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published in(发表于) 2016/5/31 8:24:50 Edit(编辑)
Hangzhou, the G20 Summit: world looks forward to a new milestone _ Sina news

Hangzhou, the G20 Summit: world looks forward to a new milestone _ Sina news(G20杭州峰会:世界期待新里程碑_新浪新闻)



Hangzhou, the G20 Summit: world looks forward to a new milestone _ news

Original title: Hangzhou G20 Summit: world looks forward to a new milestone

On May 25, the lights on both sides of the Qiantang River in Hangzhou project opens. On May 27, G20 Summit in Hangzhou into the 100-day countdown. Xing Guangli Xinhua photo

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, May 29 (reporters and)-Hangzhou G20 Summit: world looks forward to a new milestone

Xinhua News Agency reporter

The Group of 20 (G20) Summit scheduled to be held in September this year in Hangzhou, China. Since December 1 last year took over as President of the G20 countries to date, China has organized under the framework of the G20 meetings, preparing for the Summit in Hangzhou.

People overseas believe that China has effectively set up the G20 back tone in the economic field, as the success of Summit has laid a good foundation. The international community has confidence in China's ability to build consensus and promote cooperation and look forward to this Summit the G20 set a new milestone in the history.

  An unusual Summit in Hangzhou

The most special is that the G20 Summit being held in China for the first time. China is the world's largest developing country, world's second largest economy. International Monetary Fund data shows that over the past five years China's contribution to global economic growth rates of up to 35%.

"BRIC" concept first, United Kingdom economist Jim o ' Neill believes that both in terms of responding to the challenges, and an increase in welfare and wealth, China has made remarkable achievements. China can play an important role in the wider area of economic cooperation, China has the ability to help other countries and regions, particularly in emerging markets, and to contribute more to the stability and prosperity of the world economy.

Entrepreneurs in the US Chamber of Commerce Sun Wentie in March of this year led the United States delegation of entrepreneurs to China during his stay in Hangzhou. He said: "September's G20 Summit in the Hangzhou makes sense. We have experience in dealing with Zhejiang and Hangzhou enterprises proves that pragmatism is an advantage for Zhejiang Province, current global economic development needs a pragmatic approach and style. ”

Expression of new and complex and the world economy faces the risk of also is different from the previous Summit of the Summit's special place. The G20 members need a strong sense of urgency and sense of responsibility, take out a concrete programme of action to push the world economy back on track.

Australia well-known think tank in cooroy G20 Research Center, Institute of international studies said in a report, the world economy faces a number of risks, including some emerging economies into growth, more dependent on export of G20 countries debt burden financial risks, monetary policy, EU refugee crisis.

Report noted that judging from the present world economic situation, a crisis possibilities increase over the previous year. While not a 2008 financial crisis, but policymakers must remain alert to the changing economic situation, avoid bad decisions lead to regional or global crises.

Argentina "in Asia and Argentina" Research Center Director gusitawo·jiladuo believes that uncertainties in world economic growth, trade environment and economic situation deteriorated beginning in international relations and adversely affect global security. Countries ' macroeconomic policy coordination more difficult, so it is necessary to strengthen consensus through discussions.

  The four main topics of attention

China is "building innovative, dynamic, interactive and inclusive world economy" as the Summit, and set the "innovation growth pattern", "more efficient global economic and financial governance," "stronger international trade and investment," "inclusion and linkage development," four main topics section.

The four key issues are members of the G20 is widely recognized. In terms of specific expectations and demands, similarities, there are differences.

Gustavo said that Latin American countries have different expectations for the Summit, but as soon as I get back on track is the common aspiration of the world economy. In the context of weak economic recovery in developed countries and to revitalize the economy in Latin American countries, relied in large part on China, India and other large developing countries pull.

Russia Vladivostok State University of Economics and services international business school of Economics Latkin said expectations the Summit consensus on financial assistance. He said that because of the large budget deficit, Russia is expected to use the G20 Summit access to cheap loans.

Experts say that in some developing countries, hope the Summit of non-Western countries around the developing countries are most concerned about is set on the agenda and formulate programmes to promote world economic recovery and urge developed countries to honour their aid commitments to developing countries.

Indonesia economic development and fiscal BIMA·youdisidila·adineijiala, a researcher at the Institute hopes the Summit will promote coordinated G20 members to monetary policy. In his view, the G20 members in determining the benchmark interest rate coordination needs to be strengthened, in response to the global economic slowdown problem.

  States look forward to China's role

Now, the global economy comes as the troubled times. The world looks forward to promote consensus building and the development of programmes of action of the Summit and look forward to China in improving global economic governance, play a greater role in promoting global economic growth.

Russia strategic studies expert karataev considered China as the Presidency of the G20 this year, restart the G20 working group on international financial architecture and continue to promote reform of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank, conforms to the objective requirements in the field of financial governance.

Gustavo notes that China in improving global governance, new impetus to world economic aspects of or participate in many constructive initiatives, such as the BRIC countries investment in new infrastructure development Bank and Asia Bank, the "along the way" initiative. These innovations will break the monopoly of global financial governance in developed countries, for developing countries to expand space for economic development. The increasingly complex international political and economic situation requires an improved system of global governance that China should play a very important role.

Korea hoseo University Professor Quan Jialin said that under the situation of world economic downturn, countries need to work closely together. China International coordination ability and experience, can provide the impetus for promoting cooperation.

Responsible editor: Zhao akei

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  5月25日,杭州钱塘江两岸夜景灯光工程全线开启。 5月27日,G20杭州峰会进入100天倒计时。 新华社记者 邢广利 摄

  新华社北京5月29日电 (国际观察)G20杭州峰会:世界期待新里程碑






  “金砖四国”概念首创者、英国经济学家吉姆·奥尼尔认为,无论是在应对各项挑战方面,还是在增加国民福利和财富方面,中国都取得了显著成绩。中 国可以在更广泛的经济合作领域扮演重要角色,中国有能力帮助其他国家和地区,特别是新兴市场,为世界经济的繁荣和稳定作出更多贡献。
















  古斯塔沃指出,中国在完善全球治理、为世界经济注入新动力方面提出或参与了很多建设性倡议,比如建立金砖国家新开发银行和亚洲基础设施投资银 行,提出“一带一路”倡议等。这些创新举措将打破发达国家对全球金融治理的垄断,为发展中国家拓展经济发展空间。日趋复杂的国际政治和经济局势需要更加完 善的全球治理体系,中国应当在其中扮演非常重要的角色。




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