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published in(发表于) 2016/5/19 6:24:29 Edit(编辑)
Express brother drug awarded 100,000 yuan to help check, receives an award comparable to “lottery ticket“,

Express brother drug awarded 100,000 yuan to help check, receives an award comparable to “lottery ticket“,(快递小哥协助查毒获奖10万元,领奖现场堪比“中彩票”,)



Express brother drug awarded 100,000 yuan to help check, receives an award comparable to "winning the Lottery"-drug, methamphetamine, express-IT information

This morning, one express brother incarnation, Baiyun district, Guangzhou City, "yellow people" receive total reports of Police reward of 100,000 yuan. Courier staff requirements out of the box depending on the number of inspections to be sent outside of the container, but see the delivery people hurriedly left the goods right away, "yellow people" express little brother has suspected was alarming. By Guangzhou police inspection, the shipment is 300 kg of methamphetamine.

This reporter has learned, in the clouds, and more than 30,000 employees as "yellow people" service express "express little brother" team, has become an important logistics virus. This year, the white cloud police received "express little brother" report clues to drug parcels 6 seized through logistics and delivery channel 414 kg of drugs were shipped overseas.

Around noon on March 23, Baiyun district within the jurisdiction of a courier company to the men, they claimed to have a cargo consigned to the field, the require shipment volume is very large.

In the unloading of the goods to the company warehouse and after you fill out the invoice and the sender's identity information, strict implementation of logistics delivery management staff provides "sangebai hundred" (real-name registration, 100% 100% out of the box experience, 100% x-ray security check), the requirement to send cargo in the face out of the box checked.

Sent men after hearing suddenly become unnatural look, then right out of sight. At this point, the company's "express little brother" combined with police conducting routine anti-drug training knowledge, think this thing is very suspicious, immediately to the police reflects the white clouds.

After police arrived at the scene, all ready to send out all shipments of suspicious men checked out of the box, most of the white crystals were found in a total of 300 bags of goods totaling 300 kilograms, after testing the white crystals for the drug methamphetamine. At present, the white cloud police are conducting an investigation into the case .

Police said that because the name "Baiyun express little brother" strong "antivirus" consciousness, anti-drug training can be applied to work into full play the initiative and suspicious to the police in a timely manner so that the 300 kilograms of drugs had been successfully blocked his acting fully in compliance with award terms. According to the relevant provisions of the award-winning reporting, police in Guangzhou on May 18 against the "express little brother" cash award of 100,000 yuan.

According to the police, Baiyun district, adjacent to the railway station and Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport in Guangzhou, area of dense road network, transport, logistics delivery in large and medium enterprises up to more than 6,000 companies, is an important logistics transshipment base in South China. In recent years, with the rise of online shopping and cross-border e-commerce, number of sighting, Baiyun district, a huge transport network, using vulnerabilities in parcel logistics delivery link to drug trafficking in the past criminal activity.

White cloud police drug in the current focus of renovation work, for logistics and delivery industry more than 30,000 employees in China to carry out routine General toxicity and reporting training, perfecting and implementing drug-related award-winning reporting mechanisms, to create a human involvement "Baiyun express little brother" team, to interdict the suspects through the logistics play an active role in the delivery channel for transporting drugs.

This year, the white cloud police have received "express little brother" report clues to drug parcels 6 seized attempting to 414 kg of drugs were shipped overseas through logistics delivery channels, except the rewards have been accomplished "express little brother" handed out rewards of 55,000 yuan.

快递小哥协助查毒获奖10万元,领奖现场堪比“中彩票” - 贩毒,冰毒,快递 - IT资讯











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