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published in(发表于) 2016/5/13 7:18:05 Edit(编辑)
2015, the manufacturing index released: gap with the USA, Japan and Germany,

2015, the manufacturing index released: gap with the USA, Japan and Germany,(2015中国制造指数发布:与美日德差距很大,)



2015, the manufacturing index released: gap with the USA, Japan and Germany-made in China-IT information

Quality and efficiency are still bottlenecks

This afternoon, China manufactured powerhouse, China Academy of engineering issued the 2015 development index report (hereinafter the report). The report showed that manufactured powerhouse China is steadily advancing the process, stepped into the development of the new normal, but restructuring has just begun, the task is still very arduous, quality and efficiency are still a bottleneck.

For systemic tracing manufactured powerhouse China construction process, strategic advisory centre in conjunction with the Chinese Academy of engineering machinery Research Institute and other organizations, based on "strong strategic research" significant consulting projects to build index system of manufactured powerhouse, China 2012-2014 power further evaluation and analysis to the process, formed the 2015 China manufactured powerhouse development index report.

"Indices of manufactured powerhouse" with 4 level indicators and 18 secondary indicators evaluated, 4 levels respectively for development effectiveness, structural optimization, quality and sustainable development, which included status quo of manufacturing, such as strength and competitiveness, as well as development potential and prospects.

The report points out that Chinese manufactured powerhouse continued to move into, but the pace has slowed. China manufactured powerhouse index composition, scale development accounted for the largest proportion of index, is still the main factors supporting the process of manufactured powerhouse; quality, optimized structure and sustainable development of the three indices than at 15%, compared with the United States, Germany, Japan manufactured powerhouse still has great room .

In particular, the 2012-2014, the exponential growth in the scale of China's manufacturing industry development index still holds the absolute leading position in, but its growth slowed. This economical new normal mode.

Quality and efficiency of China's manufacturing index has some growth in nearly two years, but compared with developed countries, there are still multiple-level gap. " The United States, Japan, Germany and other developed countries the proportion of quality and efficiency in the composite index of absolute advantage is that they can become the main symbol of manufactured powerhouse. China's manufacturing industry to become stronger you need to improve the quality and efficiency from the start, to solve quality problems faced by Chinese manufacturing. "The Chinese Academy of engineering Zhu gaofeng said.

Structure optimization of index is the only index to show a declining trend in the index, China manufactured powerhouse structure index remains urgent.

Sustainable development of China's manufacturing index in the past two years of good growth, but still significantly lower than levels in developed countries, while less than India, and Brazil. Zhu gaofeng, with respect, this requires us to be more effort in sustainable development.

The report suggested that China's large manufacturing sector to stronger, you will need to speed up the transformation of economic development pattern and promote upgrading of the industrial structure, aiming at innovation-driven, intelligent restructuring, strengthen the Basic, green development, advancing key aspects of service, promoting the leaping development of manufacturing industry, fighting for ten years to a new level.

President of the Chinese Academy of engineering Zhou JI said, plans to keep a rolling release for some time in the future the Chinese manufactured powerhouse index annual development report, and based on the new trend of development of manufacturing industry, constantly optimize the relevant indicators and evaluation, with a view to further enhancing the scientific nature and effectiveness of the assessment.

2015中国制造指数发布:与美日德差距很大 - 中国制造 - IT资讯












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