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published in(发表于) 2016/5/20 5:39:24 Edit(编辑)
In ABA Prefecture in Sichuan province’s largest bribery case: 2 corruption and bribery of more than 40 million

In ABA Prefecture in Sichuan province’s largest bribery case: 2 corruption and bribery of more than 40 million(四川阿坝州最大贪污贿赂案:2人贪污受贿4千多万)



In ABA Prefecture in Sichuan province's largest bribery case: 2 corruption and bribery of more than 40 million

On May 18, the reporter was informed from the people's Procuratorate in ABA, ABA former Party Secretary, Secretary for agriculture, livestock, Lu Jun, agriculture animal husbandry Bureau in ABA original Prairie station Liu Bin, embezzlement, bribery, totaling more than 40 million Yuan, were awarded the penalty in the near future. According to reports, the ABA statehood history to deal with, this is the biggest corruption, bribery bribery crimes.

On May 9, the jurisdiction specified by the people's Procuratorate in ABA, Mao County people's Procuratorate filed for investigation and prosecution of agriculture animal husbandry Bureau in ABA formerly Party Secretary, Director LU Jun cases of embezzlement, bribery, misappropriation of public funds, corruption committed by Lu Jun Mao County people's court verdict accused crimes, bribery, embezzlement, combined punishment for several crimes, sentenced to 16 years imprisonment, and fined 3 million Yuan.

The Court finds that: the period from 2009 to 2015, defendant Lu Jun when he was in ABA Prefecture Party Secretary and Secretary for agriculture, livestock, and used his position and embezzlement of State funds 16,537,492; taking bribes from others 1.7684 million; embezzling 600,000 yuan.

On May 10, the jurisdiction specified by the people's Procuratorate in ABA, Wenchuan County people's Procuratorate investigations, prosecution of agriculture animal husbandry Bureau in ABA grasslands station webmaster counseling for alleged corruption, bribery, bribery, Wenchuan County people's court verdict Liu Bin, the defendant is guilty of corruption crimes, bribery, acceptance of bribes, combined punishment for several crimes, sentenced to 18 years ' imprisonment, and fined 3.8 million Yuan.

Court held that since 2009, the accused Liu in the station as the ABA grassland and Savannah during the General Manager of the company, used his position, through false invoices, false, false expenditure offset by means of personal corruption and colluding with others amounted to RMB 20,127,092 Yuan. For the purpose of personal gain, he repeatedly tried to bribe people a total of 1.966 million Yuan. For the benefit of others, many bribes amounted to 600,000 yuan.

(Editors: Liu Cheng UN649)
2016-05-20 16:00:11






(责任编辑:刘盛钱 UN649)
2016-05-20 16:00:11

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