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published in(发表于) 2016/5/20 5:39:05 Edit(编辑)
Guangdong’s Pearl River Delta and other coastal areas or major urban waterlogging

Guangdong’s Pearl River Delta and other coastal areas or major urban waterlogging(广东珠三角等沿海地区或发生严重城市内涝)



Serious urban waterlogging in Guangdong's Pearl River Delta and other coastal areas or | in | Pearl River Delta urban waterlogging _ news

Xinhua News Agency, Guangzhou, May 19 (reporter Tian Jianchuan)-reporters learned from the flood in Guangdong Province, Guangdong will usher in a new round of large-scale 20th rain and strong convective weather processes. Due to coincide with the astronomical tide, the Pearl River Delta and other coastal areas affected by serious urban waterlogging in tide jacking may, hejiang, and suijiang, and Lian Jiang, Jiang and other smaller rivers Super police flooding may occur.

Astronomical tide generally takes place before and after the Lunar and 16, at this time, the Sun, Earth and moon are lined up in a straight line, tide-generating forces acting in the same direction of the sea increases the fluctuation of the sea.

According to Guangdong provincial Observatory forecast, 20th to 21st, trough common effects and shear line, from North to South, Guangdong Province, there will be a heavy rain and strong convective weather processes, including Guangdong Province, the Pearl River Delta cities and counties have heavy rains, some cities and counties have heavy rain, other cities and counties have heavy rain to torrential rain, thunderstorms accompanied by short-term Gale 8 or above.

Precipitation in Guangdong province so far this year compared with the same period has too many 70%. Meteorological Department said the heavy precipitation has a wide range of characteristics of the rainfall, meteorological disaster risk, need to pay close attention, to guard against.

Prevention is always held on 19th, three chambers of Commerce, Guangdong Province, the Institute found that the strong precipitation process coincided with the astronomical tide, the Pearl River Delta and other coastal areas may occur in severe urban waterlogging, caused flash floods and geological disasters in mountainous area, he Jiang, and suijiang, and Lianjiang, Wu, and the Pajiang River, Jiang and other smaller rivers Super police flooding may occur.

Called the Guangdong flood control, be sure to increase safety in the flood season inspection, strengthen reservoirs, hydropower stations and other construction safety management, emergency preparedness and staff in advance device provision. (End)

Responsible editor: Liu Debin SN222

Article keywords:
Pearl River Delta urban waterlogging

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Xinhua News Agency







责任编辑:刘德宾 SN222

珠三角 城市内涝


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