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published in(发表于) 2016/5/20 5:38:26 Edit(编辑)
40% China knows bedwetting is sick, sick children only half seek medical attention

40% China knows bedwetting is sick, sick children only half seek medical attention(中国近4成人不知尿床是病,患病儿童仅半数求医)



40% China knows bedwetting is only half seek treatment of sick children | _ an accident news

Original title: "bed-wetting is not a disease"? China night enuresis in children is only half of physician

International Continence Society Board member and well-known children's Urology professor Wen Jianguo, an expert said Chinese experts on the issue of children's nocturnal enuresis is a global long-term commitment to standardized diagnosis and treatment of nocturnal enuresis in children, and have done a lot of work. Chen photography

CNS, Shanghai, May 19 (reporter Chen Jing)-International Continence Society Committee, China Association of Pediatricians kidney 19th in the IPCC will release Chinese public awareness of child enuresis disease only 62%, 50% not only went to the hospital for treatment in children with nocturnal enuresis.

On May 24 this year, is the second "world day for nocturnal enuresis", on the theme "focus on nocturnal enuresis in children, and action at this time." 19th in 2016, "world day for nocturnal enuresis" public action held the press conference in China.

China Association of Pediatricians kidney IPCC Chairman, national child enuresis expert group leader, paediatric hospital affiliated to Fudan University Professor Xu Hong said, "wet" is not the child's fault, should and can be properly treated. "Chen photography

It is learnt that the nocturnal enuresis in children, commonly known as "wet" clinically means 5 years children over the night and not wake up from sleep and involuntary urination occurs. Complex causes of nocturnal enuresis in children, and may be genetic, growth retardation, psychological and other factors. The lack of "ADH", children don't have enough capacity, filling the bladder does not send messages to the brain, are important causes of nocturnal enuresis.

In society at large, nocturnal enuresis disease is often underestimated and overlooked, many parents mistakenly believe that "bed-wetting is not a disease". In fact, children's nocturnal enuresis is dangerous, will seriously damage the self-esteem and self-confidence of children with, is one of the important factors affecting the development of children's physical and mental health.

Child bedwetting is often ridiculed as "drawing maps in the sheets" 2016 "world day for nocturnal enuresis" China charity event press conference, Shanghai college student ingenuity at sheet creation. Chen photography

Reportedly, international urine control Association Children Committee, and China Pediatric physician Association kidney designed Board will, common launched has China mass on children night enuresis disease cognitive degrees of online research, participation survey who in the, over 50% of think, night enuresis is a with age growth will self-healing of physiological phenomenon, thus not to sought treatment; near 40% of parents will think "wet" is children of deliberately behavior, even so blamed had children, some parents will for produced anxiety mood.

China Association of Pediatricians kidney IPCC Chairman, national child enuresis expert group leader, paediatric hospital affiliated to Fudan University Professor Xu Hong told reporters at a news conference on the same day, the "wet" is not the child's fault, should and can be properly treated. ”

Children's kidney disease Expert Assistant Mao Jianhua, President of the children's hospital affiliated to Zhejiang University Professor accepts many patients with nocturnal enuresis in children, and in the field, he shares the real case compelling. "Some children will themselves secretly at midnight to wash bed sheets to escape the parents scold; some children refused to participate in the school overnight activities, so as not to be teased. That speaks of nocturnal enuresis of children's physical and psychological adverse effects are very large. "Mao Jianhua said:" children's nocturnal enuresis is a common disease, through a detailed history, physical examination and documentation of voiding diary, excluding day diagnosed by symptoms and complications and monosymptomatic nocturnal enuresis, most can get good treatment. "He said, even though the child may suffer from nocturnal enuresis, parents also need to be too nervous, standardized diagnosis and treatment is the key to physical and psychological recovery of the child in a timely manner.

International Continence Society Committee, first Vice President of the affiliated hospital of Zhengzhou University, the well-known children's Urology professor Wen Jianguo, an expert introduced the international children's Continence Society was founded "world day for nocturnal enuresis" background. He said, night enuresis in children is a global problem. Chinese experts have long committed to standardized diagnosis and treatment of nocturnal enuresis in children, and have done a lot of work. Child enuresis expert group was established, China November 2013, 2014 issued the China children's symptoms of nocturnal enuresis disease management expert consensus, regional group have been set up across the country.

It is understood that, at present, Beijing, Shanghai, Jiangsu, Guangdong, more than more than 10 provinces hundreds of hospitals have been set up in the nocturnal enuresis treatment center. Like in Shanghai, Fudan University subsidiary Pediatric Hospital select "children night enuresis" as grading clinic of "striker", the hospital through Fudan pediatric medical conjoined of Minhang collaboration network, in 5 home community health service center common carried out "children night enuresis" mission, and advisory and the clinic activities, through "with quality of" diagnosis and treatment and the two-way referral strategy, for night enuresis children provides convenient, and specification and quality of clinic service.

Wen Jianguo called for a correct understanding of the public, "nocturnal enuresis", and attach importance to intervention in diseases. He hoped that the community, parents and doctors work together to, so that early diagnosis and treatment in children with nocturnal enuresis, to regain a healthy future! (End)

Responsible editor: Kun Qu SN117

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China News Network
中国近4成人不知尿床是病 患病儿童仅半数求医|尿床_新闻资讯

  原标题:“尿床不是病”? 中国夜遗尿儿童仅半数求助医生

国际尿控协会儿童委员会委员、知名儿童泌尿外科专家文建国教授说,儿童夜遗尿是个全球性的问题中国专家长期致力于儿童夜遗尿的规范化诊治,付出了诸多努力。 陈静 摄

  中新网上海5月19日电 (记者 陈静)国际尿控协会儿童委员会、中国儿科医师协会肾脏专委会19日在此间披露,中国公众对于儿童夜遗尿疾病的知晓率仅为62%,只有不到50%的夜遗尿患儿去医院就诊。


中国儿科医师协会肾脏专委会主任委员、全国儿童夜遗尿专家协作组组长、复旦大学附属儿科医院徐虹教授说,“尿床”不是孩子的过错,应该且能够得到妥善治疗。” 陈静 摄



儿童尿床常被戏谑为“在床单上画地图”,2016年“世界遗尿日”中国公益行动新闻发布会现场,上海的高校学生别出心裁地在床单上进行创作。 陈静 摄







责任编辑:瞿崑 SN117



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