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published in(发表于) 2016/5/13 7:18:39 Edit(编辑)
Computer by way of fair treatment in international competition, zheda anger out of the race,

Computer by way of fair treatment in international competition, zheda anger out of the race,(称计算机国际大赛上遭不公正待遇,浙大怒退赛,)



Computer by way of fair treatment in international competition, Nu DNF-Zhejiang University of Zhejiang University, the computer-IT news

Recently, the reporter learned from the school of computer science, Zhejiang University, as a result of unfair treatment, will no longer participate in ASC series game and refuses to get bonuses in the game.

What does ASC games? Why would lead to withdrawal of Zhejiang University?

April 18 to 22nd ASC Asian University supercomputer race 2016 finals held at the Hust in Wuhan, 16 teams from all teams in colleges and universities of the world.

The event with the United States SC, and Germany ISC students over a contest alongside the Super is one of three in the world, by wave Holdings Limited and the Organizing Committee of the International Supercomputer Conference (ISC), International Advisory Committee on high performance computing (HPC AC) organized to promote among Asian countries and regions over a youth exchange and training of personnel.

The competition is divided into two days.

First day, bright eyes of Zhejiang University, received three first and to 12.03 trillion floating-point operations per second rate set a new world record.

But in the evening, Zhejiang University team found themselves losing permission to run and could not be tested and run the planned project. A few days ago has been able to respond 24-hour technical support line is shut down. At noon the next day, hosting problems have recognized the existence test platform, and decided that the team extend the playing time of 4 hours.

Finally, until four o'clock in the afternoon to host just with a good right and Zhejiang University, a separate two-hour delay, asking them to submit results in two hours. This project provides run time of 28 hours, while the University run and debug the project basically spent more than 10 hours of time, 2 hours time does not work the entire project, so the project worth 25 points, ultimately did not score of Zhejiang University.

Eventually, the host e Prize and won the overall champion of the Huazhong University of science and computing challenge award, runner-up at Shanghai Jiaotong University, Zhejiang University, received the highest computing performance award.

After the match, Zhejiang University filed a written complaint to the Organizer in person on two occasions, but did not receive a formal reply. After returning to Hangzhou, the team also repeated complaints by mail, still no response.

Computer College of Zhejiang University, talk on the phone to the express request of the Organizer to check permissions to modify the related logs, however, organizers only provided Zhejiang University user action log does not provide permissions to modify the log, and is not willing to provide a written response. "This (user) logs of course there won't be any problems, teams do and unlikely to give themselves permission to authorize. "Zhejiang University official said.

Subsequently, Ms yan contacted the organizers, she said, this game does not have any unfair, the Organizer keeps his positive and effective communication with Zhejiang University.

According to press reports , after, Hust has refused entry for a competition fairness issue, but this year not only re-entry, but also was one of the event organizers. Another famous University, China University of science and technology also retired during the entry process.

称计算机国际大赛上遭不公正待遇,浙大怒退赛 - 浙大,计算机 - IT资讯




这项赛事是与美国SC、德国ISC大学生超算大赛并驾齐驱的全球三大超算赛事之一,由浪潮集团有限公司和国际超级计算机大会组委会(ISC)、国际高性能计算咨询委员会(HPC AC)共同举办,旨在推动亚洲国家及地区间超算青年人才交流和培养。





最终,东道主华中科技大学夺得此次比赛总冠军和e Prize计算挑战奖,上海交通大学获亚军,浙江大学获最高计算性能奖。





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