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published in(发表于) 2016/5/21 9:41:41 Edit(编辑)
Auxiliary police officers in China “temporary“ puzzle: 850 Yuan a month, law enforcement often laughed at

Auxiliary police officers in China “temporary“ puzzle: 850 Yuan a month, law enforcement often laughed at(中国辅警“临时工”之惑:月薪850元,执法中常受嘲笑)



Auxiliary police officers of "temporary" puzzle: 850 Yuan a month often ridiculed | auxiliary police officers _ in the law enforcement news

Workers ' daily news on May 21, May 16, 8:30 A.M., high-tech development zone in Tangshan, Hebei Public Security Bureau Cao Wenyu the auxiliary police officers came to the mobile police station is located in the city centre. At 9 o'clock, he and 2 other auxiliary police under the leadership of 2 civilian police, began a one-day inspection control. A little past 10, Cao Wenyu and colleagues was a sudden dispute between the Mall merchants. At 2 o'clock in the afternoon, Cao Wenyu a mentally challenged man who lost home. At 10 o'clock in the evening, the end of day, Cao Wenyu returned to the mobile police station, drank a large spit.

Cao Wenyu engaged in auxiliary police for 15 years, is a member of thousands of auxiliary police officers. According to incomplete statistics, China currently has a variety of police support staff about 4 million people. They were wearing "uniforms", often dry and police the same work; however, in some people's eyes, they are merely "temporary", has no independent enforcement powers, composition quite a mixed bag; but in their opinion, poor treatment of low income, no sense of identity, future confusion.

Latest policy was in January of this year concerning the regulation of the public security organs adopted by the central review management's comments on the work of police support staff, which clearly the public security organs of police support staff recruitment, management, performance of duties, safeguards, and so on. Job security of police support staff and management, deepen reform of public security work around the topic.

  Shortage of policemen under the auxiliary forces

For auxiliary police officers, around a different name. Some places say "police" or "police auxiliary" used to have places called "defense team".

Cao Wenyu flow of people around the mobile police station, inspection control duties. From 8:30 A.M. onwards, they were nearly constant patrols until 8:30 A.M. the next day. Then back to the police station, Cao Wenyu also needs to deal with the case in the 24 hours the day before, 8:30 work. Round of duty requires 36 hours of continuous operation.

Despite the intensity, but Cao Wenyu, working at a mobile police station has relatively easily, "at least not outside all year weather."

"The Sun", line traffic in Inner Mongolia wulanchabu City auxiliary police officers Liu Fei has been for 11 years. His job is to carry out highway patrol, in addition to investigating violations, should also help rescue vehicles. The hardest winter road law enforcement, wulanchabu lingxiasansishisheshidu snow at night, almost every day, waiting for rescue of trapped vehicles and personnel. Liu Fei needs to cart one by one, last winter, and he's bitten her face.

Cao Wenyu and Liu Fei to join a "Coalition on the auxiliary police" chat groups. In the more than more than 1300 members of the auxiliary police, "Union", we do not often talk about the hard work and ridicule the common thing is considered "meaningless".

"Union" He Xiaohua, Baoding, Hebei of Chengguan police station a glimmer of auxiliary police officers. He told reporters that the day-to-day law and order, controlling, patrol, traffic control, and cooperate with law enforcement and case work, can see the figure of the auxiliary police, they do work, often more than "ancillary", its behind is the lack of grass-roots policing.

It is understood that the international General per million population number of police equipped with a country (region) residents safe. For every million people in China with 13 policemen, and Korea for 30, Germany, 40. Our auxiliary police in some areas have surpassed the civilian police, in some areas, police and auxiliary police officers as high as 1:3. The local police station where He Xiaohua, area resident population of more than 60,000, the official police only 6, auxiliary police officers, 16.

When the police, 1 civilian police with three or four members of the auxiliary police force, sometimes there is no police leads. "Too few civilian police too much work, and they do not come, two persons, three cases are quite normal. "He Xiaohua says," fine in big cities, and in County-level public security organs, parts of the auxiliary police is the same as civilian police presence. ”

  Lingering identity confusion

Of the auxiliary police force in chat groups, and many of the police's "different" is the most frequently mentioned by members, including auxiliary police force has no independent enforcement powers.

One afternoon, when Liu Fei in dealing with traffic violations, the other drivers saw their uniforms on the "XJ" (police) identified, immediately offered to watch Liu Fei Police ID. Though thought the other was mean to find fault, but Liu Fei told him: "I am the auxiliary police, no police officer certificate. Our video of the whole process, and if there are objections, can find the higher authorities. "But the other gloves, Liu Fei had to call the police.

Although this situation has used Liu Fei, but elimination is a sense of embarrassment that followed. For a long time, Liu Fei enforcement without clout.

"In fact, auxiliary police officers are the auxiliary police, has no independent enforcement powers are right. But the point is that this identity is too awkward, do a good deed for civilian police, out of the problem is the auxiliary police officers. "Liu Fei said.

Not high degree of recognition of the social value of the auxiliary police officers, auxiliary police officers assist the police in the course of law enforcement, by individual crowd often ridiculed, mocked and even insulting. Auxiliary police officers are sad to say: "' you auxiliary police ' that stuff, not heard. ”

Cao Wenyu, fuzzy identity brought another challenge is if they encounter violent resistance method, the other party cannot be found to be obstructing. When Cao Wenyu during a patrol, she found a man arrested for obtaining property by deception, and went to check. Results the other car fled immediately, will hang on the door dragging one kilometre Cao Wenyu, causing Cao Wenyu leg injury, concussion, two weeks in hospital. "Because I'm the auxiliary police, so the other party won't meet obstruction of official duties, case detection has been hindered. ”

Problem than that. Lots of auxiliary police officers, their pay and benefits far below the official police. He Xiaohua remember in 2003 when the new auxiliary police officers, paid 200 Yuan a month, starting from 2009, salary rose to 850 Yuan, has been getting now. "Roughly the same number belong to the local minimum wage, and there is no insurance and Housing Fund. "In addition, many are very much with the staffing companies have signed labor contracts, face being fired at random, it makes them feel insecure or even issue" we who cares "question.

  Looking forward to reform crack problem

In fact, the auxiliary system in our country from the date of its birth, became a controversial legal blind spots.

In 2004 the Ministry of public security has issued a circular urged local public security organs to hire police, defense team, security team to carry out special cleaning and require all return in 3 years. But the order did not seem to solve the problem of the auxiliaries.

2015 central consideration on deepening reform of public security, adopted in the framework of a number of important issues and proposed management of police support staff, which means that our system of auxiliary police officers in constant improvement. On specification was adopted in January 2016, the public security organs views on the management of police support staff, this has yet to translate into laws and regulations.

However, there are already local public security organs to explore. In July 2012, the nation's first regulations for standardizing the management of police support staff of local governments--the Suzhou police auxiliary personnel management measures implemented, clearly is neither temporary nor the auxiliary police volunteers, but with the public security organs to sign long-term contracts and errors by the public security organs to take legal responsibility, "Police Assistant".

Let Liu Fei was concerned, reform the auxiliary police officers in the promotion has opened a window on the channel. Civil service examination and appointment Secretary Cheng Guiying in February this year that, in the future, special police support staff can formally enter the police force. Subsequently, Zhejiang, Guangdong and other places has issued policies to develop specific recruitment programmes.

"This is definitely a good thing. "Liu Fei said," effect of implementation remains to be seen, but at least get through professional ' ceiling ', let us see the light. ”

Liu Fei realized that current series of reform movements, they ushered in the best of times, that auxiliary police officers around and let him and his colleagues to be careful, "we only led by the civilian police, auxiliary police officers should not left alone to do things we don't do. We all hope that the reform will improve our treatment, do not want to at this critical time to make mistakes. "Liu Fei said. (Interview request, Liu Fei, He Xiaohua as aliases)

Responsible editor: Wang Hao

Article keywords:
Auxiliary police officers

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辅警“临时工”之惑:月薪850元 执法中常受嘲笑|辅警_新闻资讯
































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