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published in(发表于) 2016/5/31 8:47:49 Edit(编辑)
Wang Sicong: not like short, bad girls, the biggest challenge is to move beyond father,

Wang Sicong: not like short, bad girls, the biggest challenge is to move beyond father,(王思聪:不喜欢身材差的女生,最大挑战是超越父亲,)



Wang Sicong: not like short, bad girls, the biggest challenge is to move beyond the father-Wang Sicong-IT information

IT information news on May 29, Wang Sicong recently revealed in a question-and-answer platform, now who is not married, spouse need to look pleasing to the eye, into higher education is not valued, believe the Prince Cinderella story, but not like ordinary man.

Wang Sicong also revealed other information when asked, "I heard you are not married, what do girls unwanted pregnancies? "When Wang Sicong said" eight or nine years ago, I only get a girl to have unwanted pregnancies, people chose to do at that time, I think it was the right choice, I generally do protection measures more seriously a person, so this happens very little. ”

Son of the richest man to buy what? Wang Sicong replied: "from normal sales stuff, this definition, what is my value should not afford. But from a philosophical standpoint, a lot of things are not sold, such as freedom, love, dignity ... ... By definition, is not a. As a Chinese, I will think twice before buying something, like some overly extravagant things. ”

Wang Sicong admitted girlfriend never wanted to develop into marriage, look pleasing to the eye, like it, being matched, highly educated, are not valued, three outlooks are good. When asked "as the son of Asia's richest man, now what was the biggest challenge of your life? "When Wang Sicong says:" this problem is quite simple, as the son of the richest man, the greatest challenge will not live up to expectations, than his father . So my biggest challenge is that during their lifetime more than my father's height of success. ”

王思聪:不喜欢身材差的女生,最大挑战是超越父亲 - 王思聪 - IT资讯

IT资讯讯 5月29日消息,近日王思聪在某问答平台上透露,自己目前是不婚主义者,择偶标准需看着顺眼,门当户对高学历都不看重,相信王子灰姑娘的故事,但不会喜欢身材一般的人。




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