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published in(发表于) 2016/5/10 5:13:40 Edit(编辑)
Taiwanese firms to national treatment, President of the ARATS: the objective is still in a State of war

Taiwanese firms to national treatment, President of the ARATS: the objective is still in a State of war(台商要国民待遇,海协会长:客观上尚处战争状态)



Taiwan to ARATS long national treatment: the objective is in a State of war | Taiwan _ news

Original title: Taiwan Chen Deming, national treatment: the Taiwan Strait is still in a State of war

In the course of peaceful development between the two sides, "there is a layer of paper did not crush". In recently with Taiwan entrepreneurs Forum, ARATS President Chen again "beat" the incoming Taiwan new administration, pointed out that objective is still in a State of war between the two sides, the treatment granted to Taiwanese nationals become the only obstacle. Taiwan's new Government will be how to say, what to do, "we'll see what happens."

Chen Taiwanese companies in Chengdu and discussion

  The two sides "do not like real brothers"

May 8 to 14th, President of the Association Chen rate "along the way" Taiwan tour in Western Sichuan, Chongqing, Guangxi to inspect. , Mr Chen on Taiwan concern "in the city to enjoy national treatment" response.

According to Taiwan media reports, seminar in Chengdu, Taiwanese Vice President Xie Qingyuan, with respect, the hope that Taiwanese companies will enjoy national treatment; he revealed that had stalled in the Dongguan international school in the past, is because the city did not open to Taiwan people running.

Chen pointed out in discussion summary, the past is the rule over the rule of law in China, the CPC has, gradually moving towards the rule of law, but in many areas of economic and commercial details, especially in cross-strait relations, particularly complex. Chen said, the Mainland understand Taiwan entrepreneurs do not want to apply mutatis mutandis to foreigners, hoping to enjoy a little bit of a discount, but objectively, not over stages of the civil war between the two sides, "you can't do that sitting down together as true brothers. ”

According to comment on reports that Chen Deming said in an interview with reporters also said that in order to make Taiwan a better development, city, providing a number of super national treatment. But due to the current development of cross-strait peace process "there is a layer of paper did not crush", has not yet signed a peace agreement, Taiwan companies do not enjoy some mainland State-owned enterprises, private enterprises to enjoy national treatment.

Chen also pointed out that irrespective of how to change the cross-strait situation, mainland China will continue to support the Taiwan enterprises in the continent's development, actively address the Taiwan enterprises in the transformation and upgrading, marketing problems in the process.

  Tsai policies "foolish"

During Chengdu, Chen also criticized Tsai tried to abandon the Mainland's economic policies of the Government.

According to the rating agency reported that Democratic Progressive Party put forward the "new South" policy (Observer Network Note: the Southeast Asia and South Asia), in order to get rid of economic dependence on the Mainland, Chen said, to get away from investment in a place and go to another place, is not a good choice, is a very stupid idea.

Chen pointed out that it would be very foolish. First, the entrepreneurs where investment should be decided by the entrepreneurs themselves, only their best understand the demands and changes of market segments, it's also their rights under the law. As part of the Government and the service sector, you should try to provide them with information and advice.

"To get away from investment in a place and go to another place, is not a good choice for economics. "Chen believes that a better option is to hold both positions, go to extensions. So some Taiwan enterprises seeking the South to develop at the same time, base of the city does not get lost. Rapid development of ASEAN, but ASEAN's infrastructure, logistics and market cannot be compared with the Mainland, "that simple statement of who will work".

When it comes to 520 after the cross-strait situation, Chen said, lies not in 520, Tsai said, but behind her is how to do it, this is more important. May 26, 2008 (Observer Network Note: Taiwan leader Ma Ying-jeou took office), the city received Taiwan SEF letter, hope is in the "92 consensus" talks and cooperation on the basis of; three days later, ARATS reply to agreed consultations based on the ' 92 consensus. (Tsai) after the new Government came to power, they would say, what to do, we'll see.

Chen rates Taiwan businessmen delegation visited Chengdu

  Contributions Taiwan businessmen to seize "opportunity"

The ARATS "along the way" the Taiwanese delegation 8th noon arrived in Chengdu in the West, then went to Chengdu Jinjiang hotel with Sichuan provincial government officials, heads of relevant departments as well as representatives of Taiwan-funded enterprises in Sichuan to symposiums, in-depth understanding of economic development in Sichuan and "along the way" construction, and Taiwanese business people how to catch "along the way" opportunity, realize the transformation and upgrading of probes.

Chen Deming said after listening to opinions from all sides, Sichuan province, the biggest advantage lies in logistics and marketing. "In 12 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions in Western China, future logistic Center may in Sichuan province. Of this logistics center not transporting it to the coast, to transport through the navigation channel out, but by rail directly from here. ”

For marketing purposes, Chen pointed out that economic output ranks first in the 12 Western provinces of Sichuan, density of population and consumption capacity is very good. "I found in Jiangsu, Nanjing's biggest department stores sales far from Chengdu. I did a survey, and is surprising since Sichuan woman a year spent on average more than 1000 Yuan on cosmetics, fashion winter dress. Sichuan Chengdu people's consumption concept forward, especially, until today, personal consumption in Sichuan have been leading. ”

Chen also mentioned that Sichuan has a big advantage in real estate development. National real estate boom in the first quarter, real estate in Chengdu is more stable. The current real estate situation in General, there are better investment opportunities for Taiwanese firms.

"Why do we ' along the way '? Actually is in order to develop the market. "Chen noted that over the years, Sichuan province will reach neighboring countries and regions, actively investing outside of the development zone and the project built. Unique advantages in overseas construction in Sichuan, Taiwan and Sichuan enterprises with overseas could be considered for joint.

Responsible editor: Zhao Jiaming SN146

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台商要国民待遇 海协会长:客观上尚处战争状态|台商_新闻资讯

  原标题:台商要国民待遇 陈德铭:海峡两岸尚处战争状态






















责任编辑:赵家明 SN146



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