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published in(发表于) 2016/5/31 8:46:41 Edit(编辑)
Millet of adolescence, there are infinite possibilities,

Millet of adolescence, there are infinite possibilities,(青春期的小米,仍有无限可能,)



Millet of adolescence, there are infinite possibilities-puberty, millet, Lei, phone-IT news

For a while, bad-mouthing millet's voice on media and social networks and more, shipments, rankings, and more were taken, but said millet began to die, downhill, will be the next, and so on. Just two years ago, the media is full of voices on the Internet thought, millet patterns, some bad-mouthing of a traditional industry. Popular media unreliable.

Reverse thinking as a serious person when thinking over the Internet, and I was singing process run contrary to, everyone now millet is not optimistic about the time, I would like to sing a different tune, seeing how the prospect of millet, that media said this decline.

First of all, we have a set of data

2012 millet shipped 7 million in 2013, 18 million units in 2014, 60 million in 2015, 70 million. If we draw a graph this data, the data is below the.

The year 2014 is an abnormally high growth, also is thinking of the Internet's hottest time. 157% 2013 growth, 233% growth in 2014, according to the people's thinking, it is easy to take the growth rate of the past to predict the future. So people's expectations for 2015 rice shipments are very high, Although millet shipment target of 80 million Lei said, but a lot of people are looking at 100 million. But in fact, the tree can't grow to the sky, a business model to achieve the largest market share is limited. High expectation and practical reality knocked together by various constraints, constitutes the present "millet recession on the" basis .

Any negative factors is magnified. People have in the right half of the brain-filling curve graphic, like a parabola. Our early ancestors famously summed up "extremes meet", optimistic to the extreme is not desirable, pessimism is equally objectionable. If we shipped in 2014 as the Internet caused by thinking a bubble, minus 10 million shipments, the whole curve is not looking much better all of a sudden?

In my opinion, millet as a puberty in teenagers. Adolescent of juvenile all are has may, may a years to Shang channeling a 10 cm, also may a years only long 4 cm, we without to because a juvenile last year long has 10 cm this year and long has 10 cm so on expect he next year also long 10 cm, such annual 10 cm of growth always has a end, this is growth of limit, long to Yao so high of after all is minority.

Can see some of the limits of millet is?

I don't think so.

Puberty the young budding time, occasionally cartoony, but sometimes suddenly surprising, when it is normal. Sometimes performed particularly well, but sometimes doing all kinds of stupid things, how else will have a "second" the word? Collision needs through a variety of tests to explore their boundaries with others, also know your own strengths and weaknesses, and find its position to form their own view of three, get ready for real later in the society. Millet is now at this stage, still have a long way in the future.

Relative to the other players at the table such as Huawei, oppo, VIVO, millet is a new entrant, played a few good cards, impress, but now faces the old players a wealth of experience, millet also needs to further prepare to fight a protracted war. Millet now face a disadvantage is that your own game the old master was accustomed, but currently there are no new killing, the momentum appears passive. Millet has the advantage, still has time to Polish his hand combinations, there are many more possible.

Millet is the core product of cell phones

I said in the previous article, the mobile phone industry is the core competitiveness of supply chain and channel. Every industry has one each of the rules, not because there is a new way of thinking to break this rule. For now at least, no new ground-breaking technology, mobile phone operators still have to follow the law .

Supply chain management, especially in the core parts of the management is very important. Millet in recent years has been seeking a breakthrough in this area. By Qualcomm, nVidia, mediatek's chips are major, such as the company's practices. This inevitably controlled by others, all depends on Qualcomm chips look, easier to crash with other companies in the product release cycle, "Rob started" occur frequently. Starting after the production stage is likely to be cutthroat, CP sold when they are out of stock. Mobile phone parts many, there is a core component of short supply mobile production do not come out, that's what rules and restrictions in the manufacturing sector.

Huawei, because of years of sustained investment chip development, Kirin K950 tells a very good "China chip" story on the chip supply may have the autonomy and the right to bargain. Millet can be any breakthrough in the field of chip, of course, is in the core components of the supply chain management have a bigger say. According to media reports, millet own pine cones Electronics has in this part some of the results. This is a photo of millet, compared with Huawei, millet this card will not, something to look for.

In addition, the Lei now personally responsible for supply chain, should also see supply chain management has become a short Board of millet. Supply chain management if you straighten out, millet is no longer plagued by shortages, also completed a short Board.

Channel management, like Huawei, oppo, VIVO early layout offline, is already out of the cards. Online development of lively, offline retail stores are indispensable. Online shopping has the advantage of seeing for yourself, many people are more trusted store ; in addition, offline retail stores as a portal, to bring customers impulse buying. I have on more than one occasion to take foreigners to millet's home shopping, every time they buy a whole lot of millet products, this is can't do online. Millet before few years focused on online and offline channels opening up have diminished. Millet will this year intensify its pioneering offline channels, this is another card.

In fact, from February Lei announced plans to enter the line in a millet 5 release now, millet had 25 stores of millet, 6 cities opened 7 stores of millet shop. There are 3 million in sales, 5 months of sales of tens of millions. Millet's "open shopping experience", that is, directly from the shelves and cash on delivery, no staff in the process, which is drawing on foreign supermarket self-checkout model, online shop under trial for millet and millet retail and shopping experience, could also spark revolutionized the retail areas. Over time, millet completed layout of channels in major cities nationwide, with the online brand of heat into offline sales, the Delta is still considerable.

Outside of the mobile device, millet and MIUI and MIUI connecting various intelligent hardware

Millet has 200 million Internet users, which is unmatched by other mobile phone makers. So far, it is praise of MIUI than other UI, it began by millet's products, is millet's unique advantages. Millet wanted to do, is the year of the Wintel Alliance, software, to promote sales of hardware, hardware connectivity between devices, to enhance the stickiness of the software.

Millet fields of Internet experience to mobile phones, it's hard for traditional mobile phone manufacturers, even if they came up with some innovations, but no in-depth experience of Internet users and applications, it is hard to do.

This has made simple and easy to use search engine like Google, Microsoft want to do one, but I can't always do well, because of all the development experience is based on Microsoft Windows and not on the Web. Similar things are happening in Google,. Facebook account system at the outset, to achieve the interaction between users, and Google as its search birth, many years later also for the Google account real social system could not be implemented. MIUI rapid iteration is somewhat similar, possibly one or two functional easy to be friends to imitate and learn from, but based on the user experience of many of the underlying software architecture needed to support the functionality, if not have the sense at the outset, at a later time through rapid iterative improvement of the product is very difficult.

In many cases, appears to be free chess set up, could play an unexpected role in the future. Such as millet bracelet, previously just a step counter tool, but as a wearable device shipments of the world's second, now also have access to pay possible . Look at the streets scenes of various scan the QR code to pay Alibaba and Tencent have wanted to have their own bracelets to pay for equipment, millet bracelets have become the new electronic purses possible. These are some of the possible combinations of cards in the future.

Millet ecological chain has invested 55 team, of which $ 1 billion valuation of the Unicorn has 4. Future ecological chain may have more reactions, interaction between different products, out of some very interesting new gameplay. As can be seen in the smart home market has a number of products and consumption upgrading in the future under the background of new smart home ecosystem, these and other mobile phone manufacturers did not immediately.

Some say millet will repeat the mistakes where the customer

This is entirely the wrong industry experience to apply. Clothes of such fast moving consumer products are facing a rapidly changing customer and tens of thousands of competitors, inventory management is a major challenge. Mobile phone is different, a cell phone for two years, two years after the change, may this year leading the company was beyond next year. Android mobile phone market, Samsung, millet, Huawei's leading two or three years, it's hard to win, but just a few.

Just as the market of household appliances, Chunlan, CHANGHONG had industry first, but now the market has changed. As long as efforts straight ahead in the industry, not a second chance, do respect the law of things, running, and cultivate their core competitiveness, will definitely have their place.

One might ask, you say, other companies have also set up

It depends on different stages of the history and growth of the company. Some companies are already in middle age, some are older, and millet in puberty, just hit the first challenge. An adolescent teenager said, "so you" is ridiculous. You know, emerge from adolescence to adulthood career, separated by a long period of time in the middle.

Millet because going too fast before, team-building, management ability, and so there are a lot of short boards, from a guerrilla leader to grow a large troop formation leader was a first-level upgrade process, many experiences need time to accumulate. Many people in adolescence to success this time unknown, endure loneliness and lost no one sought after, sometimes even to the eye from the others, but gold will shine, these results can only be as long a later on.

Millet of adolescence, confusion is possible, there may be setbacks, it is way on the road of growth. When people during puberty began to understand, not all people are like myself, sometimes the effort may not necessarily be accepted. None of that matters, important millet need to think about what you want, what to do, what not to do, what to do, millet formed its own unique values, product concept, create your image, the real future of rite.

青春期的小米,仍有无限可能 - 青春期,小米,雷军,小米手机 - IT资讯
































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