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published in(发表于) 2016/5/31 8:26:12 Edit(编辑)
Was founded city of Lushan mountain in Jiangxi province, Lushan district changed its name to lianxi

Was founded city of Lushan mountain in Jiangxi province, Lushan district changed its name to lianxi(江西庐山市正式挂牌成立,将庐山区更名为濂溪区)



Was founded city of Lushan mountain in Jiangxi province, Lushan district changed its name to lianxi Lushan district | | _ in Lushan City News

Xinhua News Agency, Nanchang, May 30 (reporter Yu Xianhong)-Jiangxi Lushan, 30th was officially marked social concern, the Lushan administrative system officially entered the substantive stage, a large number of reforms began.

According to the reply of the State Council, revoked in xingzi County, Jiangxi province, the establishment of county-level city of Lushan. By the provincial Crown in Lushan city, Jiujiang city escrow. Meanwhile, in order to inherit the "stars" of this Millennium, Gu names, Liao Hua Zhen changed its name to the star town.

New Lushan, Lushan mountain was placed under the jurisdiction of an administrative division, classified all the scenic Lushan mountain in Lushan city involving management, effectively solving the "governance" issues, conducive to integration, "the mountain", "mountain North of Nan shan" tourist resources, formation of Lushan tourism overall effect.

In addition, in scenic Lushan city can focus on the development, construction, management, unified exercise of executive functions of planning, protection, development and management, area management, dealing with debt and resolve contradictions and disputes, so as to enhance brand image and competitiveness in Lushan, rebuild Lushan world famous mountains, human mountain glory.

Meanwhile, in view of the Jiujiang city of Lushan, Lushan district and set up a proper name with the same name, according to relevant provisions, Government of Jiujiang city Lushan District Government, in consultation with and on the basis of local cadres and masses, Lushan district was renamed the lianxi section.

Responsible editor: Mao Minmin SN184

Article keywords:
Lushan district of Lushan city

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江西庐山市正式挂牌成立 将庐山区更名为濂溪区|庐山区|庐山市_新闻资讯






责任编辑:茅敏敏 SN184

庐山区 庐山市


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