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published in(发表于) 2016/5/21 9:41:34 Edit(编辑)
An auction price of land in Shanghai “three-minute“ double 5.45 billion deal

An auction price of land in Shanghai “three-minute“ double 5.45 billion deal(上海一土地竞拍价“三分钟”翻番,54.5亿成交)



An auction price of land in Shanghai "three-minute" double 5.45 billion deal | land auctions _ news

Shanghai property market new crazy! Land three minutes multiplied four times times

(CCTV for financial news) with regulatory policy force, first-tier cities, a rise in property prices had slowed down recently, but developers seem happy to not get affected. Shanghai zhoupu a piece of residential land auction in a startling scene in three minutes!

An auction price of land in Shanghai "three-minute" double end 5.45 billion deal!

Regulatory policy force, first-tier cities, a rise in property prices had slowed down recently, but developers seem happy to not get affected.?This week a residential land in zhoupu, Pudong district of Shanghai, in just three minutes of the auction, quotation is multiplied several times, eventually sold the floor price reached 43,000 yuan per square meter. 18th yesterday, Shanghai zhoupu this Homestead auction bid a startling scene in the first round.

37 bid housing prices, but a few minutes, price shouted to more than 4 billion. Eventually, a developer with 5.45 billion won this Homestead, 43,000 yuan per square meter of floor price, more is 4 times times the starting price.

Requires developers to self-sustaining houses for the first time in Shanghai area

However, this Homestead also requires developers to self-15% housing area, plus the original fixed rate of 5% affordable housing, the actual saleable area is only 80%. So, many developers do not look good.

Participate in the auction room business told reporters that the pressure is very big, to 5 billion has no entry.

From the position, the plot adjacent to woodlands road, zhoupu town from there is still some distance away from the Center. Apart from several properties under construction, around life, transport facilities are relatively scarce. Compared with the last transfer of land in the region, the price has risen by more than 1 time. Last time this area of land was in September 2014, at that time only 19,000 yuan per square meter of land price.

Knowing that high, developers continue to deal or no deal. Analysts believe that housing prices "capricious" behind, is the desire for increase of urban land reserve. The land requires developers to self-15%, indicating Shanghai total land entered the rental market the future era.

City surveyor Shao Minghao, an analyst said the move showed the Government's perspective, would like to see set up a multi-level market system.

Rare! Suzhou Government emergency moves to 10 blocks to set the highest quotation

The recent property market continues to heat up, measures have been followed up by the management. Suzhou City Bureau of land and resources recently promulgated a proclamation calling for 10 blocks set the highest price, and subsequent auctions, bidding the highest offer, termination of the land transfer, auction results null and void. Before that, land Bureau, Suzhou city has been cancelled five plots of land sold.

According to the notice issued by the municipal Bureau of land and resources: approved by the municipal government, ten blocks to set the highest offer for offer exceeds the maximum offer, termination of the land transfer, auction results null and void. It is understood that the 10 blocks, xiangcheng District 6, and 2 of the high-tech zone, wuzhong district. This Gao Tiexin, xiangcheng district is located in the South of the city Tian Cheng Road South, Masateru, East of the 36th block, the highest offer was 3,946,330,000 yuan, down to the highest floor price shall not exceed more than 21,000 yuan. High-speed Metro are thought, limits to meet the needs of long-term development of high-speed rail Metro.

"Because high-speed rail Metro, currently in venture cost, and home cost aspects, relative Yu around area still has compared advantage," Suzhou high-speed rail Metro integrated Office integrated section Deputy Chief long Lei said, "limit policy of implementation, helps keep development construction of benign cycle, upgrade high-speed rail Metro of popularity, continues to play venture home cost of" depressions "effect, speed up high-speed rail Metro produced City Fusion of pace. ”

Real estate insiders, the Suzhou set best offer, really rare, it should be for the previous land prices continue to rise, leading to rising prices a positive initiative.

Responsible editor: Mao Minmin SN184

Article keywords:
Land auction

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上海一土地竞拍价“三分钟”翻番 54.5亿成交|土地竞拍_新闻资讯



  上海一土地竞拍价“三分钟”翻番 最终54.5亿成交!

  随着调控政策发力,最近一线城市的房价涨势出现了放缓迹象,但开发商拿地的热情似乎没受影响。本周上海浦东区周浦的一处住宅用地,在短短三分钟的竞拍中,报价就翻了好几倍,最终成交的楼板价达到每平米4.3万元。 昨天18日,上海周浦这幅宅地拍卖首轮出价就出现了惊人的一幕。








  罕见!苏州政府紧急出招 对10宗地块设置最高报价





责任编辑:茅敏敏 SN184



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