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published in(发表于) 2016/5/20 5:38:48 Edit(编辑)
Chinese Office more than a year taking bribes 47.44 million, saying “only to quietly enjoy“

Chinese Office more than a year taking bribes 47.44 million, saying “only to quietly enjoy“(中国某厅官一年多时间贪赃4744万,称“只为静静欣赏”)



Corrupt 47.44 million more than a year said the Office "just to quietly enjoy" | corruption _ news

Recently, the large State-owned enterprises in Guangzhou light industry trade group the original member, Deputy General Manager Liu Xianming was accused of corruption and bribery of more than 1 million Yuan, but during the hearing, Liu Xianming's lawyer said Liu of bribery because of family difficulties, most of the bribe money is also used to give his son to see a doctor. Ocean Solutions (app ID:guanhaijiejv) the count found, over the years, with wonderful reasons to argue their cases abound for corrupt purposes, "worried about their old age" and "bribe money to quietly enjoy" and "keep in trust for state money" and other reasons to laugh or cry.

  Reasons for a

Family difficulties, as the son of taking bribes

According to the information times reported on May 18, Guangzhou light industry and trade group co in the corruption trial, prosecutors alleged, from 2007 to 2013 period, Liu Xianming at Guangzhou light industry, industry and trade, Member, Deputy General Manager of the Group during the making use of his facilities, in partnership with others to embezzlement of 601,000, Liu Xianming had 221,000.

According to the allegations, from 2008 to 2013 period, Liu Xianming duties, respectively, for a property management company in Guangzhou Chen, a property company shareholders, head of infrastructure Minister Lu Sen and several other companies interests, bribery these bribes of 890,000 yuan, 50,000 yuan and Hong Kong dollars gift cards worth 245,000 yuan.

In court, Liu Xianming committed crimes pleaded guilty and expressed regret. His account, as Vice President, he is mainly in charge of property, corruption levels are assigned according to proportion, according to the Department. In various acts of bribery, he did not initiate the bribe to the person, but people later gave his "thank you", he has on several occasions tried to push out "thank you" but were not successful.

Liu Xianming confessed that most of the bribes were used to heal his son. A number of cooperation projects with light industry group bribes bribe sent property is "to look at the son."

During the trial, Liu Xianming nearly 90 years old mother also appear to listen. Defense lawyers said Liu Xianming elderly elders in the family, at an age when his son has been suffering from a serious illness, require higher treatment costs, now leads the low gold to maintain life.

Liu Xianming brothers and sisters of life are difficult, usually by Liu Xianming help. Defence lawyers asked the Court in view of Liu Xianming plots such as surrender, confession, tuizang, reduce the sentence. At present, the case is still under trial.

  Reason two

Fear for their life

On December 10, 2014, the national development and Reform Commission Deputy Director, former Director, national energy administration Liu tienan, either directly or through his son Liu Decheng illegally accepting other people's property amounted to RMB more than 35.58 million Yuan, Langfang city, Hebei province intermediate people's Court of taking bribes while the first trial sentenced to life imprisonment, deprived of political rights for life and confiscated all his personal property.

Ccdi website Journal of China discipline inspection and supervision article sex and the destruction at the end---the national development and Reform Commission Deputy Director, former Director General of national energy administration Liu tienan case record of warning, said Liu tienan, respectable appearance, but contains a twisted heart, he was vulgar, decadent values lead to no return.

Article disclosed that his recognition of their greed and selfishness: "my life has two sides. "Liu tienan, tap the source of profound impact on his values. "I grew up with hardship, inner life longing, vanity top, good face, this is an important source of mistakes. ”

Article said that "both sides of life" form, from the struggle of two values. In his "positive life" lexicon, full of Justice, honesty, dedication, and he, like most business leaders, showing the "hard work" and "waking every day at the Office", or even "strictly according to procedure," and "who eat not to" side.

However, individual interests first "bad life" wrapped, he "that his wife suffered a grievance", "wants to help his son", "fear for their life" ... ... To fill the personal desire, he displayed cunning, greedy side.

 Three reasons

Fear led to money

In August 2010, Meishan, Sichuan, former Vice Mayor Yu Zhiping was sentenced to 13 years for bribery. During the period of investigation by the Sichuan Provincial Prosecutor's Office in written confessions, he writes, I had told myself, the ancient sayings. If I'm unique, refuse what is "good" and even hand over bribes, not just of offending people, will also be considered as strange, thought I was abnormal nerve, there is something wrong with his head. Good for work, not to mention performance future tree. So, to acquaintances, "friends" and entrepreneurs under the name happy new year sent money, I take it one by one.

For this reason corruption is not Yu Zhiping, 2013, Zheng Minhua, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee in Foshan, Dongguan Humen original town for trial. Foshan City prosecutor's Office charged Zheng Minhua RMB 400,000, $ 900,000 yuan of bribery.

Zheng Minhua show sorrow. But feel wronged, saying if they do not receive money, afraid of causing Wu Zhan-Hui (zhenyuan, Secretary, Humen town, Dongguan city, was dual gauge) of mistrust and dilemma.

Lok Ma Zhen Zheng Minhua, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee said "fear led to collect the money", the bribery was "helpless", the implication is that corruption is not a mean, just being in this system has to do.

In addition, in 2012, the yangcheng evening news reported, Guangzhou Baiyun taihe town branch City Council enforcement team the original Captain Wang Baolin on suspicion of taking bribes, the crime of huge property with unidentified two, stood in the dock of the Guangzhou intermediate court. Prosecutors accused Wang Baolin bribes more than 4.47 million Yuan, while more than 6.89 million yuan of property does not mean legitimate sources. To face charges, Wang Baolin seems very wrong, insisting that bribery is not composed, is afraid of offending people have received the money, "people are going to see me, is through an intermediary to bribe these middlemen are powerful people, and if I don't accept it, can't afford to offend. ”

Reason four

The country and save money

From August 1998 to January 2001, "Meng first corruption" of mengyin County, Shandong province, Yuan Feng, former Deputy County mengyin sword served as during Expressway construction headquarters in mengyin County deputy magistrate and Deputy Commander-in-Chief, with others, separate accounts, false notes, destroying accounting vouchers.

According to the 2003 report of the Chinese in 2002, mengyin, linyi city intermediate people's Court, former Deputy County Executive and county highway construction headquarters Deputy Director Yuan Feng Jian judgments of first instance: sentenced Yuan Feng to death on charges of embezzlement, taking bribes, suspended for two years and deprived of political rights for life and confiscated all his personal property; according to law the recovery of stolen money 5.639 million Yuan, turned over to the State Treasury; booty one Panasonic camera confiscated.

At the time of confiscation of pecuniary value, he amount of money and confiscation of proceeds of corruption the number exactly, a point many, argued that Yuan Feng sword is the country and save money.

 Reason five

Only for static and quietly enjoy the money

Former Vice Director of the Hebei provincial Department of foreign trade and economic cooperation Li Youcan, from 2001 to 2003 average bribe more than 70,000 yuan, just a crazy taking bribes of more than 47.44 million Yuan a year.

Li Youcan foreign corrupt thrift at ordinary times, even had its own "four principles of accepting bribes". At the trial, he said, his bribes so much cash, never had the Bank, only to quietly enjoy.

According to the Shenyang today newspaper reported, Li Youcan his account, he extracted from the Beijing company General Manager Ding 16.4 million Yuan! Can not so much cash in his car once he pulled three times!

There are curious people have ever worked, 16.4 million Yuan banknote in a heap, not small in size, weights are heavy. "This is a after completing", a judge said. Li Youcan but cautious, every truck is handling it myself.

Who investigators said with feeling, it really is a crazy scene: a man who more than 50 years old and suffers from severe diabetes, alone weighs 40 cash moved to black gold warehouse and parking place to the door has a very long way, greed is crazy.

Contributions and manpower/Hsing Chi

Text/legal evening news reporter Julia Zhang

Responsible editor: Kun Qu SN117

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厅官一年多时间贪赃4744万 称“只为静静欣赏”|贪污_新闻资讯





































  文/法制晚报记者 张媛

责任编辑:瞿崑 SN117



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