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published in(发表于) 2016/5/31 8:26:07 Edit(编辑)
View site archaeologists discovered in wushan gaotang, burying dozens of ancient tombs

View site archaeologists discovered in wushan gaotang, burying dozens of ancient tombs(考古专家发掘巫山高唐观遗址,埋藏数十座古墓葬)



Archaeologists discover sites of wushan gaotang view buried dozens of ancient tombs | wushan | gaotang | sites _ news

Original title: goddess born here?

Gaotang view building sites, staff are cleaning up tombs.

It is surrounded on three sides by water, river terraces, for generations here, people may not know: this terrace beneath them is the birthplace of the goddess, while below the land and buried dozens of tombs from the Shang dynasty to Ming and Qing Dynasties period.

Yesterday, as the city's cultural heritage awareness month of heavy activity, municipal Research Institute of cultural heritage and archaeology experts to explore views of wushan gaotang in ruins.

  Where is the goddess of song Yu's works?

During the warring States period, Chu wrote in the song gaotang Fu: "Chu xiangwang swam in the cloud and song Yu f-... ... Jade said: Smoothie King Tour tasted gaotang, lay idle day, dream of a woman said: my daughter of wushan, gaotang visitors to shame tour gaotang, may recommend bed. King thus Sachiyuki. These remarks, saying: the concubine at wushan's Yang, resistance of the hills, Dan for zhaoyun, evening rain, night and day, under the balcony. "Experts say goddess appeared for the first time are assigned this, but" the balcony "is likely to be in this land. It is called wushan County set out: "half a mile Northwest, mountain high, for terrace site, the old concept of gaotang. "The legend was the nights with their goddess here.

Past and present a lot of historical data will be described by the song dream of, pointing to the view of gaotang. In the eyes of archaeologists, gaotang Chu balcony, views are most likely to find sites where, but where it is, is still unknown.

Although the "balcony" site not found, but archaeologists have found residues of gaotang view site. Experts said that, according to legend, gaotang view built in the era of Emperor Yao, according to Shu Ji (song ? LU), the kuizhou Fu Zhi, wushan County records and other documents, which was first built in the warring States period, is one of the oldest temples in the three gorges, has more than 2000 years of history.

Archaeological excavations site head said, according to unearthed calendar stone and the literature records, Ming Hongwu II years, for live Temple Taoist old frail, cannot presided over temple works, by heart Swiss monk took over, changed for temple, and said gaotang Temple, both for Buddha and King Road, thus into has Buddha road one of temple, yihou in Ming Wanli, and clear Qianlong to Guangxu years are has different degree of built or modified expansion. Heritage Park may be built here in the future.

  Why eight feet tall in the tomb of warring States period twist

Archaeologists also found from here stretches to 68 during the Ming and Qing dynasties tombs in the Shang dynasty, and in these tombs, there is a tomb of warring States period, the skeletal remains of the master. And return the bones to the archaeological experts to questions: because the bones of the body from the hand to the foot is twisted.

Experts said that this can only be left to further explore, or answer in the excavation after the end of the study. After measuring, archaeologists know that bones more than 1.7 m in length, experts say, illustrates that the Tomb owner's real height should be more than 1.8 meters.

1.8 m in height, in the ancient days is extremely rare, in the ancient literature, people tend to use "seven feet tall" to describe the man, and according to the ancient ruler, equivalent to modern 22~23cm conversion, when adult male average height of 154~162cm and describe one stalwart figure in the ancient, habitual use of the so-called "eight feet in height", that is, 176~185cm. Therefore, the owner of this skeleton in ancient times that is "eight feet tall."

Responsible editor: Wang Hao

Article keywords:
Sites of wushan gaotang ancient tombs

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Chongqing morning post
考古专家发掘巫山高唐观遗址 埋藏数十座古墓葬|巫山|高唐|遗址_新闻资讯






  战国时期,楚国宋玉在《高唐赋》中写道:“楚襄王与宋玉游于云楼之台……玉曰:昔者先王尝游高唐,怠而昼寝,梦见一妇人曰:妾巫山之女也,为高唐之客,闻君 游高唐,愿荐枕席。王因而幸之。去而辞曰:妾在巫山之阳,高丘之阻,旦为朝云,暮为行雨,朝朝暮暮,阳台之下。”专家说,巫山神女第一次出现就是这首赋, 而“阳台”极有可能就在这块土地上。据《巫山县志》载:“城西北半里许,山名高都,为阳台故址,旧有古高唐观。”相传楚怀王与巫山神女幽会于此。









巫山 高唐 遗址 古墓葬


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