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published in(发表于) 2016/5/21 9:47:14 Edit(编辑)
Waste time counting: potato chip bag for 80 years,

Waste time counting: potato chip bag for 80 years,(垃圾降解时间盘点:薯片袋需80年,)



Waste time counting: potato chip bag 80-environment refuse degradation-IT information

Note: Although this news with less to do IT, however IT information to call for protection of the environment "resolutely" to reproduce.

May 21, Beijing time, according to foreign media reports, we have seen such a scenario on the road: on both sides of the road filled with cans, coffee cups, Hamburger meal boxes and cigarette boxes and other rubbish. We hope that next time when passing by, the local Government has cleared them. But this is often not the case next week, which may be still there; next week, they are likely to remain untouched.

▲ On the A48 road cleanup activities, participants found some 33 years ago production of potato chip bags, they've been here for about 1716 weeks (33 years) ago.

Most annoying is that although these people ate potato chips had, but they leave the bag still looks like just produced.

You might think, which must have been breaking the trash long record, but it's not the truth. Scientists point out that plastic bags and plastic bottles after hundreds of years, thousands of years, or even millions of years are not degraded.

Not only is this man-made items, even banana peels have survived more than a month, orange peel and is more likely to take two years to completely break down.

This article will list a series of junk break down time, allowing readers to get a general concept. On the whole, here is being thrown on the roadside or litter decomposition on a country lane, they are under the influence of various animals and natural factors.

Not only is this man-made items, even banana peels have survived more than a month, orange peel and is more likely to take two years to completely break down.

Two weeks

Apple core. Although the degradation time is shorter, but the fruit or fruit will cause the rest of unpopular creatures such as rats.

A month or so

Paper towels, paper bags, paper and so on. Degradation of these items depends to a large extent, their degradation. For example, being buried in the soil of tissue exposure to decomposition than paper towels in the air much longer.

The six-week

Cereal box, paper bag, banana peels, etc. In addition, if the weather is cold, banana peels the degradation time may be longer.

Peel's role is to protect the internal flesh, pericarp is rich in cellulose, which is the main components of cellophane packaging.

Earlier this year, environmentalists warn, people discard peels on Ben Nevis in Scotland has caused serious pollution, as they refuse to months to complete degradation. Although the skin is a natural product, but that doesn't mean they're not garbage.

Two or three months

Wax coating such as milk and juice cartons, cardboard. Degradation of these items depends on the thickness of the cardboard.

Gardeners should remember, cardboard can be made into compost, so no need to lose them.

Six months

Cotton clothing such as t-shirts, paperbacks, and so on.

In all kinds of fabrics, cotton fabrics are most easily biodegradable. Cotton can be made into compost. If the weather is warm and humid enough, a thin cotton clothing as long as a week to bio-degrade.

A year

Lightweight wool clothing, such as pullovers and socks. Wool is a natural product, in the wild environment, can rot like a sheep's body.

Wool degradation at the same time, but also releases some useful nutrients to the soil, such as keratin. So while wool and as regular trash is not pleasant to the eye, they do not cause long-term damage to the environment.

Two years

Orange peel, plywood and cigarette butts, etc. But some research points out that cigarette butts may not decompose after 10 years.

More than 600 kinds of ingredients in tobacco smoke, which is the most difficult to break down the cellulose acetate, and 95% of cigarette filters contain the plastic.

The five-year

Heavy wool clothing such as coats.

The year 20

Plastic bags and so on. But some research suggests that some plastics can not decay after 1000 years. Some new production of plastic bags to decomposition when exposed to sunlight, but most plastic bags are made of high density polyethylene, is not easily degradable. Microbial in nature do not treat the matter as food, so not to decompose it.

More than 30-40 years

Tight clothing, carpets, nylon products such as disposable diapers. However, some believe these items to 500 years to decompose, specific length depending on environmental conditions.

Disposable diapers are very convenient, but they actually contain many harmful substances. Disposable diapers many chemicals are used in the production process, such as toluene, Ethylbenzene, XYLENES, and dipentene, there is a highly toxic carcinogen called dioxin.

The year 50

Cans, tires, sport shoes, foam cups, leather products, etc. After chemical treatment of leather can even exist much longer. Shoes with a thick skin is also a long time to break down, about 80 years.

More than 75-80 years

Potato chip bags. In fact, they recently discovered in diensenlin of potato chip bags not "getting" the big. In 2012, the nier·feilipusi (Neil Phillips) on the beach in Devon found a "Golden wonders" potato chip bags. This bag is made in 1967, looks the same as was lost last week. Many bags of food packaging by the "metal" made of plastic films, compared with bags of food, these bags sites are terrible.

More than 100 years

Six prong plastic ring – the longest can for 450 years. Ring setting for animals to great harm, as they can get stuck in the animal's throat, resulting in animal asphyxiation, or cut the animal's limbs.

Around 200

Aluminum beverage cans. These items actually existed half a century ago. They are also very dangerous for small animals, because animals may climb, then trapped inside.

Aluminium recycling is a better approach. In this way, we can continue to take advantage of these resources, the cost is much lower than the production of new aluminium products.

Production of energy required for a new aluminium cans can make 20 recycling aluminum cans. Also, an aluminum can save energy alone can provide 3 hours of power for a TV.

More than 500 years

Plastic bottle. In fact, these petrochemicals may never be biodegradable, they contain chemical substances so retained in the soil intact.

Many plastic bottles made of polyethylene terephthalate (PET), very long time. Therefore, PET products have to recycle it. After more and more PET plastic bottle recycling, are made from synthetic carpet fibers.

One to 2 million years

Glass jars and bottles. These items may go on forever, because we can see that the glass formed in lava hundreds of years ago still exist today.

Glass is made from Silicon, this is one of the most stable, durable minerals on Earth.

Moreover, in addition to looking beyond the unpleasant, glass, the biggest problem is easily broken. If there is a bio-trying to swallow or lick shards of glass left on the food or drink, it may result in serious injury.

After a long

Battery. After the outside of the battery with a thin metal skin break down, the chemicals will leak, such as lead, mercury and cadmium and zinc chloride. These substances are toxic and persistent in the soil. Batteries should be recycled, should not and other trash to throw away.

垃圾降解时间盘点:薯片袋需80年 - 环境,垃圾降解 - IT资讯







































薯片包装袋。事实上,人们最近在迪恩森林发现的薯片包装袋还不是“年纪”最大的。2012年,尼尔·菲利普斯(Neil Phillips)在德文郡的海滩上发现了一个“金色奇迹”薯片包装袋。这个包装袋产于1967年,看起来却像上周刚被丢掉一样。许多食品包装袋都由“仿金属”的塑料薄膜制成,与袋子里装的食品相比,这些袋子的存在时间实在是长得可怕。
















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