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published in(发表于) 2016/5/19 6:24:34 Edit(编辑)
France President Francois hollande confirmed Egypt lost airliner has crashed

France President Francois hollande confirmed Egypt lost airliner has crashed(法国总统奥朗德确认埃及失联客机已坠毁,)



France President Francois hollande confirmed Egypt lost airliner crash-passenger airliner lost-IT information

IT information news on May 19, today a plane from France Paris to Egypt Cairo passenger plane disappeared from the radar , now France President Francois hollande confirmed Egypt lost flight crashed.

It is reported that the flight number MS804, flew to Cairo from Paris Charles de Gaulle airport, the Airbus A320 to fly, serial number SU-GCC, age 13, 66 people on board, with 56 passengers and 10 crew members. Ethiopian Airlines released data showed that no Chinese citizen on board.

Egypt's military through its "Facebook" official statement published accounts show, did not detect any emergency signals from the lost MS804. The plane lost time of Egypt 19th 2:45 A.M. local time. Agence France-Presse said that the airliner had crashed into Greece Ka Passos, South of the waters around the Islands, but that has yet to be confirmed.

法国总统奥朗德确认埃及失联客机已坠毁 - 客机,客机失联 - IT资讯

IT资讯讯 5月19日消息,今日一架从法国巴黎飞往埃及开罗的客机从雷达上消失,目前法国总统奥朗德确认埃及失联航班已坠毁。



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