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published in(发表于) 2016/5/11 7:25:38 Edit(编辑)
Obama’s signature set: bison United States animal

Obama’s signature set: bison United States animal(奥巴马签字确立:北美野牛为美国国兽,)



Obama signed the establishment: American bison United States State animal-Buffalo, United States-IT information

Local time on 9th, United States President Barack Obama signed a Bill, which formally established the North American bison United States State animal.

United States Congress in April passed the Bill. One of the drafters of the Bill, representative William Lacy Clay, Sr. evaluation of the bison, said: " no other native species can tell better than this noble animal United States story.

Bison from prehistory began lived in North America, is North America's largest land animal, Adult bulls up to 1.8 meters tall and weighing nearly a ton.

At first, tens of millions of bison multiplied on this land. They are closely related to North American Indian life, the parts of the body are used as food, clothing, tools, building materials; they are also Indian tribes as a totem.

After European settlers entered North America, bison were slaughtered, to near extinction in the late 19th century, only hundreds of heads, ultimately subject to strict protection, population has returned.

Now, the United States Department of the Interior of the approximately 10,000 bison living on State land, divided into 17 buffalo herds, distributed in 12 States. In addition, estimated that more than 160,000 private-raised bison.

Across Wyoming, Montana and Idaho, Yellowstone National Park is the only of the three States of a Buffalo from prehistoric times to the present. Now, less than 50 bison are protected here, now the population has multiplied to about 4900, is the largest number of purebred bison herd.

United States 4 years ago, the wildlife conservation society began to promote the bison as animals. This image of the animal previously had built, in the back of the 5 cent coin was 25 years; since 1912, United States Department of the Interior on the seal.

After becoming a beast, bison's status as United States national bird the bald eagle a par.

Bison life 10-20 years or even longer. Although they are huge, but can run faster than 50 miles per hour, and to turn, at the high jump, is a good swimmer. Bison are nearsighted, but abnormal smell and hearing sensitivity.

Although the bison, they are "immigrants". Their ancestors lived in southern Asia, hundreds of thousands of years ago, crossing the land bridge between Asia and North America into North America.

Original Buffalo body even more. Archaeological excavation of fossils shows that their horns between the tip of the distance up to about 2.7 meters.

奥巴马签字确立:北美野牛为美国国兽 - 北美野牛,美国 - IT资讯













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