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published in(发表于) 2016/6/1 8:06:26 Edit(编辑)
Scare involving the diesel, Volkswagen would like to take “stuxnet“ cut,

Scare involving the diesel, Volkswagen would like to take “stuxnet“ cut,(柴油丑闻阴魂不散,大众欲借“超级工厂”抽身,)



Scare involving the diesel, Volkswagen would like to take "stuxnet" cut-Volkswagen, Tesla, stuxnet-IT information

IT information news on June 1, popular since the diesel after the scandal erupted, in the United States market reputation plummeted, the company recently to stage a comeback, ready to create a Tesla-like "stuxnet" to improve the impression.

Germany business daily pointed out that Volkswagen will invest billions of euros to build an electric vehicle production base, this is a popular way to divert the public attention. The other hand, the Tesla Model launched this year 3, the market response has been very encouraging. Various popular may see opportunity, since the electric vehicles of the future market of unlimited potential, flow layout does not lose in electric cars as the best way out, mass can be said to be a Dr.

In addition, if the public really in the United States to build such a factory, there are other benefits as well. Plant capable of spurring economic development, it is clear that this, to a certain extent can help it alleviate United States departments between relationship and improving the United States local people's views on Volkswagen.

柴油丑闻阴魂不散,大众欲借“超级工厂”抽身 - 大众,特斯拉,超级工厂 - IT资讯

IT资讯讯 6月1日消息,大众自从柴油丑闻曝出之后,在美国市场的口碑一落千丈,最近这家公司为了东山再起,准备新建一个与特斯拉类似的“超级工厂”来改善大家的印象。

《德国商报》指出,大众将斥资数十亿欧元来建造一个电动汽车生产基地,这也许是大众转移公众视线的好方法。另一方面,特斯拉今年推出Model 3之后,市场反应十分热烈。大众也许看中了其中隐藏的种种商机,既然未来电动车的市场潜力无限,那么顺势布局电动汽车领域也不失为上策,大众此举可以说是一劳多得。


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