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published in(发表于) 2016/5/21 9:42:42 Edit(编辑)
German media concerns, China reduced the Central enterprises: eliminate sideline, minus 20% corporate units

German media concerns, China reduced the Central enterprises: eliminate sideline, minus 20% corporate units(德媒关注中国缩减央企:剔除副业,减20%法人单位)



German media concerns, China reduced the Central enterprises: remove side minus 20% corporate units

Reference news, May 21-German media said some of China's State-owned enterprises are considered inefficient, and Beijing wants to change this, and ordered cutbacks in State-owned enterprises implement strict policies. China's Government if within 3 years most central layer management hierarchy from the current 5-9 to 3-4 levels, corporate units to reduce 20%.

According to the Germany weekly der Spiegel, May 19, the purpose of this measure is: strive for reducing cost and increasing efficiency this year more than 100 billion yuan. The Government said required a new adjustment according to market requirements, the need to reduce debt, tight control of costs and eliminating unprofitable sidelines.

Reports that Chinese steel and coal companies suffering from the massive global overcapacity, and they must be to reduce capacity by 2017 10%. Laid off workers will enjoy preferential tax policies and low interest loans to encourage them to start their own businesses. Several months before the Chinese Government has announced that the steel and coal industries will cut of 1.8 million people. Other industries also have many State-owned enterprises is still maintained by Government-funded work, its products collapsed. These enterprise administration is ready to shut down.

List of 112 listed Central SOEs in China, there are thousands of local government-owned enterprises. Countries wish to increase private investment, and to achieve this following the United States, the world's second-largest economy after more sustained growth.

(Editors: Pan Yi burn UN657)
2016-05-21 06:29:39
Reference news
德媒关注中国缩减央企:剔除副业 减20%法人单位





(责任编辑:潘奕燃 UN657)
2016-05-21 06:29:39

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