大笔的钱,但Chelsea Snow表示对于跟他们关系的进一步发展并不觉得有压力。


她打算继续通过Miss Travel网站享受免费旅行,直到找到自己的Mr. Right为止。

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