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published in(发表于) 2016/5/16 7:32:08 Edit(编辑)
Woman after getting drunk, take the express train to the last drop: full driver molested three times,

Woman after getting drunk, take the express train to the last drop: full driver molested three times,(女子醉酒后乘坐滴滴快车:全程被司机猥亵三次,)



Woman after getting drunk, take the express train to the last drop: full driver molested three times-express to the last drop, drip-IT information

The night before last, Wang the public dinner of dripping through platform invoke a fast train to go home. Ms Wong said the driver's vehicle and display models are not the same, repeated during each other in her lewd. At present, drip companies unable to contact the drivers concerned.

Ms Wang, last night, she in Chaoyang District, near the Tulip resort hotel and dinner party colleagues, during which drinking a few glasses of beer. Wang feel uncomfortable by software hit an express train to the last drop. A driver surnamed Li, the software displays the model Skoda Hao Rui, license plate number GM37xx for Beijing, but her car was a red Mazda, license plate number QG02xx.

Wang said that she was dressed in a long skirt to sit at the right back position. "I am fast asleep, sleeping just feel like someone reached into my skirt. "Ms Wang immediately woke up, her hands pushed the driver," I hit him several times, driving and warned him to be honest. "Ms Wang said opened a vomiting after the driver to stop, drivers took the opportunity of indecent assault it themselves due to poor health after its suppression is not the choice of leaving.

9:30, driver Wang as a living community of North Park, Wang said drivers did not immediately open the door locks, but again it is obscene. Wong shouted to the police and to open the safety lock to escape.

Ms Wang says, 10:05, her alarm, police contacted the driver, guanzhuang, Chaoyang District, Lee, Lee drove a red Mazda came to the police station, they made record in the police station. After Wang out of the police station, cell phone took Lee drove the Red Mazda car number. Reporters from the Sun yesterday was informed by the police, and police have not filed because of insufficient evidence.

Yesterday afternoon, reporters repeatedly tried to contact the driver, but the phone prompts shutdown. Company staff said to the last drop, night passenger feedback questions, drops the first time follow up understanding, drops will co-operate with the police investigation. Drop drivers involved company has yet to be reached, if that is the case, the drivers will be banned.

女子醉酒后乘坐滴滴快车:全程被司机猥亵三次 - 滴滴快车,滴滴 - IT资讯







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