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published in(发表于) 2016/5/11 7:24:55 Edit(编辑)
Female NET friend trick false Web site to buy a lottery ticket: the victim to cooperate with police troops ’,

Female NET friend trick false Web site to buy a lottery ticket: the victim to cooperate with police troops ’,(女网友诱骗假网站买彩票:事主配合警方连锅端,)



Female NET friend trick false Web site to buy a lottery ticket: victim to cooperate with police troops '-lottery scams-IT information

Jane and strange women chat, they express meaning in love with him. Since then, the female NET friend show Lottery shot and trap Jane buy lottery tickets on the site, Mr. After the police received a report, Jane about each other in Beijing, successfully captured each other, by digging out a fraud ring. Recently, Fangshan 8 suspects detained by the police.

It is reported that on March 7 this year, add QQ friend Jane was a stranger, the other side is a young woman. With chat, both familiar, they even make the meaning of male and female friends with Jane.

Since then, the woman sent to Jane via QQ a lottery information, screenshots, and say this is just a platform to buy lottery tickets, lottery. Screenshot shows that Lottery named "Chongqing color".

Woman offered to introduce Mr Jane bought the lottery ticket on the specified platform. Since March 7, Jane specified platform provided by women buying 51700 Lottery were nonwinners, Jane realized that he had been deceived.

Jane said, they told him that no matter how much money, as long as there is a prize, can all my money back, so he's been money.

Police found the woman after a successful frauds never disappeared, but continues to maintain contact with Jane. Then, investigators decided to get Jane to try about meeting women in Beijing, in the end, women accepted the invitation, and a fight.

After investigation, the woman surnamed Xiong, 25, xinyang, Henan people. Bear a Jane pleaded guilty of fraud, and an account of their group 6 men and 2 women, a total of 8 members.

Bear an account, the gang leaders Zhang and Hao Mou, consists of two captains, each Captain with a two-man crew. From March 2016, the way they add stranger QQ friends deceive each other buy platform tickets, and make a profit. Bears a simple screenshot shows information of the prizes is graphics software counterfeit, provided by Hao Mou, two people .

Police visited xinyang city, Henan province, and in cooperation with local police, Hao Mou in one community, Zhang and other suspects captured.

According to the suspects ' confessions, they passed on to QQ friends Lottery screenshots are fake, get the victim to buy Lottery platform is also false.

On April 30, 7 suspects were escorted back to Beijing. After preliminary work, the groups account for 6 of the crime of fraud, fraud amounts to more than 100,000 yuan. Yesterday, reporters learned that at present Fangshan Pluton in the 8 suspects had been detained by the police.

女网友诱骗假网站买彩票:事主配合警方连锅端 - 彩票,诈骗 - IT资讯












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