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published in(发表于) 2016/5/18 5:46:56 Edit(编辑)
IBM releases new phase change memory technology: Cottonwood me forever,

IBM releases new phase change memory technology: Cottonwood me forever,(IBM发布全新相变存储技术:跟卡顿永别,)



IBM releases new phase change memory technology: Farewell with Caton-IBM memory-IT information

IT information news on May 18, when we use the PC and devices such as Smartphones, we often meet with Caton, current solutions simple and crude, is the expanded memory for the device, IBM new made articles on memory optimization.

The company today released a PCM (phase-change memory) phase-change memory technology, the technology can improve the efficiency of the device. At this point. You may doubt, IBM was not focused on the enterprise market? US consumer market the cows come home ... ...

Nevertheless, if in the application of this technology to really work on the enterprise market, the consumer market is also huge demand for memory upgrade, if the patent in hand, technique and really easy to use, IBM has no reason to reject the foreseeable high licensing costs, consumer devices such as smart phones after using PCM, experience will be promoted.

However, IBM spokesman said the technology will be achieved by 2017 commercial, the road ahead is long, we slowly.

IBM发布全新相变存储技术:跟卡顿永别 - IBM,内存 - IT资讯

IT资讯讯 5月18日消息,我们在使用PC与智能机等设备时,经常遇到卡顿的情况,厂商目前的解决方法简单粗暴,就是为设备扩充内存,IBM另辟蹊径,在内存优化上做起了文章。

该公司今天发布了一项PCM(phase-change memory)相变存储技术,该技术能够有效提高设备的运行效率。说到这里。大家可能略有疑问,IBM不是专注于企业级市场吗?到我们消费级市场得猴年马月......



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