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published in(发表于) 2016/5/16 7:30:50 Edit(编辑)
China’s richest woman, embarrassed, executives ’ collective holdings of stocks,

China’s richest woman, embarrassed, executives ’ collective holdings of stocks,(中国女首富遇尴尬,公司高管集体减持股票,)



China's richest woman, embarrassed, executives ' collective holdings of stock-dispatched flight, Lan Si technologies, China's richest woman-IT information

Apple CEO Cook visited China again today , it was his eighth visit to China. However, behind this, is Apple's results make people worried. The company's latest quarterly earnings,iPhone sales fall for the first time, the company revenues for the quarter also fell. In fact, in the last quarter, outside of Apple's iPhone sales slowed, suggesting Apple's performance has already peaked.

In China, a company called "Lan Si technology" Apple concept company suffered a similar embarrassment. Through Lan Si technology industry, its main business is the development, production and sales of window glass, the main product is the protective glass window (commonly known as mobile cover), but these products are almost always sold out to Apple and Samsung.

Not hard to guess, is the envy of many mobile glass manufacturing enterprise Lan Si technology has a strong Apple customer, with such powerful clients, Lan Si technology has pushed the company Chairman Zhou Qunfei China's richest woman on the "throne".

According to Lan Si 2015 annual report disclosed the ownership structure of science and technology, Hong Kong Lan Si Chun hsin and Changsha, is Lan Si technology's two largest shareholders, holding 81.18% and 7.92%, respectively. Among them, the Hong Kong Lan Si dispatched fly of the genus wholly-owned shareholding; Zhou Qunfei, Zheng Junlong, Rao bridge soldiers, held shares of Changsha group 85%, 14.7%, 0.3%. By this calculation, dispatched to fly personal holdings, accounting for 87.91% of the total share capital of the company.

Current Lan Si technology shares as 72.65, total market capitalisation of 52.831 billion. According to this calculation, dispatched fly holdings total worth 46.4 billion yuan.

Lan Si technology in effective control of people dispatched to fly

However, on the other side of the coin is that excessive reliance on Apple, also easily for Lan Si technology crisis. In fact, listed only two years, Lan Si technology has begun to decline.

Earnings depend on Government grants

Based on the earnings for the latest quarter showed Lan Si technology, Lan Si technology revenue 2.676 billion yuan in the first quarter of this year, down 35.8%; 165 million yuan in net profit, up slumped by about 59.3%.

And to make matters worse, Yu Lansi shareholders of belonging for the quarter net profit excluding non-recurring profit and loss, its first loss, the losses amount to 74.27 million last year, the data showed a net profit of 255 million yuan in the same period, 129% drop compared with the same period last year.

? Lan Si technology performance in the first quarter of this year compared with the performance in the same period last year

In fact, Lan Si technology was able to turn a profit in the first quarter of this year, is not its own performance. According to Lan Si technologies recently released first-quarter earnings show, included in the profit or loss Government grants up to 246 million Yuan, which means that without this allowance, Lan Si technology is actually nearly 80 million yuan in losses.

Many executives intend to plunge in stock

Lan Si technology business also face the risk of a decline in market demand. On one hand, due to global macro-economic downward trend, falling consumer spending due to the decline in real income and expected cuts, demand-side consumer electronics may shrink on the other, consumer electronics in recent years due to continuously upgrade the quality, technology and design, longer product life, consumers may delay or cancel the renewal plan.

In addition, due to the narrowing of the gap between big brand products and price/performance advantages of low-end products will become increasingly apparent, if Lan Si technology failed to introduce more innovative products leading the new consumption trend, sales of high-end products may be temporarily subject to certain impact.

Face of declining performance, the company executives also are considering taking further action . Lan Si technology recently submitted announcements, company's Board of Directors on May 10, 2016 to receive Zhou Xinyi, He Jianping, and peak, and Kuang Chen Xiaoqun vocal recital, and xiaoqianfeng, and Wei Liu, Rao Qiaobing, and Li Xiaoming, and Peng Mengwu, Liu Shuguang 10 shareholders, such as submission of the schedule on the holdings of company stock, reducing time for May-December this year.

It is reported that Zhou Xinyi as a Director of the company, Liu Wei, Li, Peng Mengwu, Liu Shuguang etc per capita as the Deputy General Manager of the company, remaining to be the reduction of shareholder for company directors or supervisors.

Notice Tencent technology found that Zhou Xinyi Lan Si technology held 500,000 shares, 375,000 shares of restricted stock for the Executive class, the proposed reduction of 125,000 shares, meaning that Zhou Xinyi is about reduction of non-restricted shares held by all of them. Liu Wei Lan Si technology 250,000 shares 187,500 shares for Executive class of restricted stock, the rest of the 62,500 shares are all intended to reduce. And several other shareholders also are all in the same form of the holdings. In other words, the hand can throw Lan Si tech stocks they planned to throw.

Lan Si Chairman Zhou Qunfei of science and technology did not follow fashion with many shareholders, because under the influence of a limited commitment. Zhou Qunfei has promised since the company's initial public offering and listing on the gem within 36 months from the date, does not transfer or delegate administrative shares directly or indirectly held by the company, nor by the companies to buy back the stake. It is reported that Lan Si technology in March last year, was officially listed on the gem, now 14 months only.

中国女首富遇尴尬,公司高管集体减持股票 - 周群飞,蓝思科技,中国女首富 - IT资讯




















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