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published in(发表于) 2016/5/22 7:56:42 Edit(编辑)
How much it cost to go to the Shanghai Disneyland? January wages for low-income groups,

How much it cost to go to the Shanghai Disneyland? January wages for low-income groups,(去趟上海迪士尼要花多少钱?低收入群体一月工资,)



How much it cost to go to the Shanghai Disneyland? January salaries of low-income groups – Disney amusement park-IT information

Shanghai Disneyland Tour how much per capita costs? Is it expensive? Which people are more willing to spend money to go to Shanghai Disney? Latest actual booking data revealed the answer.

Reporters learned from the Disney official travel agent ctrip, Shanghai tourism, from China to Shanghai Disneyland package tour, free product reservation data, cost of 2280 Yuan per capita, including expenses for transportation, accommodation, tickets to visit. Analysis of the industry, experience the world's top parks, the price level is not high, relative to the Disney products in Hong Kong, Tokyo and other places are also significantly cheaper.

Deep North Canton the number of applicants in the top three

Ctrip's tourism statistics show that from the site and situation of the client application, and night line booking at locations outside of Shanghai went to Disney, mainly 3 days 2 night products, accounted for more than 40%, followed by 4 days 3 nights. Choosing products are mainly hotels, Downtown Disney Resort area hotels, or a combination. 3-7 most popular products include Shanghai Disneyland day tour (3 diamonds) flying high performance Samsung + Disney ticket; 4th free Shanghai Disney (4 diamonds), Shanghai Disneyland 2nd free (5 diamonds) Disneyland Hotel + tickets. Tour is mainly with the Shanghai and East China and even swim.

Which people are more willing to spend money to go to Shanghai Disney? Viewed from the departure city, currently has more than 50 cities of tourists booked a Disney-related products through ctrip, Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou and Shenzhen people are most keen to visit Shanghai Disneyland, enrollment among the nation's top three.

From the perspective of population characteristics, family fun accounted for more than 50% couples accounted for more than 30%, and most of the rest are on a friends holiday .

Exactly how much money Disney tourism? Ctrip travel experts, with double 3rd tour Beijing and Shanghai as an example, a roundtrip ticket around 1200 Yuan per person, tickets priced at $ 499 Yuan per person, according to four star hotel 2 nights, per night 600 Yuan, then the total price 4600 Yuan, about 2280 Yuan per capita.

Analysis for the travelling public, hotel accommodation in greatest impact on price, if you do not select Disney Hotels stays and costs can significantly save. 3rd free lowest per capita is more than 1000 Yuan. Compared to a separate reservation, including transportation, lodging, tickets, transportation to the Park, such as the free line, with tour products can save money.

Applicants in the Super 70% selected June tour

Shanghai Disneyland officially opened on 16th next month, early adopters to get ready. As the opening date, and the summer season, many tourists would end waiting, hot date there will be shortage and rising prices.

At present, the Paradise Hotel in June were full, Park Tickets also have been unable to book a few days ago. Disney bookings at travel sites and travel agents also warmed up rapidly. Xinhua learned from ctrip travel, since May, the Shanghai Disneyland package tour, tour, tour registration twice times per cent increase in the number, especially in June Park Paradise Hotel, stay in two lines of products, online booking the most popular. Currently 70% per cent of applicants are selected in June to visit.

"Reservation in Shanghai Disneyland gradually into the heights. In addition to the tour, now three days before the opening and the first weekend tickets on the edge, is almost sold out. Disneyland Hotel, hotel toy, half a month after the June 16 opening of each room type booked. "Ctrip's tourism officials say, Disney to play experience, admission caps every day, two of summer's Paradise Hotel is expected to difficult to get a room, it is recommended that users plan their journeys in advance, early booking.

去趟上海迪士尼要花多少钱?低收入群体一月工资 - 迪士尼,游乐园 - IT资讯













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