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published in(发表于) 2016/5/13 7:20:09 Edit(编辑)
Sharing the economic truth: how many Chinese are willing to share a car and a House? ,

Sharing the economic truth: how many Chinese are willing to share a car and a House? ,(共享经济真相:多少中国人愿意共享车和房?,)



Sharing the economic truth: how many Chinese are willing to share a car and a House? -Share economy-IT information

Human societies are,

From the "owners" era

Enter the "user" era?

In an article in the Economist, has described the future economic trend prevalent scenario: a woman carrying a $ 100/rented luxury home. Her son was playing his saxophone at $ 55/month rents, daughter pushing a bike for rent $ 18/day.

Also, this "economic and resource allocation changes" are changing China.

Paper focus on the spare room/car sharing, focusing on Chinese economic supply several issues of mutual concern:

Chinese room into the share market and what are the real power?

Owner expectations for pricing, much difference with the market standard market?

"Use preferred to buy" (Access over ownership), "rent for sale", will be the future trend in Chinese society?

Chinese rent unused items it and which preferences and concerns?

Like a treasure chest

1. privacy is Chinese for spare room/car sharing's biggest pain points;

2. on the supply side (who are willing to share), 70% people think that money is the primary driving force; willingness to rent is much higher than the rental;

3. the 80% supplier of spare room for the price of half of the expected market price to a flat level;

4. reciprocal privacy protection, sound credit evaluation system is convenient and safe charging system supply side platform on loan for three areas of concern;

5. future trend: more and more sales.

Secret data

A. on the supply side, money is the primary driving force; willingness to rent is much higher than

For people willing to lease unused car/House, the biggest concern is security and privacy risks (63% per cent). For those who don't would rent out unused car/House, the "don't like strangers using your own things" is a primary concern (42%), followed by privacy and security concerns (30%).

Whether or not they would rent out, refused to rent and would rent out considered "trouble, saving energy costs ratio of" flat, to 17%.

Would rent out their biggest motivation, up to 72% think that is money. Or, some people have concerns about the security, privacy and energy costs, but the concern is return can be overcome. Nearly two adults are in addition to social networking (new friends) as a primary motivation.

However, studies have shown, relationship between the concessionaires and owners are not familiar--after all, from the strange to the familiar process itself requires energy cost, and the energy cost of return small and unpredictable.

Either way, you're probably most of the time is for you and the tenant "tail" (especially short term rental), standing at a distance for both parties is the best choice. Therefore, in consideration of "social" as factors that benefit of unused items on loan will be smaller.

In addition, people's enthusiasm for renting vacant apartments/rooms is much higher than rent, 82.4% and 17.6%, respectively.

Harvard Business Review that "sharing economy" calls are not appropriate, calling it a "cooperative consumption" (CollaborativeConsumption) or "access economy"/"the right to use economic" (Access Economy) would be more appropriate. Because the general sense for private ownership of goods, "shared" acts on the premise that two people more familiar-a trust Foundation. Sharing economy is likely to share your most private home with a stranger in six degrees of networking are difficult to reach, it will impact on many traditional concepts.

So what are intend on loan may be affected by factors? Share experiences would you like to become a supplier? Not always. Our investigation found an interesting phenomenon: sharing economy perspective, people are renting spare rooms and idle cars tend to have significant differences.

On one hand, people who intend to rent free apartment/room is far higher than idle car rental, on the other hand, people with economic experience than inexperienced people prefer taxi, more reluctant to rent.

B. pricing expectation: market 50%-100%, is the largest interval

At market prices as reference, most people choose a flat priced at half the market price to the level. Hope the price higher than the market price of only about 8%.

This means idle car/house owner for the price is not very high. On one hand this proportion can be used as a platform to develop commissions reference, partly reflects the spare room/car-sharing than traditional hotels and car rental industry: obvious advantage: lower prices as a whole.

Rifkin (Jeremy Rifkin) points out that the share price advantage exists, essence or share content is close to zero marginal cost. Low operating costs for supply side with idle resources, profit and income nearly equal, for the purposes of supply side, "as long as the rent made."

For the demand side, idle resources "lack of standardization, personalized" feature may also be added. Airbnb above many of the featured listings (Castle, tree house, boat, etc) become a selling point in its eye, many travelers in search of a unique travel experience and is willing to pay a premium for it.

C. supply preference: short term rental supply 1/3, year-round 84%

From the length of the loan and the time, want to loan long-term loan people more, regardless of seasons on loan, 80%.

Long-term lease operating costs and energy costs are less than the short term loan, and although at times of peak demand for rent price may be higher, people still want to maximize time on loan to gain more profit as possible.

D. the tenant's request: aliens "not popular" credit assessment of the most important

When asked about the preference for leasing, supply side of credit evaluation is the most important factor (76%), more than 20% people want to concessionaires and their "more similar to the better", only 1% people want to rent and own "as different as possible."

This coincides with the results of a study by Stanford University: people are more willing to trust and more people alike – here on my own, "similar" may be reflected in the gender, age and so on, may also be personality, interests--this is an instinctive, natural social prejudices. But when the number of comments when you reach more than 10, the situation has been reversed: people no longer care about similarity and started relying on comments to make a choice.

In addition, more than half those people don't count on loan of nationality; more ready to receive the proportion of nationals (37%) is much more ready to receive higher proportion of foreigners (9.5%).

E. tendency of platforms: Platform for leasing information, convenient value privacy and pay

38% people for leasing property does not have a clear preference for the platform, will be released on multiple platforms, loan information-seeking maximum exposure so as to improve the probability of loan.

Vertical subdivision leased platform preference (35%) they have a spare room/resource location may be relatively clear, these people than preference on loan and complete integrated platform (27%) 8%.

Reciprocal privacy protection, sound credit evaluation system is convenient and safe charging system supply side platform on loan for three areas of concern.

Last talk

Trend: consumers to "eliminate" (From consumer to prosumer)

This is the age of the Internet (maybe a future Internet of things era) unstoppable trend: unused items paid share of low marginal costs allow consumers to "eliminate" (prosumer). The ownership of many of the items are no longer so important, is important to those who need it can take full advantage of it. Which in turn will have no small impact on many producers, an impetus for their transformation and innovation. This also means that people's private data to more exposure and tradeoff between better service. But most of the time, these problems and concerns is the opportunity where you are-in the area of information security issue may emerge a new business model and business opportunities.

Meanwhile, people's awareness is gradually changing, becoming more open to the world and become more focused on green and sustainable lifestyle. Win-win sharing. Maybe someday, the world will become a open community, the "global village" is no longer a utopia. This day is too far away, but with advances in technology and systems improvement, efficiency improvement is inevitable. Share will be more flourishing, also made a more positive externalities to the society.

Further reading/references

Joe Gebbia's TED speech How Airbnb designs for trust

Rivkin of the zero marginal cost society: networking, cooperation and win-win of a new economic era

Tencent Research Institute panorama China economic trend analysis report

Harvard Business Review The SharingEconomy isn't about sharing at all

Sharing isn't always caring: whyconsumers don't always take care of their zipcars

More details about the commercial and confidential data, please pay attention to penguins smart-cool ? just like micro-column, public: bizview

共享经济真相:多少中国人愿意共享车和房? - 共享经济 - IT资讯









“使用优先于购买”(Access over ownership)、“以租代售”,会是中国社会未来的大势所趋吗?





3. 80%闲置房的供给者对于价格的预期在市场价格的一半到持平的水平;











哈佛商业评论认为,“分享经济”的叫法并不贴切,称之为“合作消费”(CollaborativeConsumption)或者“入口经济”/“使用权经济”(Access Economy)或许更加合适。因为一般意义下对于私人所有权的物品,“分享”行为的前提是两个人比较熟识——有信任基础。而分享经济很可能把你最私密的家分享给一个六度人脉都难以够到的陌生人,确实会对不少传统观念造成冲击。






里夫金(Jeremy Rifkin)教授指出,分享经济之所以存在价格优势,本质在于分享内容的接近于零的边际成本。低廉的运营成本对于拥有闲置资源的供给侧而言,利润与收入几乎相等,对于供给侧而言,“只要租出去就赚了”。














趋势:从消费者到“产消者”(From consumer to prosumer)




Joe Gebbia的TED演讲How Airbnb designs for trust



Harvard Business Review The SharingEconomy isn’t about sharing at all

Sharing isn’t always caring: whyconsumers don’t always take care of their zipcars


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