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published in(发表于) 2016/5/20 5:47:54 Edit(编辑)
Vehicle traveling data recorder captured meteorite moment: like sci-fi movies

Vehicle traveling data recorder captured meteorite moment: like sci-fi movies(行车记录仪拍下陨石坠落瞬间:犹如科幻电影,)



Vehicle traveling data recorder captured meteorite moment: like science fiction movie-meteorite, Meteor-IT information

IT information news on May 20, in TV fiction can often see a shooting star across the sky in a scene, but in real life, see a shooting star is a rare thing, although often predicted Meteor news Sky News, but to be clear in the end very little. However, recently a foreign Internet users are lucky, when driving a car, he meets a meteorite fell from the sky, meteors streak across the sky than ordinary scenes even more rare.

Lucky friend named Tim Farris, he was United States Maine, a police officer, who was looking for a speeding violation, suddenly saw a flare in the sky in the distance across, straight toward the ground. Meteorite crashed when the light is very bright, it is said, can be seen in several States around. Coincidence is that its traffic recorder filmed the scene, like the science fiction movie alien on board and fell onto the ground, if you can see, I believe it is quite shocking.

行车记录仪拍下陨石坠落瞬间:犹如科幻电影 - 陨石,流星 - IT资讯

IT资讯讯 5月20日消息,在电视小说中经常能够看到流星划过天空的场景,然而在现实生活中,看到流星却是比较罕见的事情,虽然新闻里经常有预告流星天象的消息,但最终能够清楚看到的少之又少。不过,近日有一位国外网友就比较幸运了,他在开车的时候竟然遇见了一枚陨石从天空坠落,这比普通的流星划过天空的场面又更加罕见了。

这位幸运的网友名为Tim Farris,他是美国缅因州一位警官,当时正在寻找超速违章者,忽然就看到远处天空一阵火光划过,笔直的朝地面坠落下来。陨石坠落时发出的火光非常明亮,据说,当时在周围数个州都能看到。巧的是,它的行车记录仪拍下了当时的场景,犹如科幻电影里外星人乘坐飞船降落地面,如果能够亲眼看见,相信还是比较震撼的。

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