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published in(发表于) 2016/5/19 6:24:59 Edit(编辑)
Liu suggested Apple 1 billion yuan investment reasons: drops and Apple customers in China highly overlapping,

Liu suggested Apple 1 billion yuan investment reasons: drops and Apple customers in China highly overlapping,(柳青暗示苹果10亿元投资原因:滴滴和苹果在中国客户群高度重合,)



Liu suggested Apple 1 billion yuan investment reasons: drops and Apple customer base height of coincidence-drop in China, Liu Qing, Apple-IT information

May 18 Beijing time news, foreign media reports, Apple (hereinafter "Apple") $ 1 billion investment in China took a taxi drops the real reason remains a mystery, and drop President Liu Qing said in an interview, appeared to give some hints.

Liu Qing said in a CNBC interview, said: "We highly coincide with Apple's customer base in China. Our drivers and passengers are using Apple products and services, such as the iPhone and iPad. ”

Liu also said that China took a taxi the potential size of the market than the United States. At present, the drops every day in Beijing's orders 5~6 times the amount equivalent to the entire New York taxi market. At present, the average daily traffic of about 1.1 billion in China, and drops daily orders only 1%, so the market potential is huge.

In order to better serve our users, Liu believes that technology is essential. She said in an interview: "we are most concerned about at present is technology. How to better match supply and demand, including vehicles, drivers and passengers. ”

Obviously, Apple may want to fill this gap. Apple may have a lot of cooperation with drops, but the most basic is to drop travel provides the equipment, software and services, such as Apple map (Apple Maps).

In addition, the industry generally believe Apple is working on electric cars, and probably is a self-driving car. For drops of travel sales self-driving cars are also a lucrative business.

Drops announced over the weekend, has been Apple's strategic investment of us $ 1 billion. Liu said, the two sides met for the first time on April 20 at Apple Headquarters this year, then with "lightning speed" investment agreement is reached.

Apple CEO Tim Cook (Tim Cook) said: "this investment for a number of strategic considerations. For example, to better understand some Chinese industries. ”

For that investment, some analysts say, apples in a move to woo the Chinese market. There are analysts, Apple is wanted in iPhone sales downturn, its entertainment push and payment services to drop 300 million Chinese users.

柳青暗示苹果10亿元投资原因:滴滴和苹果在中国客户群高度重合 - 滴滴,柳青,苹果 - IT资讯





很明显,苹果可能希望来填补这一空白。苹果与滴滴出行合作的方式可能有很多,但最基本的应该是为滴滴出行提供其设备、软件和服务,如苹果地图(Apple Maps)。



苹果CEO蒂姆·库克(Tim Cook)只是称:“这笔投资出于多种战略因素考虑。例如,能更好地了解中国的某些行业。”


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