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published in(发表于) 2016/5/10 5:13:45 Edit(编辑)
Team of investigators to request rectification Baidu: change the PPC mechanism

Team of investigators to request rectification Baidu: change the PPC mechanism(调查组对百度提出整改要求:改变竞价排名机制)



Team of investigators to request rectification Baidu: change the PPC mechanism | information _ news Baidu to promote rectification | PPC |

Original title: Baidu PPC search fair

National network group announced a joint investigation into Baidu's investigation results

Beijing, May 9 Reuters new media (reporter Luo Yufan) national network letter May 2 in conjunction with the State administration for industry and commerce, the State Health Commission and the Beijing Municipal Government set up a joint investigation group into the company, concentrated around the Baidu search "Wei Zexi event" existing problems, search for defects in the PPC mechanism for investigation and evidence collection. Investigation team believes that Baidu search results for relevant keyword PPC Wei Zexi choices for medical care has had an impact on the objective, Baidu PPC mechanism paying bidding weight is too high, business promotion marks not cleaning problems such as affected the impartiality and objectivity of results, easy to mislead Internet users, must be immediately corrected.

Search engines are an important channel for Internet users access to information, has a strong lead. National network search service administration will in the near future in the country, speed up the introduction of the provisions on the administration of Internet information services, promoting the legalization, normalization of search service management; in conjunction with the relevant departments to crack down on Internet health care, pharmaceuticals, health care products is related to people's life and health and safety, such as false information, false advertising and other illegal activities. SAIC will speed up the introduction of the interim measures for the management of Internet advertising to further standardize the order of the Internet advertising market.

"Wei Zexi incident" involving findings of relevant medical institutions, published separately by the relevant authorities.

Investigation unit of the car

1 full and immediate rectification, medical and other commercial matter of people's lives and health and safety promotion services.

With immediate effect, to medical, pharmaceutical, health care products, and other related commercial promotional events, conduct a comprehensive clean up, line immediately to illegal information found, without the approval of the competent authorities qualified medical institution shall not carry out commercial promotion.

2 change the PPC mechanism, not only to give money as a ranking criteria.

Immediately adjust related technology systems, before May 31, 2016, with credibility as the main weight of the ranking algorithm is proposed and put in place; for commercial promotion information one by one add eye-catching logo, and risks prompting; strictly promotional information, each page must not exceed 30%.

3 establish perfect Internet rights protection mechanisms such as advance payments.

Free Internet supervision reporting channels, improve the efficiency of Internet users reported receiving, handling and on illegal information and against the interests of Internet users behavior, found immediately terminate service; establish and improve relevant mechanisms, Internet users had been affected by the loss of business caused by the misleading information shall be paid in advance.

Baidu said strong implementation of corrective action requests

Business information for all the search results for smart identification

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, May 9 (reporter Luo Yufan)-"Wei Zexi event" Internet users rise to widespread concern in the commercial promotion of medical services and medical information. On May 9, the national network Office in conjunction with the State administration for industry and commerce, the State Health Commission set up joint investigation teams to the public the findings, Baidu request make a critical examination of the business promotion service, express promotional content, ranking and risk adjustment mechanism and a number of the car.

Xiang Hailong, President of Baidu search, Baidu firmly committed to investigating the car, reflecting its own problems, never a little discount. "West students unfortunately died, caused tremendous repercussions in society, and Baidu has a great touch, prompting full review as a search engine company Baidu's responsibility. We looked at not only deal with huge amounts of information every day, and every click should be regarded as a trust and trust. Baidu will take this incident as an opportunity to comprehensively implement the car. "To the Dragon said.

According to Baidu introduced, during the investigation period, Baidu in the joint investigation team under the supervision of all medical (including medical institutions, medical equipment, medicines and other) agencies review the qualification, 2,518, 126 million extension of medical institution information for offline processing. Baidu will be May 31, above the car and subsequent supervision of the regulated sector and the majority of Internet users.

Baidu implementation measures

1 immediate and comprehensive review of the medical business promotion services without approval by the competent qualifications of medical organizations are not business promotion, and medical information to content violations (including pharmaceuticals, medical devices, etc) for offline processing in a timely manner. And to implement the relevant provisions of the army now Baidu to stop including people's Liberation Army and the armed police force hospitals to provide all people's Liberation Army and armed police forces on behalf of commercial promotion.

2 results for business promotion, change sorting mechanism dominated by price, instead dominated by reputation, price, supplemented by the sorting mechanism.

3 control over business results quantity, on the search results page in particular Home business promotion information is strictly limited, per page ratio does not exceed the number of commercial promotion information 30%.

4 to all striking identifies business promotion information in search results, and tips for effective risk.

5 strengthening ecological construction of medical content in search results, the establishment of medical content rating system, joint medical Planning Commission, the Chinese Academy of medical sciences and other institutions work together to upgrade the quality of medical information, giving Internet users access to accurate and authoritative medical information and services.

6 continue to enhance the Internet user rights security mechanism for construction of an additional 1 billion yuan Fund, to Internet users by the use of commercial promotion of encounters counterfeiting, fraud losses and approved after the first payment.

Responsible editor: Liu Debin SN222

Article keywords:
Baidu to promote competitive position rectification

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The Beijing morning post



  新华社北京5月9日新媒体专电(记者 罗宇凡)国家网信办5月2日会同国家工商总局、国家卫生计生委和北京市有关部门成立联合调查组进驻百度公司,集中围绕百度搜索在“魏则西事件”中存在的问题、搜索竞价排名机制存在的缺陷进行了调查取证。调查组认为,百度搜索相关关键词竞价排名结果客观上对魏则西选择就医产生了影响,百度竞价排名机制存在付费竞价权重过高、商业推广标示不清等问题,影响了搜索结果的公正性和客观性,容易误导网民,必须立即整改。




  1 立即全面清理整顿医疗类等事关人民群众生命健康安全的商业推广服务。


  2 改变竞价排名机制,不能仅以给钱多少作为排位标准。


  3 建立完善先行赔付等网民权益保障机制。




  新华社北京5月9日电(记者 罗宇凡)“魏则西事件”引发网民对医疗服务和医疗信息商业推广的广泛关注。5月9日,国家网信办会同国家工商总局、国家卫生计生委成立的联合调查组向社会公布了调查结果,提出要求百度做出严格审核商业推广服务、明示推广内容和风险、排名机制调整等多项整改要求。




  1 立即全面审查医疗类商业推广服务,对未获得主管部门批准资质的医疗机构坚决不予提供商业推广,同时对内容违规的医疗类推广信息(含药品、医疗器械等)及时进行下线处理。并落实军队有关规定,即日起百度停止包括各类解放军和武警部队医院在内的所有以解放军和武警部队名义进行的商业推广。

  2 对于商业推广结果,改变过去以价格为主的排序机制,改为以信誉度为主,价格为辅的排序机制。

  3 控制商业推广结果数量,对搜索结果页面特别是首页的商业推广信息数量进行严格限制,每页面商业推广信息条数所占比例不超过30%。

  4 对所有搜索结果中的商业推广信息进行醒目标示,进行有效的风险提示。

  5 加强搜索结果中的医疗内容生态建设,建立对医疗内容的评级制度,联合卫计委、中国医学科学院等机构共同提升医疗信息的质量,让网民获得准确权威的医疗信息和服务。

  6 继续提升网民权益保障机制的建设,增设10亿元保障基金,对网民因使用商业推广信息遭遇假冒、欺诈而受到的损失经核定后进行先行赔付。

责任编辑:刘德宾 SN222

百度推广 竞价排名 整改


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