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published in(发表于) 2016/5/31 8:24:20 Edit(编辑)
Chinese students in the Harvard speech, parents: I hope that close to home, don’t look for foreign girlfriend

Chinese students in the Harvard speech, parents: I hope that close to home, don’t look for foreign girlfriend(在哈佛演讲的中国学子,父母:希望离家近,别找外国女朋友)



Chinese students in the Harvard speech, parents don't want close to home to find foreign girlfriend | _ Harvard speech news

He Jiang parents

Reporters rushed to the Zon ningxiang County Changsha dialogue "Spider-man" He Jiang's parents

He Jiang mother thought with which children grow up is important

Study of He Jiang Road

High school: ningxiang

University: University of science and technology of China

Continuous academic program that involves postgraduate and doctoral study: Harvard University

Postdoctoral fellow: Massachusetts Institute of

He Jiang, has been his commencement speech at Harvard University of the spider bite anecdote spread throughout the network, laughing, people call him "Spiderman." Mother Zeng Xianhua also became famous, the father He Bicheng Brigade in the village also drew, a fellow from He Jiang's speech on TV, have praised their shometown. Yesterday morning, the reporters came to He Jiang, and his parents made a conversation.

Video many people applaud everyone think I'm happy

On May 13, had offered China started using micro-letter He Jiang was her first best friend. On both days He Jiang's reports were the streets, He Jiang forward through the letters one by one to his mother, incidentally, praised the performance of some parents interviewed, "answers you and dad were pretty good." Calls in the app is not a long time, usually about 10 minutes, sometimes very busy He Jiang said to his mother: "too busy today, do not call. ”

The Guangzhou daily Reporter: When did you know He Jiang speech?

Zeng Xianhua: more than a month ago, he told me that getting ready for graduation speech, not quite sure, hold a try. I told him with a common heart treatment, told him the speech should practice every day, practicing oral and stay smooth.

The Guangzhou daily Reporter: topics to discuss with you before?

Zeng Xianhua: no, but he told me that a book with a similar home, wrote about his hometown customs, (I) to teach him (learning), books on feelings. He told me, MOM, book publishing, you're famous.

The Guangzhou daily Reporter: before the speech He Jiang told you anything?

Zeng Xianhua: speech on that day, He Jiang up at 6 o'clock, he told me to give thirty thousand or forty thousand people do talk, a little nervous. I told him don't be nervous, holding a normal state of mind.

The Guangzhou daily Reporter: as a father, how do you encourage He Jiang?

He Bicheng: he does not need to be encouraged, I believe he has the ability.

The Guangzhou daily Reporter: when watching the video?

Zeng Xianhua: (He Jiang) to send the video to my app, we saw yesterday morning, he said in English, I don't understand, but it has subtitles, I saw on the video he has thugs pose, I read his stories about spider bites (laughs). I see there are a lot of people were clapping, think they think speech is very good, I'm glad, too.

The Guangzhou daily Reporter: after you give He Jiang called?

Zeng Xianhua: he said many reporters want to interview him, busy, tomorrow (29th), 11 had time to call.

The Guangzhou daily Reporter: to what to say to him when?

Zeng Xianhua: let him learn skills later came back to serve the motherland. His father is in poor health, had diabetes, I hope he is nearer to us.

The Guangzhou daily Reporter: He Jiang has now learned something, what expectations do you have for him?

Zeng Xianhua: now He Jiang MIT postdoctoral fellow, 4 years, and 4 years later, he is 32 years old. Age is not small, you want to have a family.

He Bicheng: I think it's about, talk to her (Zeng Xianhua) an opinion.

The Guangzhou daily Reporter: If He Jiang had a foreign girlfriend, do you accept?

Zeng Xianhua: not to accept, she said in English, I speak Mandarin, without a common language, a family to have a common language.

Two people there is always one person at home cooking for kids

In 1988, He Jiang was born in ningxiang County, Changsha city, Hunan province, Nan Tian ping Xiang Ting Chung Village, and like most of the rural areas, many children of the village to the junior high school to work on, He Jiang is a special case. His mother all the way around the way care of schooling, the only junior high school diploma of the rural woman believes "knowledge changes fate". The other hand, the thanks of course He Jiang's own efforts, He Bicheng with respect, "his result is not good, will make him get a job. ”

The Guangzhou daily Reporter: why insist He Jiang go to school?

Zeng Xianhua: we poor family, also gave birth to two children. I believe that knowledge can change your life and let him read ahead.

The Guangzhou daily Reporter: in the village of stop the clock like He Jiang, do many people read so many books?

Zeng Xianhua: many children reach middle school, parents have let him go.

He Bicheng: he (He Jiang) if the result is not good, I will let him go. However, his performance has been very good, very carefully.

The Guangzhou daily Reporter: How do you education He Jiang?

Zeng Xianhua: when he was in elementary school, after school, put him in the upstairs study, wouldn't let him play with other children, playing marbles. I'll learn from him, when he was learning, I read his diary, his studies.

He Bicheng: I haven't taught him, mainly her (Zeng Xianhua). I usually just say a few words, and made him redouble their efforts.

The Guangzhou daily Reporter: you keep telling stories to He Jiang?

He Bicheng: starting from the age of 4, I told him a story. I also have nothing to do, and made up some story in the country, also read some story books, speak to him. Some of the stories are about to learn, I hope his story as an example.

Guangzhou daily: the 90 's of the last century, many young people out of work in the village, why did you choose to stay home with the kids?

Zeng Xianhua: (He Jiang) Grandma and Grandpa is old and can't take care of their brothers.

He Bicheng: out of nothing to do, I can also play as temporary workers in the countryside, helping people build a House, you can also fish. Two of us were always at home cooking for children, she (Zeng Xianhua) does not work.

Reporter's notes

Growing up with parents

Never hit a child

Drive from Changsha to He Jiang, known only seventy or eighty kilometres, but had been away for almost 3 hours, especially in the last few miles of muddy, difficult after the rain. He Jiang is reversed out of the village, the tough all the way.

He Jiang's House is a small 2-storey brick house, was built in 1995. If not Zeng Xianhua village to greet, and hard to find. Zeng Xianhua He Bicheng and very enthusiastic, "came all the way from Canton, is not easy. "Then pour a large glass of water, took two small bamboo chair of reporters sat down.

In an interview with Zeng Xianhua showing He Jiang bought Huawei pad, He Bicheng chipped one or two sentences. Son's grades, He Bicheng Zeng Xianhua said: "her credit." He did not play children are rarely encouraged and sometimes combat combat, but he said, "kids can see what I mean."

He Jiang grew up, because there is no parent company became left-behind children. Zeng Xianhua said it's important for children. At this point, she began to count which adults went to work in the cities, parents are around, like He Jiang did not. Although He Bicheng feel at home with outside is a coincidence – there is nothing to do. Zeng Xianhua accompanied with homework, reading his diary, concerned about the trend of child development.

He Jiang: I'm going to Harvard where the father: you're lying

He Jiang started primary school at age 4, the result is not worse than the others, so he became the youngest student in the class. He Jiang's achievements have been ranked, later admitted to the best high school--in ningxiang, ningxiang County. He aspired to be a scientist, was admitted to the Chinese University of science and technology.

The Guangzhou daily Reporter: when they leave primary school, junior He Jiang wanted to go to private schools, tuition fees of 10,000 yuan a year, don't you agree?

Zeng Xianhua: Yes, the teachers understand the situation and say we can't afford. We are told He Jiang, hard to read, in the village, too.

The Guangzhou daily Reporter: did when He Jiang go to Changsha?

Zeng Xianhua: when in high school, he had a classmate lived in Changsha, classmate's MOM know He Jiang did well in Changsha, invited him to play, want to make their children's example He Jiang. He Jiang back in the country envied city. Students wanted to come to our House to play, he did not agree with, don't want to let students see that family is so poor.

The Guangzhou daily Reporter: He Jiang there is poetry and some works at home and abroad, when he began to enjoy reading these books?

Zeng Xianhua: during high school, which are saved on the cost of living is he bought when he had seen four classic, there are many classic stories, he loved it. He is very jealous of his books, clean up your room before I sold a bag of his book, he says to me. While in College, who build their own computers, and he brought home the Cup these small items.

The Guangzhou daily Reporter: high school when you communicate and how He Jiang?

Zeng Xianhua: high school he lived, came back over the weekend for two days, I'll go with him, read his diary, his learning, habits, what kind of friends. Tuition and parents meeting, I will ask the teacher to understand his situation.

The Guangzhou daily Reporter: after college entrance examination, He Jiang University applicants consider?

Zeng Xianhua: he said train national cadres in Peking University, cradle of Tsinghua University is to train engineers, cradle of the Chinese University of science and technology is to train scientists, he chose to go to China University of science and technology, he wanted to become a scientist. His father did not agree.

He Bicheng: Peking University, Tsinghua University, after all, is the best school, but he carefully made his choice, and I respect his choice.

The Guangzhou daily Reporter: when considering applying for He Jiang go to Harvard?

Zeng Xianhua: freshman year, when he came back and said I want to apply for admission to Harvard. His father said he was bragging. He Jiang said that only tell my mother this, don't tell anybody, fear of others laugh at him.

He Bicheng: just to want to apply to Harvard University, bragging.

The Guangzhou daily Reporter: he later what action?

Zeng Xianhua: he said a Hong Kong teacher, applied to Harvard scored first, moral good, he tried to get the first. He listen to students abroad to good English, he is country boy, English is not good enough, holiday comes back, he is upstairs with the tape of the crazy English, and 9 days back 9,000 words. Below the village, they commented He Jiang (study) seriously. He said, applications to Harvard have to pass one, two, and three, a level he called to tell me.

Guangzhou daily Reporter: When do you think He Jiang had applied to Harvard mark?

He Bicheng: junior year when his first name, also got a the school's highest honor, think it's reliable.

Guangzhou daily Reporter: spider bite is really fire you?

Zeng Xianhua: Spider bites He Jiang, I used cotton around his finger, sprinkle with white wine with fire. When soils are mostly in rural areas.

Responsible editor: Chen yan SN225

Article keywords:
Harvard speech

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在哈佛演讲的中国学子,父母:希望离家近 别找外国女朋友|哈佛演讲_新闻资讯


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