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published in(发表于) 2016/5/31 8:26:16 Edit(编辑)
Why China is the new establishment of the national expert Advisory Committee on food safety policy

Why China is the new establishment of the national expert Advisory Committee on food safety policy(中国为何新设立国家粮食安全政策专家咨询委员会)



Why China is the new establishment of the national expert Advisory Committee on food safety policy

Beijing News News (reporters Li TINGTING), reporters from the national food agency was informed that the State grain Administration on May 31, the establishment of a national food security policy Advisory Committee of experts, on the same day, held its first plenary meeting in Beijing this morning.

Reportedly, the experts Advisory Committee by central financial led Group Office original Director, and national development and Reform Committee original Executive Deputy Director Wang chunzheng, Central rural work led group deputy leader, and central financial led Group Office Deputy Director, and Central rural work led Group Office Director Chen served as Committee consultant, national development and Reform Committee original Deputy Director Zhang served as, Chairman of the, Han June, and Zhao Zhongquan served as Deputy, Chairman of the, first members total 25 name.

Beijing news reporters from the national food agency provided a list of experts see that 25 members mainly from research institutions, universities and colleges, and 2 members from the national development and Reform Commission, members of the Guizhou Provincial grain Bureau Director Shen j and Hubei provincial grain Bureau Director Zhang aijun.

Meanwhile, reporters learned from the national food authority, Member of the Expert Advisory Committee by the national food agency appointment, for a term of 4 years, can meet the requirement of continuous pin ().

Why the establishment of an expert Advisory Committee? Director of the State grain Administration said Ren Zhengxiao, in recent years, China's grain yield a good harvest year after year, an ample supply and market stability. But it also faces consumer rigid increase the dual challenges of rigid constraints, food production, food security situation remains complex and serious, new situations and new problems and new challenges are highlighted. The establishment of the national expert Advisory Committee on food safety policy, construction of national food security "wise men" is to ensure national food security, improved food decision-making consultation system.

On experts Committee main work, according to introduced, experts Advisory Committee this year will focus strengthening food "price fill separation" system reform, and food reserves mechanism innovation, and food region interests compensation mechanism, aspects of subject research; on developed food industry "Thirteen-Five" planning, and implementation food security Governor accountability, and perfect food storage policy, and advance food method introduced, major problem, proposed advisory views and recommends; held food security Forum series report,.

The Committee of experts on how does it work? State grain administration officials to Beijing news reporters, members of the Expert Advisory Committee meets once a year in plenary session (annual Conference), convened by the Director, to inform the members of the food security situation and the grain circulation works, summarizing the Expert Advisory Committee annual work, deploying organization of work for the following year, and listen to the relevant views. Meanwhile, according to the work required, no regular meeting or special consultative meetings, advise on major issues of national food security. In addition, the Advisory Committee may also take research, seminar, demonstration, written recommendations, exchanges and other forms of network platform to provide advice and recommendations.

(Editors: Hao Long UN654)
2016-05-31 20:23:29
The Beijing News







  专家委员会如何工作?国家粮食局相关负责人向新京报记者介绍,专家咨询委员会每年召开一次全体委员会议(年会),由主任负责召集,向全体委员通报粮食安全形势和粮食流通工作情况,总结专家咨询委员会年度工作,部署下一年工作安排,并听取有关意见。 同时,根据工作需要,不定期召开工作会议或专项咨询会议,就国家粮食安全重大问题提出咨询意见。此外,专家咨询委员会还可采取课题研究、座谈会、方案论证会、书面建议、网络平台交流等多种形式提供咨询意见和建议。

(责任编辑:郝龙 UN654)
2016-05-31 20:23:29

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