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published in(发表于) 2016/5/21 9:41:37 Edit(编辑)
Anhui Education Foundation teaches the original Director was charged with accepting bribes from more than 40 secondary schools

Anhui Education Foundation teaches the original Director was charged with accepting bribes from more than 40 secondary schools(安徽教育厅基教处原处长被控收受40多所中学贿赂)



Anhui Education Foundation teaches the original Director was charged with accepting bribes from more than 40 secondary schools

Hefei, people's daily online, May 21 (Han Zhenzhen Wu Yi gang) as Miao Fuguo of the Anhui provincial Department of Education Commissioner for elementary education, relating to basic education almost everything in his "sweep".

Recently, the jurisdiction specified by the Anhui provincial people's Procuratorate, Miao Fuguo in shitai County people's Procuratorate prosecuted the bribery case. Prosecutors allege indications from education projects to issuing of supplementary materials, from model high school reviews to standardize the regulation of school behavior, whose power and become Miao Fuguo received a "return" of the source.

  Accept someone else's property more than 170 times

54 year old Miao Fuguo in Anhui Province, Centre for educational technology and equipment before the crime was committed, Director of provincial education Department Director. On April 28, 2015, with the provincial procuratorate designated jurisdiction, chizhou city prosecutor's Office on suspicion of taking bribes to Miao Fuguo filed for investigation. After the investigation of the case, referred to the examination and prosecution of shitai County, chizhou city prosecutor's Office.

Shitai County Prosecutor's Office charged Miao Fuguo of bribery crime reached 70.

Period 2004 to 2015, Miao Fuguo by making use of his facilities, has more than 170 times to accept other people's property, amounts equivalent to more than 2 million Yuan and other related educational projects in the province, supplementary materials, distribution, sales agents, provincial-level demonstration high school assessment, rehabilitation, assessment, standard school supervision, investigation and District Education Council activities, such as project approval, funding towards profit-making.

After the incident, Miao Fuguo withdrew all the bribe money, and during the investigation period, against others bribery, verified being an informer were filed for investigation by procuratorial organs. Prosecutors believe that should be taking bribes be investigated for criminal liability, and that it has meritorious, be given a lighter or mitigated punishment.

  Accepting bribes from more than 40 secondary schools across the province

From the perspective of prosecutors to prosecute allegations of, Miao Fuguo bribery has three main groups of people: one is responsible for the technology information company, b is the boss of the publishing house and agent of supplementary material, three-County District School Board Director and high school principal.

According to statistics, Miao Fuguo is responsible for or participate in provincial duties such as project management, accepting bribes from some technology information company in charge of cash and gift cards is equivalent to more than 960,000 yuan, 20,000 dollars.

Miao Fuguo is responsible for a wide variety of educational programs, both the standardization construction of weak schools in rural compulsory education (referred to as "thin to change"), also of multimedia network teaching in primary and middle schools for "school", there are modern distance education in rural primary and middle school engineering equipment bidding procurement of school books and so on.

For example: in 2012, Miao Fuguo accepted one scientific equipment company business manager Cheng Hanlin (dealt with) who bid for the company a "thin reform" project provides help, thus accepting 300,000 yuan Cheng Hanlin.

Miao Fuguo organizations audited the local curriculum of textbooks was also used, regulate the management of basic education textbooks, teaching aids and other bribes, receiving some press bosses and supplementary materials which agents bribed property equivalent to more than 700,000 yuan and they are teaching auxiliary agents, distribution, sales and other profit-making.

From 2010 to 2012, Miao Fuguo accepted a book trading company legal representative who, for the company to regain "high school supplementary material published by the people's education" Agency for help, three received a total of 350,000 yuan.

In addition, Miao Fuguo also used provincial-level demonstration high school assessment, standardized school duties such as supervision, project approval, receiving high school, County and District School Board-related bribery property is equivalent to a total of more than 250,000 yuan, and personnel at the provincial level demonstration high school assessment, recovery, normative regulation, to investigate the acts of running, activities related to project approval, funding towards profit.

Indictment shows that Miao Fuguo that portion of the total amount of crime of accepting bribes while much smaller than in the previous two sections, but the facts of the crime involved reached 42, bribes up to 94 the number of, involving a total of more than 40 secondary schools in Anhui Province.

(Editors: Dou Yuan UN833)
2016-05-21 12:09:39
People's daily online

  人民网合肥5月21日电(韩震震 吴贻伙)作为安徽省教育厅基础教育处处长的缪富国,涉及基础教育的事几乎都被他“通吃”。
















(责任编辑:窦远行 UN833)
2016-05-21 12:09:39

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