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published in(发表于) 2016/5/15 6:17:58 Edit(编辑)
Shanghai Disneyland was used in a high current-limiting, and netizens ridicule “cannot play“

Shanghai Disneyland was used in a high current-limiting, and netizens ridicule “cannot play“(上海迪士尼被指用高价限流,网友吐槽“玩不起”,)



Shanghai Disneyland was used in a high current-limiting, and netizens ridicule "cannot play" Disney Shanghai Disneyland-IT information

On May 14, after a long time of waiting, Shanghai Disneyland earlier this month opened a trial operation, for a period of time after the novelty, and netizens ridicule one after another say fees are too high, the prices are too high. Some media accounts: the minimum budget for a three day trip to 2600 Yuan, 2nd tour to 6000 Yuan. Users also have different views on this.

Some netizens said, Shanghai Disneyland prices are too high, elect not to play, there are Internet users said, is 34 billion yuan Shanghai Disneyland construction costs and daily operating parks cost less, investor's goal is to make money, travel is the consumer to buy relaxed pleasure, choosing the right tourism projects according to their level of consumption, higher prices also expressed support to prove the quality of Park. Netizens pointed out, Disney opened a theme park of high age, and "high" achieving limited results, can protect the tourists play experience.

Information IT believes that current may only bring one of the effects of high prices. For theme parks, investment construction, routine maintenance, and protect the visitor experience at a certain cost. Premium tickets means better services. Of course, the high price for many users is the truth.

It is reported that Shanghai Disneyland consists of six theme parks: Mickey Avenue, Fantasy Gardens, Adventure Island, Treasure Bay, tomorrow's world and have a fantasy dream world of a fairy tale Castle. Officially launched on May 7 internal operational tests, preparing for the Grand opening on June 16.

上海迪士尼被指用高价限流,网友吐槽“玩不起” - 迪士尼,上海迪士尼 - IT资讯





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