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published in(发表于) 2016/5/19 6:24:12 Edit(编辑)
ARM completed the world’s first chip 10nm technology: the Artemis framework

ARM completed the world’s first chip 10nm technology: the Artemis framework(ARM完成全球首款10nm工艺芯片:Artemis架构,)



ARM completed the world's first chip 10nm technology: the Artemis framework-TSMC, ARM-IT information

IT information news on May 19, ARM announced today that have made the world's first chip 10nm technology in collaboration with TSMC, the chip uses entirely new top-level schema Artemis.

ARM said the 10nm chips flow work is actually completed in December 2015, Artemis as the new ARM of the top-level schema has not yet been officially released.

TSMC 10nm technology compared to the 16nm process technology and transistor integrated for 2.1 times, can enhance the performance of 11%-12%, or with the frequency 30% power consumption. The process is expected to put into use by the end of this year, brand new Artemis framework will replace the current Cortex-A72.

ARM完成全球首款10nm工艺芯片:Artemis架构 - 台积电,ARM - IT资讯

IT资讯讯 5月19日消息,ARM今天宣布,已经与台积电合作制成全球首款10nm工艺芯片,该芯片采用全新顶级架构Artemis。



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