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published in(发表于) 2016/5/18 5:46:20 Edit(编辑)
86 year old man received shocking scam message: your husband and the other woman holding hands,

86 year old man received shocking scam message: your husband and the other woman holding hands,(86岁老大爷收雷人诈骗短信:你老公和别的女人牵手,)



86 year old man received shocking scam message: your husband holding hands with another woman-SMS scam, Android software-IT information

Fraud SMS this cancer is buried in China Mobile users lingering memories. Although small does not know this phenomenon is common abroad, but at home because of a text message, a telephone swindle thousands of tens of thousands of have become commonplace. But if an 86 year old man received a threatening "same-sex partner" is secretly looking for a girlfriend, how it should be handled?

? Frame-independent

According to the Shenyang evening news reported that the 86-year old Uncle CHAN recently was scared by this new type of scam text messages a week. Because his wife had passed away, and therefore this message natural attack and break, but the question of why people know their names are scratching their heads. It is understood that the uncle Chen received a new "dare" scam text messages, use moments of sanity is not give out personal information. This Trojan virus can steal mobile phones of all types of information, including user login on the mobile phone the bank card account number, password and SMS, and also has a normal text message, secretly texting and other functions, to steal into the bank account number, account password with the theft of mobile payment fast payment SMS verification code, realization of fraudulent funds .

In addition to "I saw him holding hands with another woman" in addition to the spread of the virus also give birth to multiple variations, such as " you should have done such a thing! People really can't forgive! "" Look what you did, and see for yourself. "I was your husband's girlfriend, I'm in love with your husband, I want to marry him! "And so on.

As to the question why would know the owner's name, the meaning of which is sort of similar to the MLM. If your family and friends to install this kind of gets contacts, texting the new Android APP, it will automatically read the contacts to forward such messages, not only to the original owner of the phone bill has had an impact, if you receive the message again to download, the consequences can be imagined.

Android because of inherent openness, such problems are inevitable, perhaps in daily use more attention to application permissions, even if found APP uninstall is a reasonable solution to the problem.

86岁老大爷收雷人诈骗短信:你老公和别的女人牵手 - 短信诈骗,安卓软件 - IT资讯







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