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published in(发表于) 2016/5/20 5:39:11 Edit(编辑)
Hebei Zhangjiakou Prairie days cancellation fee

Hebei Zhangjiakou Prairie days cancellation fee(河北张家口草原天路取消收费)



Hebei Zhangjiakou Prairie days cancellation fee | grasslands road _ news

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Survey: Hebei Zhangjiakou Prairie days cancellation fee, what do you think about it?

[News: Zhangjiakou Prairie days cancellation fee] to respond to community concerns, convenient for visitors to "Prairie road" scenic tours, zhangbei Government decisions from May 23, 2016, abolish the "grassland days" scenic charge. Prior to that, from May 1 this year, 150 km of county roads "Prairie road" began driving tourists charge caused public outcry.

Source: Tianjin people's broadcasting station

Previously reported in Zhangjiakou, Hebei province "grassland days" charge 50 Yuan per person

Beijing News News in Zhangjiakou, Hebei province, zhangbei's "Prairie road" starts charging, 50 Yuan per person. The reporter learns, recently released the zhangbei Government information platform on "grassland days" ticket prices charged reply on April 30, "Prairie road" 132 kilometers of road built into the charging times.

  80 yuan/person fee was previously halted

"Prairie Pilgrim's progress" by the people of zhangbei in September 2012, the Government invested 325 million Yuan building, 132.7 km in length. Chong Li Ski Spa, is the largest area and the zhangbei grasslands of style in an important channel. Winding roads coupled with clear blue skies, villages, rice terraces, ravines, hillsides on both sides of the road, drive through this road, as personally opened a high color saturation of the landscape picture.

After the opening of the road and there is no significant reputation in 2014, drive and beauty photographer stumbled upon the highway, posted photos on the Internet and attract users to its massive forwards, some netizens put it as a United States Highway 66th, calling it China's 66th road.

Friends since after the excavation, the road to fame, all flocked to car enthusiasts and tourists. According to public reports, the summer of 2014, "Prairie road" area total of 223,000 tourists, of whom, Zhangjiakou, local visitors account for about 12.5%, tourists accounted for about 87.5%, one-day peak reached five thousand or six thousand units of vehicles on the road.

The arrival of large numbers of tourists will not only bring income to the Pilgrim's progress, also caused some bad effects to the Pilgrim's progress. Traffic jams and road-side vendors of black fraud occurred, the news in the travel forums are not uncommon.

In fact, this is not "grassland days" first entry, June 19, 2015, Zhangjiakou prices held in Zhangjiakou blue building "' Prairie Pilgrim's progress ' ticket price hearing" for 3 hours, representatives of most of the hearings agreed with the charge, made 80 yuan per person charges caused no small controversy, price Department of road charges on hold.

  50 Yuan ticket covers two sections

On April 29, the zhangbei price Bureau convened a "Prairie road" scenic spot ticket price hearing.

On May 1, zhangbei public platform release of the zhangbei Government Information Bureau on "grassland days" ticket price of scenic reply to determine the "grassland days" scenic started collecting tickets, the ticket price of 50 Yuan/person.

Public information from the hearings can be found, charge tickets covering the "grassland days" all regions, from West to East, across the shangyi, wanquan, zhangbei, Chong Li, guyuan five districts and counties, more than 300 kilometers. (Currently only a 132.7 km opened to traffic, the second to be built). This reporter has learned that "grassland days" ticket office located in the road outside the entrance of Eastern ends, setting at the entrance ticket. At present, fare collection and ticketing facilities has been largely completed, has printed the stamp.

According to zhangbei price Bureau approval, approval date, April 30 "grassland days" began to receive tickets. "Prairie road" into the charging times.


  "Prairie road" from the County Road into a tourist attraction?

It is understood that the "Prairie road" is in zhangbei County in September 2012 to invest 325 million Yuan to build, 132.7 km in length. Reporters from zhangbei County Highway Bureau official website, in the local network, "Prairie road" is a County Highway, class name is X001.

According to an inside source of the transport sector, "said Prairie road" built at the beginning in order to connect Chong Li ski area, Akagi Hot Springs area and the scenic spot of the zhangbei grasslands. According to the requirement, set the two-lane, with no hard shoulder. No formal tourist facilities on the way.

"Without the hard shoulder of the road there is a benefit that vehicles can be docked on the road, which is the main cause of traffic jams. "The source said. Entering X001 was looking for an open area parking, viewing, there are many vehicles even stopped on the roadway.

According to the Hebei provincial tourism official website news in May 2015, zhangbei and long Ridge development, Ltd of Zhangjiakou, Beijing the United States "Meadow road" mixed-use tourism development cooperation framework agreements have been signed. According to public reports, is people of the zhangbei Government authorized, zhangbei "Prairie road" tourism development limited liability company, joint Dragon tourism development co Ltd Beijing macro equity injection, development and construction. Quasi-298 million Yuan investment, "Prairie road" building a visitors centre and the viewing platform, service camps, public restrooms, parking, garbage, Star health program.

Reportedly, "Prairie road" tourist district, Zhangjiakou has been rated as 3 a-level scenic spots, but yesterday, reporters from tourism in the list of a-class scenic area in Zhangjiakou were found to be "Prairie road".

  Road demarcation can receive travel tickets?

Beijing second foreign language University Law Department director Shen Haien told the Beijing News reporter, highway is first and foremost serve the needs of society and people's lives, we need to first pass needs, if at the expense of roads meet the traffic needs of the people, to buy travel tickets, belongs to the substance.

Travel law basic principles of scenic area legislation is limited tickets, limited tickets over rapid economic growth, to improve service to win tourism development, roadblocks set up checked posts not only contrary to the basic function of the road, but also does not meet the travel law basic ideas on scenic specifications.

From the point of view of the Highway Act, the 58th article of the Act provides, in addition to the 59th article of this law can charge a toll highway, and no roads charging tolls. Charged with the new scenic spots tickets and break through the prohibitive provisions of the highway code approach, is open to question.

For roads at the county level, any person paying transportation taxes and fees can be used, which may provide certain facilities on the road facilities of the watch may become the object of charges, but the highway itself in addition to charge tolls, but was unable to become the object of toll.

Shen Haien said, local governments charge on the grounds that in order to better safeguard the environment, this can be from the world famous car road, 1th road and 66th, lessons on the road, they have not taken the delimitation method of charging.

  "Prairie road" price is reasonable?

Travel expert Liu Simin believes that "Prairie road" as a road-type landscape itself has its own characteristics. If fees are due to management and development considerations, first to cost accounting and public. In his view, the charges for such short-term behavior, considered from local tourism in the long run, not worth promoting.

Liu Simin said the road is an infrastructure, "Prairie road" belongs to the highway, should the infrastructure of government investment, but it does have the ability to travel, if you want to keep the highway landscape better, improve visitor comfort, charge tickets are also reasonable.

In the eyes of Liu Simin, Hebei province, according to related regulations, only the pricing departments at the provincial level to make scenic spot ticket prices, zhangbei price has no authority to decide, while the County and to the enterprises to do, become a tool of corporate profit.

In addition, the Prairie road, ticket cost is 51.25/per person (not including tax), in tax cases, tickets are only 50 Yuan. Why is the price of having the same need to be questioned.

  The stone of his mountain

  South gongs suspended passenger drop front "guest" is the main reason

In fact, as tourists and had to take measures to open area is not uncommon. Nanluoguxiang in Beijing is an open area, for years visitors to holiday full House, South Gong and drum lane stand, this year's "51" be suspended until reception team tourists, street cleaning and order maintenance forces were strengthened, closing down unlicensed businesses, prohibition of the tour are entered, on both sides of main street redesign the parking area, prohibited parking. This year just past the "51" long weekend, South Gong and drum lane capacity lower than over the same period last year.

  Wu cherry stop charges reservation system control flow

Cherry Avenue, Wuhan University, cherry scenery attracts many tourists. Wuhan University is also directly take charge the accused person's strategy, 20 Yuan per person go into school fees. But tourists are still because of escalating, cherry blossom season this year, Wuhan University canceled tickets, reservation system, local media reported, this year Wu cherry people watching people.

This edition/Beijing News reporter selects Guo Chao

This version of image/vision China

Responsible editor: Mao Minmin SN184

Article keywords:
Grasslands road

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  新京报讯 河北张家口张北县的“草原天路”开始收费了,每人50元。记者获悉,近日张北县政府信息公开平台发布了关于“草原天路”收取门票的价格批复,4月30日起,“草原天路”132公里的建成路段进入收费时代。


  “草原天路”由张北县人民政府于2012年9月投资3.25亿元建设,全长132.7公里。是连接崇礼滑雪温泉大区和张北草原风情大区的一条重 要通道。蜿蜒的道路配上湛蓝的天空,路两侧的村庄、梯田、沟壑、山坡,自驾经过这条路,就像亲自拉开一幅色彩饱和度极高的风景画卷。








  从听证会的公开信息可以发现,此次收取门票的范围涵盖“草原天路”全部区域,自西向东,横跨尚义、万全、张北、崇礼、沽源五区县,全长300多 公里。(目前只有一期132.7公里建成通车,二期待建)。记者了解到,“草原天路”的售票厅位于道路东西两端入口外,在入口处设置验票口。目前,检票和 售票设施已基本完成,票面已经印刷完毕。







  据河北省旅游局官网消息,2015年5月,张北县与北京宏美龙脊旅游发展有限公司就张家口“草原天路”综合开发项目签署了旅游开发合作框架协 议。据公开报道,经过张北县人民政府授权,张北县“草原天路”旅游开发有限责任公司,联合北京宏美龙脊旅游发展有限公司进行注资扩股,开发建设。拟投资 2.98亿元,在“草原天路”建设游客服务中心、观景台、服务营地、停车场、垃圾点、星级卫生公厕等项目。















  其实,因为游客多而不得不采取措施的开放式景区并不少见。北京的南锣鼓巷就是开放式的景区,多年来游人一到节假日就爆棚,南锣鼓巷受不了,今年 “五一”之前暂停接待团队游客,加强了街面的保洁和秩序维护力量,关停无照经营的商户,禁止游商进入,在主街两侧重新规划停车区,禁止乱停车。今年刚过去 的“五一”小长假,南锣鼓巷接待量比去年同期下降。



  本版采写/新京报记者 郭超


责任编辑:茅敏敏 SN184



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