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published in(发表于) 2016/5/11 7:26:09 Edit(编辑)
Sogou map cart networking solutions, hands your eyes,

Sogou map cart networking solutions, hands your eyes,(搜狗地图推车联网解决方案,解放双手双眼,)



Sogou map cart networking solutions, hands free binocular-sogou map search dog-IT information

On May 11, 2016 has attracted industry interest Asian Consumer Electronics Show (CES Asia 2016) held at the Shanghai New International Expo Center. In the three-day exhibition will have more than 300 companies from 23 countries and regions visited the exhibition.

The show, sogou map released the first full speech "sogou smart navigation", which use speech technologies and semantic understanding of the dog's own, and reconstruct the data, then hands and eyes, full voice interaction driving scenes.

Voice + smart navigation is a new experience

At the Shanghai New International Expo Centre, thanks to the polyhedral structure booth design, sogou map to the audience showing its speech recognition, semantic understanding depth of technology and data representation of "dog smart navigation". Voice interaction as a Hand-free&Eye-free products, it is able to provide from search to user navigation of the entire intelligent, integrated voice services. Can run on the phone, can also be connected to the machine through the Internet Protocol, or run directly on the native operating system, complete the liberation of the driving navigation in dependence on the hand and eye, provide security for the road.

Meanwhile, sogou map apply own speech technologies and semantic understanding to "search dog smart navigation", speech technologies, optimized specifically for POI accuracy rate of up to 99%, 4,000 hours of in-car speech training, customized for the automotive environment, and have a suppression of wind noise reduction, echo cancellation, the retroflex sound filter, speech correction and so on. Semantic comprehension, to achieve full human-computer dialogue, supporting more than 100,000 nodes of semantic networks, heuristic model ensures that the dialogue session-convergence 80%.

Data reconstruction leads the industry upgrading

The CES Asia Exhibition, sogou map on existing intelligent data processing. By deep structure flattened tens of millions of POI had built a number of "small pyramid" of 30 million POI to depth structure. Meanwhile, associated community of third-party services, such as real-time information, turning from a simple destination navigation tool to the evolution of the referral service. Under data reconstruction aiming at user's true intentions model, full range covers travel needs, achieving a POI (Point of interests) to POP (Point of purpose) the perfect evolution.

Sogou map Kong Xianglai said, this time with sogou sogou map navigation the exhibition CES Asia again return to the industry and users show sogou map beginner's mind, we have been committed to the essential attributes map to new extremes, and the emergence of dog smart navigation, means that we are not simply stay on the phone side, but to cover all aspects of intelligent hardware. The future, sogou map in telematics and smart wearable device will be more layouts, the ultimate goal is to provide our users with a more convenient and secure way of wisdom new.

Now, as the industry trend of the intellectualization, automation, human-machine interaction technology applications begin to emerge. For focused Yu car networking human-computer interaction and integration third party content service platform of sogou map, also constantly change map of using way and data update mode, through technology means achieved POI to POP of evolution, constantly extends and arrived in user "real intent" of border, let map became car within service and outside real world of a connection entrance, and this not only change has traditional meaning Shang people on electronic map of cognitive, also let increasingly more of service for people building up new of travel environment.

搜狗地图推车联网解决方案,解放双手双眼 - 搜狗地图,搜狗 - IT资讯

5月11日,备受业界关注的2016年亚洲消费电子展(CES Asia 2016)在上海新国际博览中心正式举行。为期三天的展会中,将有来自23个国家和地区超过300家企业到访参展。






此次CES Asia展览中,搜狗地图对现有基础数据进行智能加工。通过深度结构化把原本扁平的数千万POI建成若干个“小金字塔”,3000万POI得以深度结构化。与此同时,关联衣食住行等第三方服务的实时信息,开启了从简单的目的地导航工具到推荐服务的演进。数据重构下,针对用户真实意图建模,全方位覆盖了用户出行需求,实现了POI(Point of interests)到POP(Point of purpose)的完美进化。

搜狗地图总经理孔祥来表示,此次搜狗地图带着搜狗智能导航参展CES Asia,再次向行业及用户展现出搜狗地图的回归初心,我们一直致力于把地图的本质属性发挥到极致,而搜狗智能导航的出现,意味着我们已经不仅仅是简单的停留在手机端,而是要覆盖到智能硬件的方方面面。未来,搜狗地图在车联网、智能穿戴设备上将会有更多的布局,最终目标就是为广大使用者提供一个更加便捷安全的智慧出行新方式。


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