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published in(发表于) 2016/5/31 8:26:00 Edit(编辑)
United States women were refused boarding in shorts, cheap airlines says it will offend others

United States women were refused boarding in shorts, cheap airlines says it will offend others(美国女子因穿短裤被拒登机,廉航称会冒犯他人)



United States women's shorts were refused boarding low | discrimination _ airlines say will offend others news

Short shorts. Information chart

Reference News May 31 Taiwan media said one United States dancers of maikemafei in the United States take the cheap airlines JetBlue to Seattle Shi, the reasons for denied boarding because his pants were too short, so she bought a pair of pyjamas in the airport smoothly on board. After the woman friend in complained on Facebook about, access to online discussions, airlines after her complaints finally compensation and apology.

According to Taiwan News Network on May 31, citing Daily Mail reported, one United States dancers maikemafei to depart Seattle Shi, wearing a pinstriped shorts and long socks, was blocked by aviation personnel, says she is not dressed properly, until she was at the airport on a pair of pyjamas before a smooth ride. After the incident, maikemafei friend Molly McIsaac on Facebook share this event, criticized the airline would pay for costs, but does not want to give any explanation, said the whole incident was a kind of "discrimination".

JetBlue spokesman said the crew and ground crew discussions, think maikemafei might offend other passengers on Board will do, and clarify that they did not refuse to maikemafei to Board, just politely asked if she could replace the other clothes, and maikemafei has not refused. Spokesman also pointed out that companies support their employees to make such difficult decisions, and they are willing to provide money and $ 162 maikemafei buying pants, as compensation for a flight in the future.

Users dissatisfied with the response to most of JetBlue, "what JetBlue, are you Catholic school? "" Obviously we remain in the Puritan era. "" Now that pay has the right to fly, they should give her a blanket instead of refusing boarding. "But some people think, maikemafei like that was a little inappropriate," as a woman, I think it really quite compelling. "" There are other families, she really should cover up a bit. ”

Responsible editor: Chen yan SN225

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美国女子因穿短裤被拒登机 廉航称会冒犯他人|歧视_新闻资讯


  参考消息网5月31日报道 台媒称,一名美国的舞娘麦克马菲在美国搭乘廉航捷蓝航空前往西雅图时,竟因为裤子太短的理由被拒绝登机,最终她在机场购买了一条睡裤套上才顺利登机。事后,女子的朋友在脸书上抱怨此事,获得网友的热烈讨论,航空公司在她投诉后终于赔偿与道歉。

  据台湾联合新闻网5月31日援引Daily Mail报道,一名美国舞娘麦克马菲在登机前往西雅图时,因为穿着一条横条纹热裤与长袜,就被航空人员阻挡,表示她的穿着不适当,直到她在机场买了一条睡裤套上后才顺利搭乘。事件发生后,麦克马菲的朋友Molly McIsaac在脸书分享此事件,批评航空只愿意赔偿费用,却不愿意给任何解释,表示整起事件就是一种“歧视”。



责任编辑:陈琰 SN225



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