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published in(发表于) 2016/5/20 5:38:39 Edit(编辑)
China released Wei JI Wei drug price negotiations, the hepatitis b drug prices

China released Wei JI Wei drug price negotiations, the hepatitis b drug prices(中国卫计委公布药品价格谈判结果,乙肝治疗药物大降价)



Wei JI Wei, reported drug price negotiations result hepatitis b drug prices

Beijing, May 20, according to the National Health Commission's Web site, the State Health Commission published on 20th the first national drug price negotiations, including first-line treatment for chronic hepatitis b drug tenofovir disoproxil, targeted therapy for non-small cell lung cancer drug IKE for dasatinib and gefitinib. Compared with the public hospitals before the purchase price, 3 kinds of negotiating drug prices fell by over 50%.
Health Planning Commission pointed out that, on patent medicines, exclusive production of drugs, establishing open and transparent, participatory and drug price negotiation mechanism, is to deepen the reform of medical care and promote the public hospital drug centralized purchasing and reduce the burden on patients of important initiatives. On May 20, 2016, the national drug price negotiation results announced to the public, including first-line treatment for chronic hepatitis b drug tenofovir disoproxil, targeted therapy for non-small cell lung cancer drug IKE for dasatinib and gefitinib. Compared with the public hospitals before the purchase price, 3 kinds of negotiating drug prices fell by over 50%, and neighboring countries (regions) convergence.
October 2015, approved by the State Council, 16 ministries such as health and family planning (bureaus) of drug price negotiation is established the Inter-Ministerial Joint Conference system experts a comprehensive patent medicine, exclusive domestic production of drugs, combined with the medication needs of our major public health and disease control, drug selection determines the first negotiations, set up a negotiating team, developing negotiation processes and policies, synchronous negotiation and oversight mechanisms.
In late November, officially launched the first national drug price negotiations. Negotiating teams met with hepatitis b, non-small cell lung cancer with patented medicines-related companies have held several rounds of talks. In this process, departments emphasize policy work together, cooperate closely to advance negotiations. Cooperation enterprises with a positive attitude and a strong sense of social responsibility, to achieve a shared win-win negotiation efforts of the results.
Wei JI Wei said, currently, hepatitis remains one of our major communicable disease control key, heavy disease burden. Tenofovir disoproxil for the treatment of chronic hepatitis b patients with indications of extensive, has a good safety in pregnant women, and can be used for a variety of drug resistance in patients with chronic hepatitis b treatment.
For the class of targeted drugs can conform to the indication of treatment of patients with non-small cell lung cancer with accuracy increase, lifetime extension. Talks pilot started well, made significant progress and results, improve liver, lung cancer patients accessibility and affordability, and masses are the biggest beneficiaries. This has fully demonstrated the Party Central Committee and the State Council on the establishment of the national drug price negotiation mechanism of decision making is entirely correct.
Wei JI Wei emphasized that guidance to implement the outcome of the negotiations as soon as possible to benefit patients, 7 departments jointly issued the negotiations on the national drug procurement notice. Throughout the negotiations in a timely manner results in provincial drug centralized purchasing platform, open mesh, medical institutions by negotiating prices purchasing directly on-line, to improve the scope of Medicare payment management, national pilot drug negotiations and Medicare payment policies, to enhance people's sense of identity and access.
(Editors: Dou Yuan UN833)
2016-05-20 13:26:30
China News Network
卫计委公布药品价格谈判结果 乙肝治疗药物大降价

  中新网5月20日电  据国家卫生计生委网站消息,国家卫生计生委20日公布首批国家药品价格谈判结果,其中有慢性乙肝一线治疗药物替诺福韦酯,非小细胞肺癌靶向治疗药物埃克替尼和吉非替尼。与之前公立医院的采购价格比较,3种谈判药品价格降幅均在50%以上。






(责任编辑:窦远行 UN833)
2016-05-20 13:26:30

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