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published in(发表于) 2016/5/22 7:57:31 Edit(编辑)
What reason? Ma Sina micro-blog focusing on one account,

What reason? Ma Sina micro-blog focusing on one account,(啥原因?马云新浪微博只关注一个帐号,)



What reason? Ma Sina micro-blog focusing on one account-Ma, micro-blogging, PayPal-IT information

Jack Ma, as we all know, Taobao's founder, and people's father Wang turns husband Wang Sicong's richest man. As one of the most successful entrepreneurs in the business.

Today we are going to be Ma's Twitter as one of the richest people in China, MA's micro-blog is unique, and can be seen on their Twitter names, song of youth-rural teacher's advocate-Ma. And other public figures like Yang, Huo Jianhua or Twitter name to work such as huge room compared to the personal name or in the name of Ma long Chinese Twitter names, as a public figure is rare, no way who call Twitter was his family's ...

Occasionally small finds, however, MA's concerns only one Sina weibo account, at first glance this is also normal, public figures do personalized, Bryant's Sina microblog that topics are only concerned about their own. But a closer look at Mr MA concerns after this account, micro-blog to pay this account was behind by Mr MA concerns seem to reveal what information.

As we all know, mobile payment has been every aspect of our lives, the PayPal as one of the earliest payments giants, is a photo of Ali in the future development of the most important trump card. Taobao in the face of other e-commerce platforms including Jingdong Amazon, trade quicker Inc Monrovia as well as abroad, such as the impact on performance is very stable, thanks to its great advantages in the accumulation and experience for your users, which pays the experience accounts for a large part of it.

However paid treasure in this year ushered in has a powerful of opponents--micro-letter paid, experience has thousand years CCTV Gala red Hou micro-letter paid in mobile paid this block Shang of fast growth let paid treasure feel pressure, and Taobao similar of is Tencent of micro-letter paid is has powerful of user accumulated Shang conform to launched of, has reference paid treasure of at, but its in social software micro-letter Shang of advantage, this block flow entrance is Ma of from by not has of.

Facing the impact of the app, Jack Ma, another opponent of choice in small letters issue on SINA weibo, acquisition of Sina weibo became Ali's biggest investment in the social networking platform, SINA weibo as an open mobile platform one of the most influential platform and entrance to its flow of traffic to e-commerce platform support is also great.

And on the pay, micro-blog to pay Sina weibo combined a social payment platform Alipay development Ali, its technology and PayPal are the same, in open micro-blogging social networking platforms, users are able to use Twitter shopping more convenient. Jack MA on Twitter paying attention can see that its spending on contractors, from which we can also know that mobile payments will become a major power in the future focus on one of the important points.

啥原因?马云新浪微博只关注一个帐号 - 马云,微博,支付宝 - IT资讯








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